Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1,360 Changlong Village

"What the hell are you talking about! You bastard..." Feng Chi started to curse, and Tang Feng couldn't get a word in.

Tang Feng held the phone away, and Feng Qian laughed when she saw him like this. Tang Feng listened to Feng Chi's curse helplessly, but he didn't interrupt and waited for Feng Chi to stop.

Feng Chi might be tired of cursing, so he took a breath and said, "I don't care what method you use, find Xiao Qian for me quickly, otherwise, I will kill you even if I risk my life!"

"Uncle. Actually, I have rescued Xiao Qian." Tang Feng said in a low voice.

"What?! Then why didn't you say it earlier!" Feng Chi stood up directly.

"Uncle, you didn't give me a chance to speak!" Tang Feng said with a bitter face.

Feng Chi looked embarrassed, as if he really didn't give Tang Feng a chance to speak just now.

"Where is she now? Let Xiao Qian come back quickly. Her grandfather has fallen ill because of her. It is estimated... It is estimated that..." Feng Chi sighed when he said this.

When Tang Feng heard this, an old man appeared in his mind. He didn't expect that the kind old man was going to...

"Uncle, I'll give you a mobile phone number. When you call, just say I told you to find him. He can definitely cure Mr. Feng."

When Feng Chi heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Really? Can he really cure the old man?"

"Uncle, absolutely no problem. I'll send you the phone number in a while." After Tang Feng finished speaking, Feng Chi asked, "Where's Xiaoqian? When will she come back?"

"Uncle, it's like this. I was injured a little, so Xiaoqian is taking care of me. After I get better, I will definitely send Fengqian back." Tang Feng glanced at Fengqian, and Fengqian nodded.

"Tang Feng, I tell you, boy, if you don't like Xiao Qian, stay away from her. Do you know how hard it has been for Xiao Qian this year? If you dare to hurt her, I will never let you go!"

"Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely treat Xiao Qian well." Tang Feng said, looking at Feng Qian, then hugged her, and Feng Qian just hugged Tang Feng.

At this moment, Tang Feng's body suddenly lost its strength. Fortunately, there was Feng Qian, otherwise he would definitely fall to the ground. Feng Qian was startled, staring at her with big eyes and put Tang Feng down, letting Tang Feng lie on the ground.

"Uncle, I have something else to do, I'll hang up first, I'll send you the phone number right away."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly. Feng Qian looked at him nervously, not understanding why he became so weak.

"It's okay, it's just that the effect of the potion that Long Chen gave me has disappeared." Tang Feng said with a smile, and then gave the phone to Feng Qian.

"Find Long Chen's phone number and send it to your father." Feng Qin nodded, then found Long Chen's phone number, sent it to Feng Chi, and then helped Tang Feng stand up.

"Xiao Qian, thank you for your hard work. I must be very heavy." Tang Feng said weakly.

Feng Qian gritted her teeth and shook her head, then walked slowly. As she walked, Tang Feng fainted. Without Tang Feng's support, the two fell down directly.

Feng Qian struggled to get up, then shook Tang Feng, but Tang Feng didn't respond at all. Feng Qian was startled, then put her hand in front of Tang Feng's nose, and felt that Tang Feng was still breathing, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Qian stood up, looked around, and then ran directly into a mountain.


When Tang Feng woke up, he was already in a room. Tang Feng was lying on a bed. There was an old man sitting on the bed on the other side of the room. Seeing Tang Feng wake up, he didn't say anything, so he should be sick. Tang Feng sat up and shook his head. He didn't remember what happened at all. He only remembered that he fainted.

"Grandma, you are hungry..."

At this time, a little girl of six or seven years old ran in. After seeing Tang Feng, she was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly to the outside: "Sister! Brother is awake!"

Feng Qian heard it and ran in at once. Then, when she saw Tang Feng woke up, she threw herself into Tang Feng's arms.

"Xiao Qian, it's okay, don't cry." Tang Feng patted Feng Qian's back and comforted her.

After a while, the girl directly brought all the food to the table, and then picked up the food and started to feed the old man. Feng Qian also picked up the food to feed Tang Feng. The food was nothing special. The rice was a bowl of porridge, and the vegetables were also stir-fried with wild vegetables. There was no oil at all, and it looked like there was no nutrition at all.

The girl looked about six or seven years old, with two pigtails and a little dark skin, but Tang Feng could tell at a glance that this was not her natural skin color, but should be sunburned.

Tang Feng asked with a smile: "Where is this place? How did we get here?"

Feng Qian greeted the little girl, and the little girl said crisply: "This sister saw me picking vegetables in the mountains, and then found me, and the two of us carried you back. Because we came back too early today, we didn't pick many vegetables, but tomorrow it will be fine. Tomorrow the village chief will take the uncles and uncles to hunt, and we will have meat to eat when we come back."

Tang Feng smiled at the girl, then asked: "What's your name?"

"My name is Wang Anna, this is my grandmother, but she is sick and doesn't know anything."

"Where is this place?" Tang Feng asked with a smile. Feng Qian also stopped and looked at Wang Anna. Wang Anna said, "This is Changlong Village. There are more than 200 people in our village. You are right next to the village, so I rescued you."

"Can you be more specific?"

Wang Anna was stunned when she heard it, and then stopped the action in her hand and asked puzzledly: "Be more specific? What do you mean?"

"I mean which province is this? Who is under the jurisdiction?"

"What do you mean? What is a province?" Wang Anna frowned and asked puzzledly.

Tang Feng was stunned when he heard it, and then looked at Feng Qian. Feng Qian's eyes were full of shock. In this era, there are still such isolated villages. They don't even know what a province is, so they definitely don't know how prosperous the outside world is!

"Anna, can you call your village chief? I want to talk to him." Tang Feng said.

"Brother, wait a minute. I have to feed my grandma. After she finishes eating, I will go find the village chief for you. Is that okay?" Anna said to Tang Feng while feeding her grandma.

"Okay, let's eat first. After we finish eating, you can help me find the village chief." Tang Feng said with a smile. Anna also nodded with a smile, and then they started eating.

Although the food was simple and not as delicious as what Tang Feng and Li Jing cooked, Tang Feng also ate it with relish.

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