Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1,268 Return

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"Okay! I promise you! But it has to be changed." Wang Laoer said with a smile.

"Then second brother, how do you change it?" Tang Feng looked at Wang Laoer with a smile.

"I will bring all my pigs to you. You will pay for the place and food and drink. These will not change, but it will be divided into 30% and 70%. I will take 30% and you will take 70%. I, Wang Laoer, am not the kind of person who takes advantage. I know what my pigs are like. After so many years, these pigs can no longer be called wild boars, and they are still sick. If you hadn't cured them, I would have to pay for everything."

Hearing Wang Laoer's words, Tang Feng smiled and nodded. If Wang Laoer didn't say this and directly decided to split 40% and 60%, he wouldn't think there was a problem. Anyway, it didn't matter whether the money was with him or not. But now that Wang Laoer said this, Tang Feng was more confident to hand over the job of raising pigs to him.

"Okay, second brother, you will live in Kaoshan Village in the future, and you will be responsible for raising pigs. Huzi, tomorrow you and second brother will go to get all the pigs and send them directly to the mountain, and then I will cure them all."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Huzi nodded, and then Wang Laoer said directly: "Don't wait until tomorrow, go now, otherwise the pigs will be more seriously ill tomorrow. Pigs will die every day these days. If you bring them here early, you can cure more pigs."

"Huzi, can you do it?" Tang Feng heard what Wang Laoer said and looked at Huzi. After all, it was dark now, and it was quite difficult to get these pigs.

"No problem! I will find a few people now, and then bring the pigs back in one trip."

"Okay, let's go now. I will go up the mountain now and pour the medicine into the pool, so that the pigs can drink the medicine as soon as they drink the water..org亚文吧"

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Huzi and Wang Laoer got in the car and drove out directly. Xing Jun saw the two of them leaving and walked to Tang Feng with a smile.

"I knew you were good, and you managed to get this big pig farmer to work for you." Xing Jun gave him a thumbs up.

"No, I'm just cooperating with him. You make it sound like I swallowed his pig farm!"

Seeing Tang Feng like this, Xing Jun hit him with his pipe and said with a smile: "I watched you grow up, and I know how many farts you make when you stick your butt out!"

Tang Feng scratched his head awkwardly, and Xing Jun said with a smile: "Okay, I've been running all day today, I'm going back first, you hurry up to the mountain to get the medicine."

Tang Feng waved his hand, and then walked towards the mountain. The pig farm was far away from the mountain village, and it would probably take a night to get back, so Tang Feng was not in a hurry and walked slowly towards the mountain.

Tang Feng walked up the mountain, took out a large bucket of diluted Yaochi fairy water, poured it into the well on the top of the mountain, and then turned on the switch, automatically pumping water upwards and dividing it into three waterways. When the pigs came over and drank the water here, there would be no problem.

After Tang Feng finished all the things, he went down the mountain with satisfaction. Just after going down the mountain, he saw two figures walking towards the village. Tang Feng frowned, then walked over. Before he got close, the short one rushed towards him directly. Tang Feng looked at his movements. It didn't look like he was going to fight, but he seemed very happy.

After getting closer, Tang Feng saw who this person was. This person turned out to be Mengmeng. A year later, Mengmeng grew a lot taller, thinner, and more beautiful. The baby fat before was a little less, and she looked more like a little beauty.

Mengmeng threw herself into Tang Feng's arms and rubbed excitedly. Tang Feng patted Mengmeng's head and laughed.

"Brother! Do you miss me?"

"Of course I do." Tang Feng touched Mengmeng's head and looked at the person who was walking slowly towards him. It was Elder Dong. Tang Feng saw Elder Dong and respectfully called him, "Elder Dong."

Elder Dong smiled strangely at Tang Feng, and then said, "You have made great progress in this year."

Tang Feng was very surprised by Elder Dong's smile. He didn't know what Elder Dong meant, and then said, "Let's go to my house to welcome you two. It just so happens that Long Chen is still here."

"Is Long Chen in the bamboo building?" Elder Dong touched his beard and narrowed his eyes.

Tang Feng vaguely felt a murderous aura, then swallowed his saliva and nodded.

"Okay, I'll go back to the bamboo building directly. You can take Mengmeng with you. I won't go." After saying this, Elder Dong went to the bamboo building without waiting for Tang Feng to speak.

Mengmeng watched Elder Dong leave and said with a smile: "Brother, this time you're going to be miserable."

"Okay, forget about him, I'll take you home, Mom and your sister Jing will be so happy to see you." Tang Feng said to Mengmeng with a smile, but just after he finished speaking, he felt a little dizzy, and then Tang Feng realized that he was poisoned.

Tang Feng shook his head, then opened his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep. Mengmeng saw Tang Feng like this and laughed happily.

"Hahaha, brother, you've been poisoned by me!" Mengmeng said, putting her finger in front of Tang Feng's nose, and Tang Feng smelled a strange fragrance and woke up all of a sudden.

"What's going on?" Tang Feng shook his head and asked in confusion.

"You've been poisoned by my beautiful girl poison!" Mengmeng smiled and pointed at her hair.

Tang Feng understood what was going on. The few times Mengmeng rubbed into his arms just now were emitting poisonous gas. No wonder Mr. Dong had such a weird smile. But what Tang Feng didn't understand was why his body didn't react. Isn't this poison?

"You are so powerful now that you even start plotting against your own brother!" Tang Feng smiled and pinched Mengmeng's face.

"I just want to test whether my brother will be tricked! Now that a cultivator as powerful as my brother has been tricked, there is no need to worry!" Mengmeng said happily, and then said like a treasure: "I am a poisonous person. Isn’t it very powerful? My master and I discovered this in the mountains. It has an effect similar to that of Mongolian sweat medicine. But because I developed it, I named it ‘Beautiful Girl Poison’, doesn’t it sound good?”

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, and then said: "Okay, let's show off again when we go back. I'll cook for you and take care of you!"

"Great! I lost weight during the year I was away because I couldn't eat well or sleep well!" Mengmeng said and pinched her face, and all the fatness she had before was gone.

"It's good to lose weight. You used to be cute, but now you are a little beauty. In a few years, you will definitely surpass your sister Jing, and you will definitely be the school beauty in school!"

Mengmeng blushed when she heard Tang Feng's words, then hit Tang Feng and whispered: "Brother knows how to tease me!"

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