Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 136 Fairy Cloud Bracelet

"What are you busy with? Are you practicing in seclusion?" When Tang Deng logged into WeChat, he saw a message from Yang Chan that he didn't know when he had sent it.

Since the previous chat, Yang Chan has never contacted him again. He originally thought that this woman had forgotten him, but he didn't expect that he would receive a message from this woman again today.

"I'll give you a gift." He first sent a message, then got up and went into the house, and found a whole set of small ornaments he bought from the jewelry store from the box inside.

After taking a photo with his mobile phone, he sent the photo to Yang Chan. As the photo transmission was completed, all these exquisite small ornaments in his hand disappeared.

At this time, in the blue water and blue sky of the fairyland, in the palace suspended in the blue water, Yang Chan, with her long hair loose, lay lazily on a cloud bed formed by white clouds.

The black long hair fell down, and the water drops flowed down. The light gauze wrapped around her showed the perfect body lines and the perfect whiteness.

In her consciousness, the voice that she hadn't heard for several days appeared. She was still hesitating whether to reply to the other party, but at this time, several unique small ornaments appeared in front of her.

She instinctively waved her hand, and these small ornaments flew over lightly, wrapped by an invisible force, and suspended in the air.

Very delicate small ornaments, there are hairpins, hairbands, and earrings. Although there is no sense of the existence of immortal power on them, the style is very beautiful, which makes her like it very much.

Looking at these small ornaments, a faint smile appeared on her face. She couldn't help but reach out and take one of the hairpins, move her hair, and pin it on her head.

The air squirmed, and a mirror appeared out of thin air. She sat up and looked at herself in the mirror. The person was still the same person, but she was a little more playful and looked very cute.

"I like your gift very much, thank you."

"Yang Chan, what have you been busy with these two days? Why don't you chat with me?" Tang Feng lay back on the rocking chair and typed text on his mobile phone.

Hearing this somewhat intimate address, Yang Chan's heart couldn't help but beat a few times. She had lived in the fairy world for so many years, and except for her brother, no one else called her name directly like this.

The fairy world has its own rules and regulations. The interactions between fairies must follow this rule. When addressing each other, unless they are relatives or superiors and subordinates, they all call each other "Daoyou" and never call each other by their names.

If someone else called her name directly like this, she would definitely be angry, but when she heard the man opposite her calling her name, she found that she was not angry at all, but a little happy.

"Daoyou, calling a woman by her name directly like this, don't you feel abrupt?"

What's abrupt, didn't your parents give you a name for others to call you, Fairy Yang Chan, this name is so stiff, Tang Feng curled his lips and muttered.

"I don't think so. Look at the ordinary people in the mortal world. No matter men or women, they call each other by their first names. Calling each other "fellow Taoist" or "fairy" is too stiff."

This man is interesting. The immortals in the fairy world get along with each other and stick to the rules, fearing that they will offend each other accidentally. But he doesn't seem to care about these things at all. The cloud bed squirms, and Yang Chan's graceful figure floats up.

"You know my name, but I don't know your real name. This seems a bit unfair."

"You can call me Tang Yun." Tang Feng smiled and said.

Tang Feng enjoys chatting with Yang Chan. Maybe it's because the other party is a beautiful fairy goddess. This difference in status makes him feel a strange feeling when chatting.

This is a poor loser who suddenly added a rich and beautiful woman on WeChat. When two people chat on an equal footing, the poor loser always has a strange sense of accomplishment.

The chat between this person and the fairy had no substantial content or core content. They just chatted about whatever they thought of. Although Tang Feng was not an expert in chatting, he was a modern man after all and was used to this way of chatting. After each topic was finished, he could always find a new topic to continue the chat.

When men and women chatted with the same topic, time always passed quickly. When Tang Feng exited WeChat, it was more than two hours later.

He opened the treasure bag and his eyes fell on the third grid in the third row. Inside, a snow-white convergence was rotating autonomously.

Fairy Cloud Bracelet: It was woven by the goddess Yang Chan from the clouds of the nine heavens. It has strange effects. Because this bracelet was specially woven by the goddess Yang Chan for the host, it has exclusive properties. The host only needs a little public morality to download it.

Looking at this beautiful bracelet, Tang Feng touched his head. The little woman was really thoughtful. He gave her a set of small accessories, and she in turn woven a bracelet for him, and it was woven from the clouds of the nine heavens.

I just don’t know what the magical effect of this bracelet is.

Because it only required a little public morality, he did not hesitate and downloaded the bracelet directly. After it flew out of the phone, it landed directly on his left wrist.

Then a strange scene appeared. His consciousness was suddenly pulled into a dark space. The space was not large, only dozens of cubic meters, and it was empty.

The four words "Xumeru mustard seed" appeared in his mind, and he finally understood the special effect of this fairy cloud bracelet, which is that it has an independent small space.

But he thought about it again, and he felt that something was wrong. In Yang Chan's consciousness, he was a hidden god in the fairy world. If so, how could Yang Chan give him a bracelet with a space as a gift?

This small space that comes with this bracelet is probably just made by Yang Chan unintentionally. It actually has another effect. As for what this effect is, he still needs to explore it himself.

No matter what the real effect of this bracelet is, just this small space that comes with it is of great benefit to him, a mortal. He finally doesn't have to rack his brains to hide all kinds of treasures.

His consciousness left this internal space, and he turned out all the treasures hidden under the bed, trying to control the bracelet with his consciousness. The broken water-repellent beads disappeared first.

Then he put his consciousness into that space again, and saw the disappeared water-repellent beads in it. Then he tried to take the water-repellent beads out of the space with his consciousness, and repeated this several times before giving up.

After putting all his valuables, including bank cards, into the Xianyun bracelet, he finally felt completely relieved.

With this Xianyun bracelet, from now on, he no longer has to worry about where to hide the treasure.

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