Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 134 Planting Spiritual Peaches

That night, Tang Feng couldn't sleep, because he was excited, and Chen Yan also couldn't sleep in the shabby house in Shangwang Village.

In the dark, she lay quietly on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. In her mind, Chen Jialiang's words before leaving appeared again, and she fell into deep thought.

Is her choice right or wrong? Is this kind of life and this kind of man really what she likes?

Whose girl doesn't have spring in her heart? At this most beautiful age, she has also woven the most beautiful dream. In this dream, in that big city, she met the prince-like man and entered the palace of marriage among the petals.

The moment she agreed to be Tang Feng's girlfriend, this dream seemed to have been shattered. The prosperous big city had gone away, and the prince-like man did not appear. There was only the locked door in the countryside and the little rural man who had not even gone to college.

Confused, endless confusion, made her unable to sleep more and more, but time would not understand her, and it still rushed towards the unknown tomorrow with its own trajectory.

Early in the morning of the next day, Tang Feng got up early, holding the jade talisman he had prepared last night, and rushed to the valley excitedly.

He walked through the forest path, jumped over the stream flowing out of the valley, and finally entered the valley.

The valley surrounded by mountains on all sides has only one entrance. Standing at the entrance and looking around, all you can see is weeds except for a few wild fruit trees.

The soil here is good, and there is a spring. Unfortunately, because there is no way to go, this place has been abandoned and has become a paradise for weeds and insects.

Near the spring, Tang Feng first cleared a piece of open space with a weeder, and then dug in the open space with the pliers he carried with him.

After opening the three gates of the earth realm, his physical strength was several times that of an ordinary person. It didn't take long for him to dig a pit more than one meter deep in the soft land.

After the pit was dug, he carefully took out the formation diagram of the spirit gathering array and placed it flat at the bottom of the pit.

According to the operation rules of the spirit gathering array told to him by Tianjiang Jia, he inserted the jade talisman cut last night into the six grooves of the spirit gathering array in sequence.

As the last piece of jade talisman was inserted into the dark groove in the south, the originally dim formation diagram suddenly burst into a ball of blue light.

This light rushed up from the pit, and then exploded with a bang, turning into one air ripple after another, radiating in all directions.

At this moment, between this piece of heaven and earth, the spiritual energy wandering in the air gathered towards this valley.

Since the Earth Star was abandoned, the spiritual energy on this planet has finally become active again after being dormant for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, this spiritual energy is too thin, even less than one percent of the Earth Immortal Realm.

If it weren't for Tang Feng getting this gathering array from the Immortal Realm through WeChat, he would not be able to gather this thin spiritual energy by himself, let alone use it.

The spiritual energy within a radius of hundreds of miles slowly gathered towards the valley. As time passed, Tang Feng, who was in the valley, noticed the changes around him.

The air here suddenly became refreshing, and the heat of the weather could not be felt. The withered weeds around him actually revived again.

After feeling these changes, he hurriedly took out a basin of soil from the Immortal Realm and planted the spiritual peach pit.

After the peach pit was buried by the fairyland soil, he spent the last ten points of public virtue and downloaded another tenth of the fairyland river water from the jar. This part of the river water was not much, but it was enough to irrigate the spiritual peach.

As the fairyland river water fell into the fairyland soil, a green bud slowly poked out from the fairyland soil, and in a short time, it grew to several centimeters high.

Seeing that the buds of the spiritual peach had grown to several centimeters high, Tang Feng finally felt relieved. In the next period of time, he had to keep an eye on this place and never let any wild beasts trample on the spiritual peach seedlings.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to make a temporary gate that could be opened and closed at the entrance of the valley. Of course, this work needed to be done by himself.

It took him almost a whole day to make a gate that looked a bit ugly with stone and steel. Although the door was a bit ugly, as long as it was locked, no one could enter the valley.

With this gate, he could return to the shack without any worries. In just one day, the spiritual peach seedlings watered by the fairyland river had grown to more than ten centimeters. This growth rate was incredible.

After finishing the spiritual peach business, he was free again and ran to the vegetable field. After a few days of reclamation, the planned twenty acres of vegetable field had been reclaimed with the cooperation of agricultural machinery and manpower.

Qiao Jiaojiao was very capable. Under her management, more than a dozen women from the village worked in an orderly manner in the field. Not only did they do a good job, but they were also very efficient.

All the vegetables in the more than one acre of vegetable field that was reclaimed had been set up, and the newly reclaimed twenty acres of vegetable field had not only been leveled, but also the ground was well gathered.

Looking at Qiao Jiaojiao busy in the field, he couldn't help but think of the madness of those two nights. Maybe Qiao Jiaojiao was not the first woman he had slept with, but she was definitely the one he could never forget.

He couldn't tell if he was in love with Qiao Jiaojiao now, but every time he saw Qiao Jiaojiao and her exquisite figure, he would feel very at ease and have an indescribable peace.

As if she felt something, Qiao Jiaojiao stopped her work and turned to look over. Their eyes met across the ground.

It was just a brief touch, and Qiao Jiaojiao hurriedly moved her eyes away. In fact, Qiao Jiaojiao's heart was the most complicated, or more precisely, somewhat contradictory.

On the surface, she seemed to have completely forgotten what happened in those ten days, but in fact, she couldn't forget it at all. Not only could she not forget it, but every time she lay in bed, the scenes of her skin-to-skin contact with Tang Feng would always appear in front of her eyes, making it difficult for her to fall asleep.

She was trying her best to remind herself that she was married and a married woman, but every time she saw Tang Feng, she could never calm down and always felt flustered. It was precisely because of this that she would try not to be alone with Tang Feng as much as possible.

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