Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1179 Sahara Desert

Chapter 1179 Sahara Desert

Tang Feng put the dumplings in the pot and received a call from Long Chen.

"Hello, Long Chen, what's up?"

"I'm at your door, ready to ask you to go to Yan Di's place for the New Year's Eve dinner, but there's no one at your house, where did you go?"

"Oh, Vera and I are at Tao Ting's place, we're having the New Year's Eve dinner together, the dumplings are just in the pot, are you and Yan Di coming?" Tang Feng said with a smile.

The two people at the dining table in the room looked towards the kitchen when they heard Tang Feng's words. Tang Feng didn't say anything, but used his mouth to tell the two that it was Long Chen's call.

"No, since you're at Tao Ting's place, we won't go, okay, that's it."

After hanging up the phone, Long Chen held the small lamp in his hand, thinking about what Professor Ouyang said.

"This is the most advanced information transmission equipment in the world. Where did you get it? Group 9 has just developed this thing."

Long Chen sighed helplessly. Seeing Tang Feng's attitude towards Vera, he obviously loved Vera sincerely, but now Vera

Alas, I really don't know what to say.

Long Chen shook his head and sighed, and went to Yan Di's dormitory. Yan Di had already prepared the New Year's Eve dinner for him.

Tang Feng brought the dumplings to the table, and then several people started to eat the New Year's Eve dinner. Tang Feng raised the cup of juice.

"Come on, it's almost the new year. I wish the two beauties more and more beautiful!"

"Okay, then I also wish Tang Feng's cultivation can get higher and higher!" Tao Ting also raised the cup, which also contained juice, and said with a smile, but there was indeed another wish in her heart.

"Well, then I hope I can be with Tang Feng forever!" Vera raised the cup, thought about it and said with a smile. When she said this, Tao Ting's eyes widened.

"Are you two together?"

"Yeah! We've been together since we came to the United States." Vera smiled and raised her cup, clinked it with the two of them, and then drank the juice in the cup with Tang Feng.

"Taoting, what's wrong with you? Why don't you drink?" Vera put down the cup and asked with wide eyes.

"Nothing, nothing!" Tao Ting smiled and drank the juice in the cup.

"Come on, try this, I like it the most, Tang Feng will make it for me when he has time, it's delicious!" Vera picked up a piece of mapo tofu and put it in Tao Ting's bowl. Tao Ting took it with a smile and put it in his mouth. Although the taste in his mouth was very good, his heart was extremely bitter.

The three of them finished their meal happily. Tao Ting and Vera sat on the sofa watching TV, while Tang Feng washed the dishes. After Tang Feng cleaned up, he sat on the sofa and watched TV together.

After watching for a while, Tang Feng stood up.

"Taoting, we're leaving first. We're leaving tomorrow. You should get ready today."

Taoting nodded, and Vera stood up and followed Tang Feng out of Taoting's dormitory. After the two left, Taoting sat on the sofa, hugged her legs, and was stunned for a long time before returning to the room.

Tang Feng took Vera back to his dormitory, turned off the lights, and the two lay directly on the bed.

Vera lay in Tang Feng's arms, and the two looked at the ceiling. Vera touched Tang Feng's chest and asked in a low voice: "Tang Feng, do you really love me now?"

"Of course, why do you ask this question?" Tang Feng grabbed Vera's hand and asked with a smile.

"Nothing, I just feel that we have only known each other for a short month, and you are so good to me. I feel a little unreal."

"Don't think about it, go to bed quickly, we're leaving tomorrow, and there may be a big battle in a few days, so replenish your energy quickly." Tang Feng patted Vera's hand, then closed his eyes directly, and snored in a short while.

Vera felt Tang Feng's heartbeat and made a decision in her heart, I will never let you get hurt.

Then Vera closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

However, two people suffered from insomnia. One was Tao Ting. When she heard that Vera was with Tang Feng, she became absent-minded. The other was Long Chen, because he knew the news about Vera, but he didn't know how to tell Tang Feng. Once he told her, Vera might not reveal her purpose, and then the brothers might turn against each other. It would be better to conceal it now and expose Vera when she was exposed. At that time, Tang Feng would see her face clearly, but he didn't know if Tang Feng would blame him for not telling.

Alas, it's really difficult!

Long Chen sighed and couldn't fall asleep.

The next morning, Tang Feng took Vera to the airport of Group 9. When they arrived at the airport, except Long Chen, the other three had arrived.

At this time, Long Chen was chatting with Mr. Hua. After Mr. Hua gave a few instructions, Long Chen went to the airport.

Kongcheng arrived at the airport. Several people had already boarded the plane. Yan Di was still waiting for Long Chen downstairs. When she saw Long Chen coming, she hugged Long Chen, and then Long Chen boarded the plane directly.

"Why are you here so late? We're all waiting for you!"

Long Chen glanced at Vera and didn't want to say anything, but Vera turned her head and looked at Long Chen. Long Chen was afraid that Vera would find out something, so he quickly said, "It should be that you came early. Don't say you didn't do anything last night!"

After saying that, Long Chen raised his eyebrows at Tang Feng in a serious manner. Tang Feng was full of black lines, while Vera blushed and didn't notice Long Chen's changes.

Long Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't find out. If he had found out, Long Chen really didn't know what to say.

Tao Ting was on the side, expressionless when he heard this, naturally he stayed aside with his eyes closed, Wuming sat on the side, drinking silently, Yanhan played with fire in his hand, but his eyes occasionally glanced at Vera.

After flying for more than five hours, the few people finally arrived at the Sahara Desert. After arriving, they were surrounded by superpowers from their elder brother's country, all setting up tents in the desert.

When the superpowers from various countries saw that they were superpowers from China, they all looked at Tang Feng and his team covetously, because Tang Feng became famous in the primitive jungle last time.

"Let's set up tents too, otherwise it will be difficult tonight." Tang Feng took out three tents and handed them to Long Chen and Yan Han.

"Tang Feng, I'll go find our Superman Alliance first, and then I'll come to find you later."

Tang Feng nodded, and Vera ran away directly.

When the people around saw Vera, they all found the leader of their superpower organization. Vera got off the Chinese plane and caused a sensation directly.

Long Chen walked to Tang Feng's side, looked at the people around him who were staring at him covetously, and whispered to Tang Feng, "These people won't attack us, right?"

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