Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1378 Egg Incident

Feng Qian opened her eyes, and Tang Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, you should be fine in two days."

Feng Qian smiled and nodded, and then Tang Feng continued to apply the ointment and said to Feng Qian: "After dinner, go take a bath and have a good sleep, and then you will be even more beautiful tomorrow. Wait until Now that your face has healed, everyone in the village must be jealous of me."

After Tang Feng said this, Feng Qian closed her eyes shyly. Tang Feng smiled and put ointment on Feng Qian, then walked out and brought egg fried rice and pickles into the room.

Tang Feng said to Feng Qian who was lying shyly on the bed: "Get up and eat quickly. Why should an old couple be shy?"

Feng Qian opened her eyes and sat up, then glared at Tang Feng, ran out, and walked in shortly after with bowls and chopsticks.

"Xiao Qian, you eat first, Anna went to take a shower." Feng Qian shook her head, then took the egg fried rice that Tang Feng handed her and sat next to Grandma Anna.

Tang Feng looked at Feng Qian with a smile. In the past, Feng Qian was just a wealthy lady. How could she know how to serve others? Others had always served her, and it was her turn to serve others. But here, Feng Qian took the initiative. He helped Tang Feng with his work, and now after a tiring day, he started feeding Grandma Anna again, which was enough to show how much she had changed.

Feng Qian fed her a bowl of egg fried rice and was about to serve another bowl to Anna's grandma, but Tang Feng hurriedly stopped her.

"Stop feeding her. Grandma Anna sits on the bed every day and doesn't move at all. Her digestive system can't digest so much egg fried rice, so this bowl is enough."

Feng Qian nodded, but Grandma Anna still looked like she still had something to say, and kept pouting.

Tang Feng saw Grandma Anna like this and said with a smile: "You eat first, and then I will make an egg custard. I will give Grandma Anna a little later. This is easy to digest."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Feng Qian nodded, then put down her chopsticks and pushed Tang Feng out. Tang Feng finished cooking the eggs and put them into the pot.

Feng Qian heated the pot and massaged Tang Feng. Tang Feng smiled and touched Feng Qian's hair, and then said helplessly: "Xiao Qian, stop pressing it. I know my body well. My legs, if If you don’t recover, you won’t be able to stand up.”

Feng Qian frowned, then took out the small notebook she carried with her and wrote down a line.

"Then you should quickly restore your cultivation! Then we can go back."

"Oh, I think so too, but my current problem is not that simple, and I won't be able to recover for a while." Tang Feng said with a wry smile.

Feng Qian's mood suddenly dropped. Tang Feng sighed helplessly, then touched Feng Qian's face and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Mr. Feng, Long Chen will definitely be fine. "

Feng Qian nodded, then lay on Tang Feng's lap. At this time, Anna also came out from the shower. Originally, her little hands and face were a little dark because she had to work every day, but after taking the Zao Zao Dan, all the impurities in her body were expelled, so Anna is now white. Very well, although Anna was not beautiful originally, she was definitely not ugly. Now she is a lot whiter and her skin is like a newborn baby. Now she is a real beauty. When she grows up, she will definitely be like Feng Qian. She is also a great beauty.

"Anna, wait a little longer, your wife will make you another egg custard, it will be ready soon." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he winked at Anna.

How could Anna be so smart and not understand what Tang Feng meant? Then she hugged Feng Qian and said happily: "Thank you, Master!"

Feng Qian was a little panicked by the Master's wife's call, and then her face immediately turned red. She squatted on the ground and started to light a fire. Tang Feng burst out laughing when he saw Feng Qian like this. Feng Qian couldn't speak, so he stretched out his hand to Tang Feng. Feng pinched his arm.

Tang Feng grinned in pain, and Anna also laughed happily. After a while, a bowl of egg custard came out of the pot. Feng Qian filled a bowl for Anna's grandma, and then Anna started to feed her grandma. Grandma Anna After eating the egg custard, I looked very happy.

Anna finished feeding her grandma and then started to eat. She already knew how delicious Tang Feng's food was, so she started eating happily. Feng Qian was tired after a day and was very hungry, so she started to eat big mouthfuls.

Tang Feng looked at the two of them, couldn't help but put down his chopsticks, and just watched the two of them eating. After a while, Tang Feng said, "Anna, is there a teacher in your village?"

Anna shook her head after hearing this, and then Tang Feng asked in surprise: "Then you don't study either?"

"The village chief said that studying is of no use. It's better to work more and pick some wild vegetables. It can also fill your stomach."

After Anna finished speaking, Tang Feng said with a smile: "It's okay, come and eat quickly. I will teach you how to practice after dinner."

Anna nodded happily when she heard about the practice. At this time, Tang Feng and the other three heard a cry outside the door. Anna was surprised and said: "It's the voice of brother Li Xiang."

"Master Tang! We are back!"

It was Li Xiang and his group who came back. Li Xiang was carrying a backpack and holding the spiritual power lamp that Tang Feng gave him in his hand. The spiritual power lamp was still on normally and was not damaged, but the others were different. Although Everyone has medicinal herbs in their backpacks, but the spiritual lamps in their hands are either very bright or very dark, and some are even broken and cannot light up at all.

Feng Qian pushed Tang Feng out. Tang Feng looked at Li Xiang and his group. Seeing the lamps in their hands, he smiled and said, "You did a good job. None of the lamps are broken. I will give him five eggs later. Only two of the lamps are broken. Put down the herbs and the prescriptions in the backpack and send them to the yard."

When everyone heard that there were eggs to be taken, they were very happy. Although only two were broken, they were very happy for not being able to eat eggs for a long time. Then they all carried the backpacks into Anna's yard and put them neatly in the yard.

After coming out, they saw a pile of eggs next to Tang Feng, and Feng Qian and Anna stood beside him.

"Take out your spiritual power lamps. If they are bright, take five away. If they are not bright, take two."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, everyone lined up and showed Tang Feng the spiritual power lamps. Feng Qian and Anna began to distribute eggs to everyone. Everyone left happily after getting the eggs. At least this day was not in vain.

That's right.

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