Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1222 Tragedy

\u003c\u003eUpdate the latest chapter of Country Friends Circle as soon as possible!

Tang Feng walked to the kitchen door and saw a dark shadow squatting on the ground, seemingly eating.

Tang Feng didn't speak, just patted the kitchen door. The thief heard the sound and turned his head. He seemed to be still eating something in his mouth. He was startled when he saw Tang Feng, and then rushed towards Tang Feng. As soon as Tang Feng dodged, the thief was about to run out from Tang Feng, but Tang Feng caught him.

"Don't run!"

But the thief seemed to have some skills, and kicked Tang Feng in the head. Tang Feng stretched out his hand and pushed him down. What Tang Feng didn't expect was that the thief used this power to There was a reverse flying kick, but Tang Feng immediately grabbed her ankle and threw her on the sofa aside.

Tang Feng took out his cell phone and turned on the flashlight to illuminate the thief. When the thief saw the light, he ran out, but Tang Feng could see clearly that the thief turned out to be Zhang Liying.

Although she was now wearing a baggy black dress that didn't belong to her and a hat, Tang Feng still recognized her at a glance.

"Zhang Liying!" Tang Feng shouted her name loudly. Zhang Liying was stunned for a moment when she heard her name, and then turned around.

Seeing Tang Feng, Zhang Liying burst into tears and threw herself into Tang Feng's arms. Tang Feng sighed and didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only pat her back.

Zhang Liying cried for a while, and then Tang Feng said: "This is not the place to talk. I will take you out of here first."

Zhang Liying wiped her tears, nodded, and then jumped out of the window with Tang Feng. Tang Feng took her around the guard and walked out of the villa area. Just as Tang Feng was about to stop a taxi, Zhang Liying stretched out her hand to stop it.

"Stop taking a taxi and take a walk."

Tang Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and the two of them started walking slowly on the road. Tang Feng took a look. Although Zhang Liying was wearing a coat, it was very thin and could not block the cold at this time. Tang Feng took off his coat directly and put it on her body.

Zhang Liying turned her head and looked at Tang Feng, and then she couldn't help but shed tears.

"Tang Feng, it's all my fault. It's me who caused the Zhang Group to become like this..."

Tang Feng sighed, then firmly hugged Zhang Liying's shoulders and patted her arm.

"It was all because of my arrogance that Aier Jewelry was annexed, and then the Zhang Group was implicated. Now that my father is in jail, Dong Hao has sent people everywhere to arrest me. I really don't know what to do. , Tang Feng, please help me, please help me." Zhang Lixin looked at Tang Feng, took Tang Feng's arm, and said with a smile.

Tang Feng nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you, help you rescue your father, help you get Aier's jewelry back, and get Zhang's Group Company back."

Zhang Liying laughed happily when she heard Tang Feng's promise, and then fell directly into Tang Feng's arms. Tang Feng was shocked. Tang Feng checked his pulse and found that he was just overworked and fainted. Tang Feng He immediately picked up Zhang Liying and ran to the hotel where he and Vera lived.

A few minutes later, Tang Feng took Zhang Liying back to the hotel. Vera also woke up and was shocked when she saw Tang Feng carrying someone back. Then she asked, "Who is this?"

"Something happened to my old classmate, Zhang Liying, so I brought her here."

Because Vera and Tang Feng had to take care of Xiao Shitou, they asked for a double room with two beds. Tang Feng directly placed Zhang Liying on his bed.

"Let her sleep here all night today." Tang Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, then pulled up a chair and sat down.

"What's going on? Why is she so dirty?"

"Oh, it's hard to explain. Let's wait until she wakes up tomorrow." Tang Feng sighed, then directly took two chairs and put them together and lay on them.

"Tang Feng, can you do that? Otherwise, come up and sleep with me. It'll be fine if you squeeze in." Vera said with some worry.

"It's okay. You should go to bed early. It's already past two o'clock." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Vera nodded, turned off the light, then got on the bed, hugged the little stone and fell asleep.

Because of Zhang Liying, neither Tang Feng nor Vera returned to Kaoshan Village. It wasn't until after nine o'clock that Zhang Liying woke up, and then saw a foreign blonde beauty teasing a cute child on another bed. , the child smiled happily. Tang Feng was standing on the balcony, talking on the phone, pacing back and forth.

Vera saw Zhang Liying waking up and said with a smile: "You are awake. There is breakfast bought by Tang Feng. If you are hungry, just eat some."

Zhang Liying smiled and nodded, looking at the buns on the table, she couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, then picked up the buns and ate them hungrily.

She was really hungry. She hadn't eaten enough for many days. She was so hungry yesterday that she entered her home with the only window key and found the few remaining pieces. Biscuits were discovered by Tang Feng.

"Don't be anxious, eat slowly, there's still not enough." Vera handed over a glass of water, Zhang Liying nodded, and then started to cry as she ate.

Seeing her like this, Vera hurriedly came over, then sat next to her, patted her back, comforted her and said: "It's okay, just cry out, it will be fine as long as you cry out."

After hearing this, Zhang Liying put down the bun in her hand and burst into tears. Tang Feng on the balcony looked at her and turned his head away. Vera hugged Zhang Liying and patted her back.

"It's okay, Tang Feng will definitely help you."

Since Zhang Xiong was imprisoned, Dong Hao has been sending people to arrest her. She hides in the alleys of the city every day, and she has no money. Dong Hao's people look for her, but she dares not go out to find a job. She can survive for so long, relying on her former secretary Xiao Li to help her. However, Zhang Liying is arrogant and how can she always accept Xiao Li's charity? She originally wanted to call Tang Feng, but her mobile phone had been broken for a long time. Then Zhang Liying slept outside every day, and she was awakened by hunger every time she woke up. It was not until yesterday that she was really hungry that she returned to her home and found the biscuits that she had never even looked at before, and ate them in big mouthfuls.

No one could understand the sadness that Zhang Liying had felt during these days. Crying out loud now was the best way to vent her feelings. When Vera saw her expression, she roughly knew what she had been through, so Vera did not stop her and let her cry freely.

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