Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1,233: Torture

\u003c\u003eUpdate the latest chapter of Country Friends Circle as soon as possible!

Wu Yue opened the door with his clothes on. After seeing Tang Feng, he asked curiously: "Second brother, is something wrong?"

"I need your help now." Tang Feng took out his mobile phone, found a photo of Long Chen, and gave Wu Yue a look.

"What do you mean? Come in and talk." Wu Yue opened the door and Tang Feng walked in directly and sat on the sofa.

"This is a good brother of mine. He also helped me investigate this matter. He went to follow Dong Hao, whom we wanted to investigate, but he is now missing." Tang Feng said with a serious face, otherwise he wouldn't be so worried , with Long Chen’s skills, unless someone from the Heaven Realm can keep him, Long Chen can escape.

"Second brother, don't worry, have you called?"

"I called, but no one answered. He has never been like this, so I suspect something happened to him." Tang Feng said worriedly.

"Second brother, don't worry. Nothing serious will happen to him now. If something happens, they will definitely catch him and threaten us. Now that he didn't answer the phone, it means that he was definitely not caught by them. He was not caught. It must be safe," Wu Yue said comfortingly.

When Wu Yue said this, Tang Feng also calmed down. He was confused because he was concerned, but he didn't expect this.

"What we have to do now is to think about where he should be." After Wu Yue finished speaking, he looked at Tang Feng. Tang Feng closed his eyes and thought for a moment. Long Chen's last call was to say that he was going to follow Dong Hao. Now The accident must have something to do with Dong Hao, so now we need to know where Dong Hao went today, so that we can follow the clues and find Long Chen.

"There is a way. You call the front desk clerk and ask her if Dong Hao went to the hotel today. org Yawen Bar"

After hearing this, Wu Yue nodded, then took out his cell phone and dialed Li Lian's number.

Li Lian had just arrived home and was sitting on the sofa thinking about Wu Yue. Then her cell phone rang. Li Lian picked it up and took a look. She was startled when she found that it was Wu Yue's phone number. Then she coughed twice hurriedly. Get on the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Wu."

"Alian? I want to ask you something." Because the matter was urgent, Wu Yue had no time to argue with Li Lian, so he asked directly.


"Has Dong Hao been to your hotel today?"

"I really don't know about this. I'm off work this afternoon. Let me ask you."

"Okay, thank you."

After Wu Yue finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Tang Feng asked nervously: "How is it? Is there any news?"

Wu Yue shook his head, "No, she doesn't know either, so I asked her to ask to see if there is any news."

Tang Feng lowered his head and stood up after a while, "We can't wait any longer. You wait here for news. If Dong Hao has been to the hotel, you can go look for it near the hotel. I will go to Dong Hao's home now to see See if there is any news."

Wu Yue nodded, and Tang Feng opened the door and ran out. After a while, Wu Yue received a call from Li Lian.

"Mr. Wu, I asked my colleagues and they said that your friend went to the hotel around three o'clock this afternoon."

"Okay, thank you. I'll ask you out to play another day!" After Wu Yue finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Li Lian to speak, then picked up his clothes and ran out of the room.

After Tang Feng came out, he got in the car and drove towards Dong Hao's home. When Shi Shitou was asked to investigate a few days ago, Shitou found it together, so Tang Feng also knew where Dong Hao's home was.

Tang Feng arrived at an ordinary community, found an exhaust pipe, and climbed up along the exhaust pipe.

Dong Hao did not live in those big villas, but directly bought the top two floors of an ordinary residential building and transformed it into a two-story building, so Tang Feng was ready to climb directly into his home.

Tang Feng climbed outside the window and heard a burst of gasping sounds from men and women coming from inside the house.

Tang Feng was a little impatient because of Long Chen's matter. As soon as he heard this voice, he kicked open the glass and jumped in. On a big bed in the room, Dong Hao and a woman were lying naked on the bed. Seeing Tang Feng jump in, Dong Hao was frightened and sat on the bed. The woman screamed when she saw Tang Feng jump in.

"Shut the hell up!" Tang Feng became even more irritated when he heard the woman's cry, and then he yelled out. As soon as Tang Feng yelled out, the woman shut up on the spot. "Put on your clothes and get out of here!"

When the woman heard this, she felt as if she had received an amnesty. She quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and ran to the side.

"You... why are you... back again! Didn't I give you money?" Dong Hao saw Tang Feng's dress and recognized who he was. It was him at the beginning. He blackmailed him 10 million, even though he There was not a penny less money, but it still frightened him.

When Tang Feng heard what he said, he grabbed Dong Hao's hair and hit him against the wall, pretending that Dong Hao's head was bleeding.


Dong Hao was lying on the ground with his head covered in blood, but Tang Feng didn't stop. He went straight up and started punching and kicking him. The beating made Dong Hao groan on the ground. The woman on the other side was also frightened and squatted in the corner shivering. He didn't even dare to vent his anger.

Tang Feng beat for a while, then stopped and sat on the bed.

"What did you say when I asked you, okay?"

Dong Hao grunted twice, and Tang Feng kicked him in the face.

"Stop fucking humming! I'm talking to you!"

"OK! OK!" Dong Hao spoke quickly. If he didn't speak again, he would be beaten to death.

"Did someone follow you today?"

"I don't know..."

"You don't know! I'll make you don't know!" Hearing this, Tang Feng stood up and punched and kicked again.

"I know! He was caught by Mr. Miyamoto today and ran away after being injured." Dong Hao shouted loudly. After hearing this, Tang Feng stopped. Long Chen ran away, so there was no big problem. Although he was injured, he knew medical skills and there would be no problem.

Tang Feng looked at Dong Hao, who was covered in blood. Why did he work so hard? He pretended to be a robber, followed, and was a spy. Wouldn't it be better to just catch him and ask him? Besides, he was a member of Group 9. Now he cooperated with the Japanese, which was equivalent to treason. Killing him would be fine. Maybe he could even get a military medal.

Tang Feng took out a mobile phone and started recording a video after clicking it. He felt a little inconvenient to hold it, so he called the woman squatting on the ground over there.

"Come here!"

The woman was stunned, then quickly said: "I don't know anything, don't hit me!"

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