Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1,283 Supercar


The little tiger snapped his fingers again, and then a big box fell on Tang Feng's head. Tang Feng jumped away and dodged the box.

"What the hell?"

"Drawings, the drawings of this car. It depends on you whether it can be built." The little tiger flew to the box, then sat down directly and said, "This car is alien technology. Everything is much better than what we have now. You will know how powerful this car is when you see it."

The little tiger snapped his fingers, and a light screen appeared in front of Tang Feng. The light screen began to play a video. It was the car that Tang Feng had just seen. This car was speeding on an overpass. Tang Feng could tell at a glance that this overpass was not on Earth.

"Isn't this Earth?"

The little tiger rolled his eyes at him, and then said, "If this were Earth, you wouldn't need to draw a lottery for this car!"

Tang Feng was so confused that he continued to watch the video. The car was very fast. It flew on the overpass for a while and then reached the end, but the car did not stop. Instead, it continued to accelerate and then crashed directly from the overpass.

Tang Feng was shocked and thought that the car must be destroyed and people would die, but the scene changed and the car landed smoothly and continued to move forward.

"This is an armored vehicle!" Tang Feng said in surprise.

"This is just one of its advantages. The fastest car on Earth is Thrustscc. This car uses the engines of two fighter jets as its engine. Do you know how fast it is?" The little tiger said with a smile, as if waiting for Tang Feng to make a fool of himself.

Tang Feng really didn't know, but he was the master of the system anyway. He grabbed the little tiger's tail directly, and then shook it slowly in his hand. After shaking it a few times, the little tiger couldn't do it anymore.



"Stop! I won't make trouble anymore!" After the little tiger said this, Tang Feng let go of his hand, and then the little tiger fell directly to the ground, and then stood up dizzy for a long time.

"Go on!" Tang Feng opened the box, and then said to the little tiger while looking through the drawings inside.

After the little tiger stood up, he took a while to relax, and then said: "The fastest car on earth weighs ten times as much as ten meters, and the maximum speed can reach 1227 kilometers per hour, but this car is faster than it! The maximum speed can reach 1300 kilometers per hour, but I think it is impossible to reach this speed on earth." The little tiger looked helpless.

After hearing this, Tang Feng was full of black lines, "Then what are you talking about? What's the use of building it if I can't drive it!" Tang Feng said, threw down the drawings in his hand, and sat on the ground.

"I finally managed to save up 50,000 merit points, but they're all gone!"

"How is that possible! Products produced by the system must be top-notch!" Little Tiger picked up the blueprint and said, "If this car only had the advantage of speed, it would never have been retained by the system."

"What other functions does it have?" Tang Feng raised his head and asked curiously.

"Uh... take it out and study it yourself!" Little Tiger waved his hand, and Tang Feng's consciousness returned directly to his body, and then Little Tiger's voice appeared in his mind.

"I put the blueprint in your WeChat space, take it yourself, I'm going to sleep!"

Tang Feng opened his eyes, and then sat up directly, and the sand on his body fell on the beach.

"Tang Feng, why are you up! Get down quickly!" Du Mengyan patted Tang Feng's body, and then Tang Feng lay down helplessly, and then Du Mengyan and Mengmeng began to bury sand on Tang Feng's body again.

After everyone had fun, they returned to the villa and went back to their own rooms. After Tang Feng returned to the room, he took out the blueprints, a whole box of blueprints. Tang Feng took out a few and looked at them, but found that he couldn't understand them at all, so Tang Feng put them away directly.

If this car is built, there will only be this unique car in the world, so Tang Feng must prepare well, but there are too many things recently, and there is an enemy lurking in the dark, who may come to kill at any time, so this matter can only be put aside for the time being.

Tang Feng looked at it again, then put away the blueprints, walked out of the room, and went directly into Vera's bedroom.

Xiao Shitou had fallen asleep, and Vera was playing with her mobile phone. Seeing Tang Feng coming in, Vera was a little surprised, and then said, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you go to Sister Jiaojiao's room?"

They all knew that Qiao Jiaojiao was going to have a child, so they asked this.

"What? Don't you want me to come!" Tang Feng closed the door and smiled and got into the quilt.

"That's not the case, I just don't understand why you are here?" Vera smiled and put the phone aside, then said to Tang Feng.

"I came to see you for something, it's about Xiao Shitou."

When Vera heard that it was about Xiao Shitou, she became nervous and asked quickly: "What happened to Xiao Shitou?"

"Nothing, don't be nervous, do you remember the jade pendant I gave Xiao Shitou today?"

Vera nodded, she remembered very clearly that the jade pendant given to Xiao Li was obtained in the ruins, originally for Xiao Shitou, but because it was not suitable for girls to wear, it was given to Xiao Li, and Tang Feng gave Xiao Shitou another one, so she remembered it very clearly.

Vera nodded, and then Tang Feng said again: "Xiao Shitou's jade disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Vera didn't quite understand what Tang Feng meant, so she frowned.

Tang Feng took out a piece of jade and put it in Xiao Shitou's hand. Xiao Shitou was sleeping, but he seemed to feel the things in his hand, and then he grabbed it a few times. After a while, the jade in Xiao Shitou's hand turned into powder and fell on the bed.

Vera grabbed some powder in surprise and twisted it with her fingers. Tang Feng said, "No need to study it. This is the jade just now. I put the jade in her hand. It turned into this in a short time. Then I found another thing, so I want to discuss it with you."

"What is it?" Vera asked indifferently while cleaning the powder of the jade.

"Do you still remember the dragon in the ruins?"

"Of course I remember. If it weren't for that dragon, Xiao Shitou would not have been born." Vera said with a smile.

Vera almost had a miscarriage in the ruins. Fortunately, the little dragon that Tianhuangshi incarnated saved Xiao Shitou and Vera, so Vera remembered it very clearly.

"That day Xiaolong is actually the Tianhuang Stone you are looking for."

Vera was stunned when she heard it. She tried every means to enter the ruins in order to restore the superpowers of her mother Ness. I am a super beauty. I have to be beautiful every day and be a delicate woman so that everyone around me can feel my beauty! For details, search the WeChat public account I am a super beauty or copy the WeChat account meinv92k and scan the QR code below to quickly join!

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