Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1245: Being Deceived

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The two strong men carried Tang Feng and Wu Yue, walked to the side, threw them on the ground, and then turned around and returned to Tianxiang Pavilion. .org Yawen Bar

These two strong men were just found by Manager Li. They didn't know Tang Feng at all, so they dared to do this. If they had used the previous waiters from Tianxiang Pavilion, they would not have dared to do this. Tang Feng was a big benefactor. What if they beat him and got themselves shot! The waiters at Tianxiang Pavilion earn a minimum monthly salary of 20,000 yuan. Such a good job cannot be found anywhere else.

Wu Yue stood up, patted the dust on his body, and then said with a grimace: "Well, I went to Tianxiang Pavilion and didn't eat anything. Instead, I drank so much wine and got beaten up. Why? It's me, why can Long Chen be responsible for informing us over there?" Wu Yue has been thinking about it since he ate the food at Tianxiang Pavilion last time. After Tang Feng told him the plan, he was also very happy. After all, it was If you come to Tianxiang Pavilion, you will definitely get good food. The most you will get is a beating. Besides, he is also a body refiner, so punching and kicking are not a big deal at all. But when he got here, he realized that there was only wine and no food. !

"Oh, just bear with it! Isn't it just the food in Tianxiang Pavilion! I'll cook it for you every day when I get back!" Tang Feng also stood up, patted the dust on his body, and then pulled Wu Yue away and went to Tianxiang In a coffee shop near the pavilion, Long Chen was waiting for two people inside.

"How's it going? Have they ordered?" Tang Feng asked Long Chen.

“Come and see for yourself!”

There was a computer in front of Long Chen, and it was the private room where Futian and the four of them ate. There are also two headsets on the table. After Tang Feng and Wu Yue wear them, they can hear their voices and chat with Manager Li.

"Mr. Futian, this is our menu, what would you like to order?" Manager Li put on the headset and said to Futian with a smile. Yawen

Futian took the menu and looked at the colorful pictures on the menu. Just looking at the style made his mouth water.

"Bring me this side!" Futian swallowed, then pointed at the entire page on the menu and said proudly.

"Okay, it'll be up right away." Manager Li smiled and walked down with the menu.

"Mr. Futian, you are so awesome!" The lady next to Futian hugged Futian's arm and looked admiring.

Futian smiled evilly and put his hand on her waist, and then said, "We'll talk about this later on the bed!"

When Wu Yue saw that Futian ordered a whole page of dishes and couldn't finish them, he immediately cursed: "Damn it! It's such a fucking waste to give all such good things to this Japanese!"

"Okay! Calm down, why don't you let me do it for you when the time comes!" Tang Feng sighed. Wu Yue snorted and then shut up.

Next, Futian and another Japanese flirted with two young ladies in a private room. Tang Feng and the other three watched with great interest. After a while, there was a knock on the door, and then Manager Li walked in and saw that his clothes were disheveled. The two women smiled, then waved their hands, and the waiter behind them walked in with a plate.

Futian smelled the fragrance and immediately let go of the woman beside him, staring at the food on the table.

"Mr. Futian, this..." Just as Manager Li was about to speak, Futian waved his hand impatiently, and then said, "You can leave!"

Manager Li smiled awkwardly, then turned and left the private room.

"Mr. Futian, let me feed you!" The lady next to Futian couldn't help smelling the fragrance, but she still had to serve the Japanese next to her first. After all, he was the financial owner.

"No, I'll do it myself!" Futian picked up the chopsticks himself, then took a bite of food and put it in his mouth.

After Futian ate it, he closed his eyes immediately. The three people around him looked at him curiously.

"Okay!" Futian opened his eyes after a while and said one word with a smile. "You guys should try it, it's really the best thing I've ever tasted!"

After Futian finished speaking, he immediately started eating. Seeing him like this, the other three people also picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

Seeing the four people eating so happily, Wu Yue snorted, then walked directly to the side and called the waiter.

“Get me a latte!”

"Okay sir, right away." The waiter left with a smile. Long Chen and Tang Feng couldn't help laughing when they saw him like this.

"Don't be envious, this is their last meal!" Tang Feng said with a smile.

"I'm not envious!" Wu Yue said angrily.

The four people in Futian ate happily. After ten minutes of eating, they ate all ten plates of food, leaving nothing behind.

"It's so delicious! It's simply the best meal I've ever had!" After finishing the meal, Futian leaned back on his chair and said with a smile.

Another Japanese person said: "I didn't expect Chinese food to be so delicious. We don't even have it in Japan!"

Futian nodded, and then called Manager Li in. Manager Li walked in with a smile, and then said, "How is it? Is the food still to your liking?"

"Yes, I would like to ask if you can buy takeout here?" Futian said with a smile.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we don't provide takeout here, because takeout will affect the taste of the food, thus reducing the reputation of our Tianxiang Pavilion." Manager Li said with a smile. Manager Li did not lie. Although the vegetables grown by Tang Feng were delicious, there would be no difference even if they were delivered, but Liu Shang still did not allow takeout.

Liu Shang said: "If you want to eat! You have to come in person!"

Futian sighed when he heard what Manager Li said, and then said: "It seems that Mr. Miyamoto is not lucky enough to enjoy it!"

"Sir, are you Japanese?" Manager Li asked with a smile at this time. Futian nodded after hearing it, "Yes, I am Japanese."

"That's no problem. Our boss has always been very friendly to foreign friends. However, we can't take out, but I can let the chef cook for you in person."

Futian was stunned after hearing it, and then laughed, "Great, I didn't expect your boss to be so nice! He can also provide door-to-door service! Okay, call your chef and follow me!"

At this time, the woman next to Futian whispered: "Mr. Futian, what should we do? Should we go home?"

After hearing this, Futian frowned. He wanted to send food to Miyamoto Huang to please him, and he also wanted to have fun with the beauty next to him. If he took her back, it wouldn't work. Miyamoto Huang would definitely be unhappy when he saw these two women. He really didn't know what to do.

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