Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1384 Two Methods

Remember it in one second,

"Then you should be able to understand the books I gave you. They are all the simplest medicinal materials and the simplest common diseases. Take a look at them carefully."

Anna nodded, and then went out to cook. Tang Feng slept for a whole morning, and now it was time for lunch. Feng Qian didn't know how to cook at all, and seeing Tang Feng's appearance, Anna didn't plan to let him get out of bed again.

Tang Feng took out some meat and fish, handed them to Feng Qian, and said with a smile: "Go out and watch her, don't let her get burned."

Feng Qian nodded, then took the fish and meat and walked out. Tang Feng sighed softly when he saw Feng Qian walk out.

Because of the death needle, he overdrew his body, and there was no spiritual nourishment. His current body can be said to be almost exhausted. In this state, even he himself can't change it. He can only hope that Long Chen and Qiao Jiaojiao will quickly get the medical equipment and medicine. In this way, enough merit points can be accumulated to open the new system, and the little tiger will have a way to prolong his life and restore her cultivation.

However, Tang Feng knew that he only had two months to recover, so he could only collect the remaining 30,000 merit points in these two months to have a chance to recover.

Feng Qian and Anna prepared the meal, and Feng Qian directly served Tang Feng a large bowl of rice, then directly picked it up and started to feed Tang Feng.

"I can do it myself. My legs are in trouble, not my hands." Tang Feng said, and was about to take the bowl, but Feng Qian dodged it at once.

Seeing the serious expression on Feng Qian's face, Tang Feng put down his hand helplessly, and then said with a smile: "Okay, you feed me!"

Seeing Tang Feng like this, Feng Qian laughed, and then took the chopsticks to feed Tang Feng.

Tang Feng was full after eating only one bowl of rice. Feng Qian wanted to serve another bowl of rice for Tang Feng, but Tang Feng hurriedly said to Feng Qian, "Xiao Qian, don't serve me anymore. I'm full."

Xiao Qian turned her head in surprise. Although Tang Feng didn't eat much before, one bowl of rice would definitely not fill him up. But today, Tang Feng only ate one bowl and he started to burp, and he looked very full.

Feng Qian frowned, then put down Tang Feng's bowl, picked up her own bowl, and started eating silently.

Tang Feng smiled, then said to Anna, "Anna, tell the villagers later so that they can come to see the doctor."

Anna nodded, and then ate faster. Tang Feng pushed the wheelchair and walked out. It was good enough for him to eat this bowl of rice. All his organs were slowly aging. After a while, he might not even be able to get out of bed.

Moreover, the aging of this organ is irreversible. Even if Tang Feng recovers his cultivation, his body will still age. In other words, his life span is over.

Tang Feng took out his mobile phone, found Taishang Laojun, and sent a message.

"Laojun, I have something to talk to you about."

After a while, Taishang Laojun replied with a message.

"What is it? Tell me."

"Do you have any elixir that can prolong your life?"

After Tang Feng sent this message, Taishang Laojun did not receive any message. After a while, Taishang Laojun directly sent a video invitation. Tang Feng looked back, then pushed the wheelchair aside and clicked the screen.

When Taishang Laojun saw Tang Feng, he was startled, and then frowned and asked: "What's the matter, how did you become like this?"

"I met an enemy, I didn't beat him, I used the death needle, and then this happened." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"You can still laugh at this time! What is the death needle?" Taishang Laojun frowned and asked.

Tang Feng pulled up his clothes directly, and Taishang Laojun saw the black spot on Tang Feng's trembling acupoint.

"See, it's this thing, it can gain extremely strong power in a short time, but the sequelae are... and then it becomes like this."

Tang Feng put down his clothes, and then said: "Laojun, you should be able to see my current condition, my cultivation is completely lost, my body is aging, and I may die directly in a few days while sleeping, but I still have a way now, that is, I want to ask you if you have a pill that can prolong my life, as long as there is another month, I will be fine."

Taishang Laojun sighed, and then said: "Where in the world is there a pill that can prolong life, there are only two ways, but it is not easy to cook."

"Laojun, I am in this condition now, even if it is as difficult as ascending to heaven, I have to try it!" Tang Feng said with a wry smile.

"Well, the first way is to find the Queen Mother and ask her for her peaches. With her peaches, not only can you add 300 years to your lifespan, but your cultivation will also be greatly improved."

Tang Feng heard what Taishang Laojun said, and hurriedly asked: "Laojun, can you get me one?"

Taishang Laojun rolled his eyes, and then stared and said: "Do you think peaches are cabbage! Although peaches are available now, you have to ask the Queen Mother for them. The Queen Mother has a bad temper. Humph, I dare not go!"

"Then can't you go for me?" Tang Feng pretended to look pitiful at Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun waved his hands and said to Tang Feng loudly: "Don't try to trick me. I won't go no matter what you say. The second way is to find the King of Hell and ask him to change the Book of Life and Death for you."

When Tang Feng heard this, he leaned on the wheelchair directly, and then said helplessly: "I know it's impossible even if you don't say it! It's said in "Journey to the West" that changing the Book of Life and Death is against the law of heaven. How could the King of Hell change the Book of Life and Death because of me? Besides, he may not know who I am!"

"That depends on you! You have so many good things, and you are afraid that he won't fall for it! Besides, there are so many things in heaven every day. The King of Hell will not be discovered by the Jade Emperor if he changes a person's Book of Life and Death." Taishang Laojun looked at Tang Feng and said confidently.

Tang Feng sighed, and then Taishang Laojun said: "I will send you the King of Hell's WeChat right now. Anyway, your life is in your hands. Whether you can succeed depends on you."

Tang Feng sighed helplessly again, and then nodded. Soon, Taishang Laojun recommended a friend to Tang Feng, who was the King of Hell. The WeChat avatar of the King of Hell is a man with a black face sitting in front of a table. He looks quite scary. It should be a selfie of the King of Hell.

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