Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1189: Exposing

Chapter 1,189 Revealed

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then Yan Han pulled Long Chen and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Long Chen turned around, then took out a broken small lamp from the seven-star gourd and threw it at Vera's feet.

"You say it yourself, or let me say it for you!"

When Vera saw the little lamp, she was stunned for a moment, then looked sad and started crying.

Long Chen snorted coldly, and then told about Vera.

"When Mr. Hua took us back to the ninth group base, he knew that Vera was not simple, and then asked me to follow her. Tang Feng didn't know, but I followed Vera. I knew everything. Vera was How could the daughter of the director of the Superman Alliance fall in love with Tang Feng the first time she met him! She must have had some intentions. As expected by Mr. Hua, she approached Tang Feng just to take advantage of him! "

"This little lamp is the most advanced information transmission equipment in the world. She entered the gravity training room and sent all the secrets of the gravity training room back to the American Super League. She is a traitor! It's a pity that Tang Feng believes in you so much and still does it for you Blocked this knife!"

As soon as Long Chen finished speaking, everyone looked at Vera, who was kneeling on the ground and crying.

Tao Ting and Vera have a very good relationship. In the primitive jungle, Vera did not kill her, but became a good friend and best friend with her. When he saw her again, she was already with the person she liked. However, because of the relationship between the two, Tao Ting was ready to let go of this relationship, but when she heard the news today, Tao Ting was stunned.

" what Long Chen...said...true?"

Vera looked at Tao Ting's eyes, her heart hurt, and then she lowered her head.

Seeing her like this, Tao Ting stood up and walked to Vera's side.


"This slap is for Tang Feng. He believes in you so much, but you take advantage of his feelings!"


"This slap is also for Tang Feng. He sacrificed his life for you. I feel worthless for him!"


"This slap is for myself. Thanks to me for trusting you so much and being a good sister to you, I really misjudged you!"

After these three slaps, blood was already flowing from the corners of Vera's mouth. Vera stopped crying. She stood up, walked to Tang Feng's side, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and then kissed Tang Feng's cheek. one time.

"I don't care what you think of me, but I am sincere to Tang Feng."

Vera hugged Tang Feng and placed him next to her subordinate, and then went directly to the candlestick. She jumped on the candlestick and picked up the box above. Vera opened it and took a look, then put it down directly. Got into his backpack.

There was a button under the box on the candlestick. Vera pressed it, and then the door of the tomb opened.

Vera jumped down, then took Tang Feng, and prepared to carry Tang Feng out of the tomb.

"Where are you taking Tang Feng!" Long Chen stood in front of Vera and stopped her.

"You are Tang Feng's good brother, and I don't want to do anything to you." Vera said expressionlessly.

Long Chen directly punched Vera, but he underestimated Vera's strength. Vera directly wrapped Long Chen's arm with her tail, and then swung Long Chen directly against the wall.

"Put Tang Feng down, otherwise you won't be able to leave!" Tao Ting immediately formed an ice wall and placed it at the tomb door.

Vera glanced at Tao Ting, and then she stabbed him with her tail, causing the ice wall to shatter into pieces and fall to the ground.

Vera immediately hugged Tang Feng and left the tomb. Three of his men followed her with the black man in their arms. Long Chen stood up and wanted to chase out, but was stopped by Wuming.

"Don't go, we are no match for her now, she has been hiding her strength."

When Wuming saw Tao Ting's look just now, he felt unsure. Although Tao Ting didn't use absolute zero to create an ice wall, her ice wall was not that easy to break. But Vera was so light. With a light poke, the ice wall shattered, which was enough to show how strong she was now.

Indeed, as a top figure in the Superman League, how could he be so weak? Besides, she is also the daughter of the director of the Superman League, so she would definitely not be so weak.

"Okay, let's recover here, and then continue to go deeper into the ruins." Tang Feng left, and Wuming became the acting captain. Everyone had no objections. First, Wuming was the strongest, secondly, Wuming had the most experience, and finally Suitable for being a captain.

Vera hugged Tang Feng and found an empty tomb chamber with two sarcophagi inside. Vera immediately took out the contents of the sarcophagus, then put Tang Feng in and the black man into the other sarcophagus.

"Let's go in first. You and Tang Feng are here. We will come back and take you away." Vera put down Tang Feng and the black man, and then said to the black man.

The black man nodded, and Vera closed the sarcophagus lid directly, and then used her tail to drill a small hole in the lid of the two people's coffins for ventilation.

"Let's go." Vera looked at the coffin where Tang Feng was lying, then gritted her teeth and left the tomb, then closed the door tightly.

The black man lay in the coffin and let out a sigh of relief. He was severely injured by Qiang Liang's punch. If it weren't for Long Chen, he would have died long ago.

Tang Feng was lying in the coffin, but his consciousness was in a daze. After an unknown amount of time, Tang Feng arrived at a vast expanse of white. There were three beads in the sky, one yellow, one golden, and one green. Tang Feng looked up and then kept shouting.

"Is there anyone?"

"Is there anyone?"

"What the hell are you yelling about? I'm almost deafened by you." At this time, the little tiger suddenly appeared beside Tang Feng.

"Where am I?" Tang Feng saw the little tiger and said hurriedly as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

"This is your spiritual sea." The little tiger flew to Tang Feng and said.

"My spiritual sea? Then how did you get in?" Tang Feng asked with a frown. Although his spiritual power was not very strong, he also knew that the spiritual sea was the most important place for a person. How could he let others come in like this?

"You are almost dead now, why can't I get in?" The little tiger said disdainfully.

"I'm a dead man? How is it possible..." Tang Feng was about to refute, but he remembered that he was shot in the chest by the dagger in the tomb and then poisoned, "Am I a dead man now?"

"Not yet, but soon." Little Tiger said calmly.

"Damn! I haven't lived enough! You hurry up and find a way! Hurry up and save me!" Tang Feng grabbed Little Tiger and shook him hard.

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