Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1210: Duel between Love Rivals

Tang Feng looked at Mark in surprise. Is this guy sick? Although he is a love rival, it is the first time that Tang Feng has encountered a duel.

"I want to duel with you. The loser will leave Vera and never see her again!"

"I seem to have heard this sentence somewhere, but now the grass on his grave is one meter high. Well, let's go. There should be a place for duels in the Superman League, right?" Tang Feng stroked his hair disdainfully.

"Okay, I'll take you there!" Mark said, and turned around and left the office.

"Tang Feng, be gentle. After all, we are friends." Vera knew Tang Feng's strength, and Mark was his love rival. He was afraid that Tang Feng would beat Mark to death. At that time, Cahill would not let Vera go to China to live with Tang Feng, and even whether he would recognize Tang Feng as his son-in-law would become a problem.

"That's your friend, but my love rival, but don't worry, I will definitely hold back." Tang Feng said and followed him out of the office and followed Mark downstairs.

Vera saw Tang Feng leave the room, and then sat back on the sofa.

"Aren't you worried that Tang Feng will lose?" Cahill was very confident in Mark. Mark was trained by him, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was Cahill's apprentice. Moreover, in the year that Vera disappeared, Mark had been immersed in training, and his strength had improved by leaps and bounds. Cahill saw it all, and he didn't think Tang Feng would win at all.

"Win or lose, he's my husband, it doesn't matter." Vera didn't dare to say that Tang Feng would definitely win, so she just vaguely muddled it over.

"Tell me how you got through this year." Little Shitou was still young, and she fell asleep in a short while. Vera put her on the sofa, and then began to tell Cahill about how they were trapped in the tomb of Chi You.

"After I went in, I didn't find the Tianhuang Stone, so I sat inside in despair, and then they all went out. Later, I don't know what happened, Tang Feng rushed in and said that the ruins collapsed. As a result, we were all trapped inside. We lived there for a whole year, and then I got pregnant with Xiao Shitou."

"Then how did you get out?" Cahill asked puzzled.

"I don't know either. When Xiao Shitou was born, it was like an earthquake outside. Finally, an exit appeared, and then we got out."

"It seems that my granddaughter is still a lucky star! Hahaha..." Cahill laughed, saw Xiao Shitou's hand waving when he was sleeping, and then quickly closed his mouth.

Vera couldn't help laughing when she saw Cahill like this.

"By the way, how is my"

"Alas, she has become a completely ordinary person. Now she grows flowers and plants at home every day. It's also good. You can go back to see her later. I'll go back to cook in the evening and we'll have a meal together." Cahill talked about his wife, sighed, and the whole person was depressed.

Vera nodded. When she left, her mother's supernatural powers had not completely disappeared, but now nearly a year has passed, and her mother has become an ordinary person.

On the other side, Tang Feng and Mark also arrived at the third underground floor. There was a huge deep pit inside. At this time, two people were fighting inside, one using ice and the other using fire. However, it was obvious that the person using ice had the upper hand. The entire deep pit was frozen by his ice, and then his feet were like skateboards, skating in the deep pit. The person using fire couldn't catch him at all.

"Get out!"

Mark jumped directly into the deep pit as soon as he arrived, punched the person skating in the deep pit, and directly knocked him out, then walked towards the person using fire, kicked him onto the person using ice, and then stepped hard with his feet, and the ice layer in the deep pit broke directly.

Mark was so domineering, but no one dared to say a word. The two people climbed up and ran out of the deep pit.

"Come on! Come down! Let's fight it out!"

Tang Feng heard Mark's shouting below and jumped in directly.

"Remember what you said. Whoever loses will never be able to get close to Vera again and can't disturb her." Tang Feng twisted his neck and made a "crackling" sound.


The people around him understood what was going on when they heard what the two said.

"The battle between rivals must be bloody."

"Who do you think will win?"

"Well, what's the use of winning? Miss Vera has given birth to a child with someone else."

"That's true!"

Mark was so angry when he heard what the people above said, and then he shouted directly at the top: "Get the hell out of here!"

The people above saw Mark like this and ran away in disgrace. Tang Feng couldn't help sighing when he saw Mark like this.

"Calm down, calm down!"

"Calm down!"

Mark yelled, and then the ground under Tang Feng's feet moved, like an earthquake, and then a large cover made of mud appeared, covering the entire deep pit.

"Look, I'm going to kill you in here!" Mark shouted crazily.

Tang Feng's feet were tied up by the stone, and his feet were buried directly inside. Then a soil spike appeared under Tang Feng's crotch and rushed straight up.

Tang Feng was already angry when Mark yelled. Now Mark was so cruel and was ready to make him childless. Tang Feng had no need to hold back. Tang Feng twisted his feet hard, and the stone broke directly. Tang Feng kicked the soil spike off with one foot, and then rushed towards Mark. His right arm became crystal clear and looked like white jade.

When Mark saw Tang Feng rushing over, the floor under his feet stood up with a "rumbling" and turned into an earth wall, and then rows of earth thorns appeared in front.

No matter how strong you are, you will die if you hit it! If you escape, there are traps prepared for you on both sides.

But what he didn't expect was that Tang Feng rushed over directly without any intention of slowing down.

It’s okay to be killed, so Vera doesn’t have to think about you anymore!

However, Tang Feng actually punched through the earth wall with one punch, and then hit Mark directly. Mark's chest had collapsed, and then he hit the wall of the pit directly.

Tang Feng smashed the earth thorns and the earth wall with one punch. He was not injured at all, but his clothes were scratched by the thorns on the earth wall. Then he beat Mark seriously and was about to die.

Tang Feng walked to Mark and squatted beside him.

"Say I can, don't scold my family, otherwise you will die ugly!"

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the stairs leading to the deep pit. He smashed the entire large earth cover with one punch, and then walked out. Mark was seriously injured, and then he was hit by these clods of earth. It was buried directly inside.

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