Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1303: Crisis in the Immortal World

Sun Wukong is an omnipotent existence in the world, and the strength of Nezha the Third Prince should not be underestimated, but now that both of them are seriously injured, you can know how strong the demon world is.

"Okay, you go and deliver medicine to Sun Dasheng first, and I will send some candy to your master in a few days." After asking, Tang Feng also promised some benefits, otherwise how can he do things in the future.

"Thank you, immortal!"

Tang Feng had just put down his mobile phone, and the little tiger came out and sat on the mobile phone. When Tang Feng saw it, he hurriedly asked: "Do you know about the fairy world?"

"Of course I know, isn't this to issue a task for you!"

Tang Feng was shocked when he heard it, and then said in surprise: "Are you kidding me? That's the fairy world, I can't help!"

"I'm not giving you a way! Accept the task!" After the little tiger finished speaking, a virtual screen appeared in front of Tang Feng.

Mission: Help the fairy world solve the crisis.

Reward: Unknown.

Punishment: The two realms of immortals and Buddhas are broken, the demons appear, and the world is doomed!

Time: one year

Mandatory mission, must accept!

There was a button to accept the mission, Tang Feng clicked it helplessly.

After Tang Feng clicked it, the screen disappeared, and then Tang Feng sighed helplessly, lying on the bed, not even thinking about reading the fairy world chat.

"What should I do! I can't even see the people in the fairy world, how can I help! And even if I can see it, what can I do! With my strength, Sun Wukong can kill me with one finger, he is seriously injured, what can I do if I go!"

The little tiger flew up, landed on Tang Feng's head, and said with a smile: "I'm here to help you!"

"Do you have a way?" Tang Feng raised his eyebrows, and the little tiger also raised his eyebrows.

Tang Feng sat up quickly, then looked at the little tiger and asked: "What do you have a way?"

"Hehe, if you give me 100,000 merit points, I will open another system for you, which will definitely be useful." The little tiger said with a grin.

Tang Feng was furious when he heard it.

"One hundred thousand! Why don't you want my life! I still owe Kuijia twenty thousand! I spent fifty thousand merit points to get such a broken thing, and I had to make it myself! Now you want one hundred thousand! Just kill me!" Tang Feng lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a discount, eighty thousand!"

"Seventy thousand!"

"Seventy-five thousand!"

"Sixty thousand!"

"Sixty-five thousand!"

"Sixty thousand! I won't do it if it's more!" Tang Feng opened his eyes and said to the little tiger.

"Okay, sixty thousand is sixty thousand." After the little tiger finished speaking, he went straight into the phone, and then the little tiger's voice appeared in Tang Feng's mind.

"Tell me when you have saved enough."

Tang Feng sat up and sighed. In one year, if the crisis in the fairy world cannot be resolved, the whole world will be over. I didn't expect that one day he would become a hero who saves the world.

Tang Feng suddenly remembered something, and then hurriedly said in his mind: "Can I take other tasks during this mission?"

"Yes!" The voice of the little tiger sounded in Tang Feng's mind.

Hearing this, Tang Feng smiled and picked up the fairy world chat on the bed and read it carefully.

More than an hour later, Tang Feng finished reading the fairy world chat, then smiled confidently, put the book into the fairy cloud bracelet, walked out of the room, went downstairs, said hello to Qiao Jiaojiao and Li Jing, and walked out to He Mingyang's room.

When Tang Feng arrived at the villa where He Mingyang lived, he saw the Dark Weapon King, the sissy, and Old Wu watching TV on the sofa. Tang Feng frowned and asked, "Where is He Mingyang?"

The Dark Weapon King stood up and said with a smile, "Mingyang didn't sleep last night and went to bed."

Tang Feng nodded, then said to the Dark Weapon King, "Lend your room for a while." Then he took Old Wu and went upstairs and entered the Dark Weapon King's room.

Old Wu saw Tang Feng and asked with a smile: "Do you have a solution? Or are you here to kill me?"

Tang Feng did not speak, but sat cross-legged on the ground, then pointed in front of him. Old Wu also sat down with a smile. Tang Feng closed his eyes, then mobilized his mental power and enveloped Old Wu. Old Wu felt nothing, only saw Tang Feng sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, and did nothing.

Tang Feng's mental power enveloped Old Wu, and he felt another mental power on his back, which was on the plum blossom. Tang Feng smiled, then concentrated all his mental power, covered the plum blossom, and then directly squeezed the mental power until it dissipated.

When the mental power disappeared, Old Wu felt a lightness on his body, and then Tang Feng opened his eyes, walked to Old Wu's back, lifted his clothes, and saw that the plum blossom mark had disappeared.

"Okay, now you can tell me who sent you here."

Old Wu sighed, and then said: "Actually, I don't know. That person was wearing a black robe, and his whole body was under the black robe. I couldn't see anything, but his voice seemed different from that of a normal person. It was a little hoarse, and there seemed to be a magical power."

Tang Feng frowned, and then asked: "Where is your base? How many people are there? What is their cultivation level?"

"Our base is in Yunnan. Two hundred people came this time, and there are 800 people left. The lowest cultivation level is the second level of the earth realm, and the higher ones have reached the eighth level of the earth realm."

When Tang Feng heard what Old Wu said, he was even more sure that this person came out of Chi You's tomb. In one year, he used so many spiritual stones to turn a thousand people into an army of spiritual cultivators. The plot was impossible. Not big, as soon as Tang Feng thought of this, he ran out of the room.

Tang Feng took out his mobile phone and called Long Chen. Long Chen picked up the phone. Tang Feng hurriedly said: "Long Chen, please inform Mr. Hua quickly. I already know where that person is, and he may do something." A big thing happens..."

In a village in Yunnan, China...

"Who can tell me what's going on? No one among the two hundred people was spared. Can anyone give me an explanation?" The man in black robe stood on the altar, looked at the group of men in black kneeling on the ground under the stage, and shouted loudly arrive.

The man in black robe snorted coldly, and everyone's hearts were shaken as if they had been hit by a sledgehammer.

Xiao Bing knelt down, his heart beating very fast. At this time, the man in black robe waved his sleeves, and then said: "Xiao Bing, take me another two hundred people to the island, and capture them all."

The soldier was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "Sir, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the mission. Their captains and two hundred people didn't complete the mission. I myself..."

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