Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1366 Last wish?

Chapter 1366 Last Wish?

"Master, I don't quite understand what you are saying."

"Long Chen, stop pretending. We already know. We were both listening outside the door just now. We heard what you and Tang Feng said." Elder Hua said and sat down. Elder Dong also sat beside him.

Long Chen sighed and sat down.

"Actually, Tang Feng wanted to hide. When we arrived at the hospital, he was a living old man. We got on the plane, and then Tang Feng woke up. Tang Feng and Feng Qian jumped down. I don't know where he is now. I only know that he jumped down near the mountainous area of ​​Province K."

After hearing what Long Chen said, Elder Hua and Elder Dong frowned and asked, "Why didn't Tang Feng come back?"

"It should be his current body. Tang Feng used to practice body cultivation and his body was as strong as a bull, but now he is just an old man, and his cultivation has been scattered all over his body. He is weaker than ordinary people. If he can restore his cultivation, he will definitely come back, but if he..."

Long Chen didn't say anything more, because they all understood that if Tang Feng's cultivation could not be restored, then Tang Feng would definitely find a place to stay for a lifetime and then slowly die.

"Alas, Tang Feng, what's the big deal? Come back and we can find a way together! Why do you have to bear it yourself!" Elder Hua sighed and leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Elder Dong asked again: "So is the master of the Heaven Realm you mentioned true or false?"

"There is indeed a master of the Heaven Realm, but he is very young, not very old, at most thirty-four or thirty-five years old. He said a few words to me and Yanhan in the hospital and left."

When Elder Dong heard this, his brows were furrowed. A master of the Heaven Realm, thirty-four or thirty-five years old, when did China have such a young master of the Heaven Realm?

"What is the purpose of such a young master of the Heaven Realm following Tang Feng?"

"No need to guess, I know where this master of the Heaven Realm came from." Elder Hua opened his eyes, as if he had suddenly aged a lot, his eyes were full of grief. Originally, Tang Feng was regarded by him as the next leader of Group Nine, and now Yan Di was only the acting leader, just handling the affairs of Group Nine on behalf of Elder Hua.

Tang Feng not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has a strong ability to do things. Elder Hua has been training him, but when he heard the news today, Elder Hua was also very sad.

"This master of the Heaven Realm is in a mysterious organization in China. Tang Feng should know him and ask him for help. By the way, why did Tang Feng call you just now?"

Old Hua didn't want to talk about the dragon cave, so he changed the subject directly.

"Tang Feng called me and asked me to help him buy a pharmaceutical factory, and then sell medicine cheaply to treat people."

"Buy a pharmaceutical factory? Sell medicine? Do you have a prescription? Let me see." Old Dong asked with a frown.

Long Chen pushed the two pieces of paper on the coffee table over, and then Old Dong picked them up and slowly began to read them. After reading for a while, Old Dong put down the two pieces of paper and said, "Tang Feng's medical skills have far surpassed mine. I can't write these two prescriptions. Hurry up and do what Tang Feng asked you to do. Tang Feng may... not come back."

The three people thought that Tang Feng's sending back these two prescriptions was his last contribution to China, and teaching the pharmaceutical factory was also Tang Feng's last wish.

"Long Chen, do this well. You can use the name of Group Nine if necessary." After saying this, Mr. Hua walked out with red eyes. Looking at his back, it seemed that his back was also a little bent.

Mr. Dong sighed and walked out. Long Chen looked at the two prescriptions, was stunned for a while, then put them into the seven-star gourd, and left the Group Nine base directly.

Tang Feng hung up the phone and laughed. He originally thought that he would die, but he didn't expect that he could save himself in this way.

Tang Feng pushed the wheelchair out and looked in the yard. Anna's home was very simple. There was nothing else, only a simple small yard and a small warehouse. Tang Feng pushed the wheelchair over and opened the door to go in. There were only some agricultural tools, nothing else.

Tang Feng closed the door and walked out, then went to the kitchen. The kitchen was very simple, with only a bag of rice and vegetables. Because Tang Feng and Feng Qian came yesterday, all the vegetables had been eaten by them, so there was nothing left.

Tang Feng sighed, and then took out a bunch of food from the Xianyun bracelet. These were all put in for emergencies. And last time, because he was trapped in the ruins, his mobile phone ran out of power. After Tang Feng came back, he bought a whole hundred power banks.

Because the Xianyun bracelet can ensure the freshness of food, Tang Feng put a lot of vegetables in it. There were also fish, shrimps and crabs that were put in at the beach. Tang Feng picked out some of the good ones and started cooking. Anna and Feng Qian went out to collect herbs, and Tang Feng wanted them to have a hot meal when they came back.

Although Tang Feng is sitting in a wheelchair now, it does not affect Tang Feng's cooking at all. This village is in the mountains, so it must have never seen lobsters and crabs. Tang Feng directly put the crabs and lobsters in the pot and steamed them, so that Anna could taste the most original taste of crabs and lobsters.

Tang Feng also took out some pork and beef brought from the cafeteria of the ninth group base, but Tang Feng thought for a long time and didn't know what to do, so he prepared to make a hot pot directly.

Anna must have never eaten hotpot, so I made a hotpot for her so that she could try something new. There were also various seafoods, so it was a perfect seafood hotpot.

However, there was a problem in front of Tang Feng, that is, there was no electricity. Tang Feng only brought an electric frying pan, but there was no electricity. Moreover, Tang Feng brought only power banks, and there was no battery at all, so the electric frying pan he brought was wasted.

Tang Feng sighed helplessly, then pushed the wheelchair out and went directly to a house opposite Anna's house. Tang Feng's arrival made the hostess of the house a little scared and kept looking at Tang Feng vigilantly.

"This lady, I have no ill intentions. I just want to ask if you have a smaller pot that is not used for the time being." Tang Feng said with a smile.

After all, there have never been outsiders in the village, so the hostess is very cautious, but the village chief has agreed, which means that they should not be bad people.

The hostess nodded, then walked to the warehouse and took out a smaller pot. Tang Feng took the pot and said with a smile: "Thank you, sister, I will make hot pot at Anna's house tonight, and you can also come and eat together."

The hostess nodded, and then Tang Feng directly held the pot and pushed the wheelchair away.

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