Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 139: A Distant Mountain Village

In the coffee shop that Lin Mengjia mentioned, Tang Feng saw Lin Mengjia in sportswear.

"What's the matter with you looking for me at this time?" Tang Feng asked, sitting down opposite Lin Mengjia and looking at the woman sipping coffee in front of him.

Perhaps because of what happened that night, he was a little unsure about meeting this woman, but for some reason, he had a little expectation in his heart.

Lin Mengjia put the coffee cup in her hand on the table and looked over with her beautiful eyes.

"Wait, accompany me to a place."

Why me! There are so many people pursuing you, you can just find one and let him accompany you, I'm very busy, sister, Tang Feng felt bitter in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

He only thought that the place Lin Mengjia was going to was in the city, or at least in the surrounding areas, but when Lin Mengjia got in his car and went around to a warehouse in the suburbs, the two men in uniforms waiting there began to load things into the trunk of his car.

He took a look and saw that the things were all daily necessities, and even a lot of them were half-worn children's clothes, which made him even more confused.

"Miss Lin, where are we going?" After all the things were loaded, Tang Feng turned his head and looked at Lin Mengjia in the co-pilot seat, and couldn't help asking.


No way, it's almost night, and you asked me to take you to that poor mountain valley. What are you doing there, a young lady?

Guxian is a small county under Pingyang City, located in the southwest of Pingyang City. It is a typical mountain city. Because of its poor geographical location and inconvenient transportation, it has always been the poorest county in Pingyang City.

If you look at the map, Guxian is only a hundred kilometers away from Pingyang City, but the problem is that Guxian is located in the deep mountains, and many places are mountain roads. If you drive, it takes at least more than two hours.

"Miss Lin, what are you doing in Gu County at this time?"

"Don't call me Miss Lin, it reminds me of some disgusting professions." Lin Mengjia frowned and said unhappily.

If I don't call you Miss Lin, what should I call you? You can't let me call you Mengjia, although we have slept in the same bed, but we don't seem to be that familiar, Tang Feng couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

"Well, Mengjia, what are you doing in Gu County?" After thinking about it, he changed the address and repeated the question again.

"Just drive your car with peace of mind. You will know when you get there." After Lin Mengjia finished speaking, she closed her eyes directly, not giving him the opportunity to ask again.

Seeing that Lin Mengjia refused to say, he didn't ask anymore. When he left the city, he filled up the car with gas at the gas station and then sped all the way to Gu County.

There are few vehicles on the mountain road from Pingyang to Gu County. At dusk, there are almost no vehicles coming and going. Cars are running on the mountain road, with cliffs on one side and deep ditches on the other.

Tang Feng couldn't find a topic to talk to Lin Mengjia, so he simply turned on the DV and hummed a little tune along with the music. Lin Mengjia seemed to be asleep, leaning on the passenger seat, and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

The boring journey arrived at Guxian County, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. As soon as she entered the county, Lin Mengjia opened her eyes.

"Go to Huangcun."

Tang Feng said, and selected the road to Huangcun, Guxian from the navigation.

Huangcun, this is a mountain village 30 kilometers away from Guxian County, located deep in the mountains. The road from outside the village to the village has not even been hardened, and it is particularly difficult to walk.

Fortunately, Tang Feng was driving an off-road vehicle. If it were any other car, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to enter the village.

Under Lin Mengjia's guidance, the car finally drove into a school built on a hill. The two-story teaching building stood there alone, and the only light in the playground was on.

At this time, under the light, a middle-aged woman in plain clothes was looking out with more than a dozen children, seemingly waiting for something.

When Lin Mengjia got out of the car, the ragged children ran up and cheered as if they had seen their closest relatives, surrounding Lin Mengjia in the middle.

Lin Mengjia squatted down, with a motherly tenderness on her face, stroking the heads of each child.

Although these children were dressed in rags and some were even dirty, Lin Mengjia didn't care at all. Perhaps, such things had happened countless times.

Tang Feng stood there, looking at Lin Mengjia surrounded by the children. At this moment, he vaguely understood why Lin Mengjia came here. Those daily necessities, those half-worn clothes, and those school supplies were obviously prepared by Lin Mengjia for these children.

His eyes looked towards the brand new two-story teaching building. In this dilapidated village, this should be the best building.

He did not go forward to disturb Lin Mengjia and the children, but walked up to the middle-aged woman and quietly asked some questions about Lin Mengjia and the children.

After listening to the school teacher's story about Lin Mengjia, he fell into silence. He turned around and looked at Lin Mengjia again. He had always thought that this woman was a profit-seeking businessman, but today he realized that he was wrong.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when Lin Mengjia and I moved all the things from the car into a large classroom. Lin Mengjia, who was in a particularly good mood, lost her smile because of the words of the female teacher.

"Miss Lin, something happened to Yaya's family. Her father got a strange disease and is now lying in bed. He can't get up."

Tang Feng didn't know who Yaya was, but he could guess that she should be a student of this school.

"Didn't you go to the hospital?" Lin Mengjia asked without frowning.

The female teacher sighed deeply, her voice full of helplessness, and said in a heavy voice: "Her father's health was not good to begin with. In recent years, the family has relied on a few acres of land to make a living. How can they afford to go to a big hospital for treatment."

Lin Mengjia was silent for a while, and said to the female teacher: "Teacher Liu, take us to Yaya's house."

The first time in his life to go deep into the mountains, Tang Feng finally realized the difficulties of the people in the mountains. There was no main road from the school to Yaya's house, so he could only walk. Along the way, he had to climb over three ridges and wade through a small river. Tang Feng was fine, but Lin Mengjia, who had never suffered any hardship, was a little overwhelmed.

When they reached the next ridge, Lin Mengjia, who was walking behind, almost rolled off the ridge. Fortunately, Tang Feng reacted quickly and pulled her back into his arms.

They stumbled along the way, and when they arrived at Yaya's house, the three of them were already muddy, not to mention how embarrassed they were.

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