Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 151 Niu Zhanping's attitude changes

Xing Jun, who was standing next to him, looked at Tang Feng in doubt. He was surprised and happy. He could not imagine that Tang Feng actually knew Li Hongshou. And it seemed that Tang Feng not only knew Li Hongshou, but also knew Director Zhou of the Municipal Police Department.

Niu Zhanping hesitated for a moment, but still took out his mobile phone and called Li Hongshou.

Li Hongshou, who was working in his office, picked up the phone after hearing the ringing tone. He took a look and saw that it was Niu Zhanping who called. He thought that Niu Zhanping had done the job and arrested all the people who should be arrested.

"Director Niu, has the person been arrested?"

"Captain Li, the matter is a bit complicated. I am in Tianjing Village now. If it is convenient for you, come over in person." Niu Zhanping smiled bitterly and said tactfully.

What's the situation? The matter is a bit complicated. Aren't they just a few unruly people in Tianjing Village who beat up my family members and smashed the car? A few villagers, just arrest them. Li Hongshou frowned and looked unhappy.

"I'm very busy here and don't have time to go over there. Just arrest the person directly. If there is any inconvenience on your side, you can also send him directly to the second brigade and I will handle it."

"Captain Li, do you know a young man named Tang Feng? His family is in Tianjing Village. From what he said, he not only knows you, but also knows Director Zhou." Niu Zhanping glanced at Tang Feng, lowered his voice, and asked Li Hongshou in a low voice.

Tianjing Village, I have only been there once in my life, and it was when I followed the director to send Tang Feng last time. How could I know someone there... No, Niu Zhanping seemed to be talking about Tang Feng.

"Tang Feng? Are you saying that Tang Feng is also there now, and he stopped you from arresting people?" Thinking of Tang Feng, he could no longer sit still and asked hurriedly.

Niu Zhanping on this side, after hearing Li Hongshou's inquiry, was completely certain that Li Hongshou did know Tang Feng.

"Captain Li, I'm at Tang Feng's house now. Your cousin brought people to Tang Feng's house to make trouble and injured Tang Feng's parents. The people and cars were smashed by Tang Feng."

After hearing Niu Zhanping's words, Li Hongshou stood up from the chair. He stood there with his mobile phone in his hand and couldn't react for a long time.

As Zhou Cheng's confidant, he knew a little about some things that others didn't know. It was precisely because he knew these secrets that he, like Zhou Cheng, had a kind of awe for Tang Feng, a mysterious young man.

As the director said, this is a young man full of secrets. If you can, you'd better not offend such a person, otherwise, Cao Yang and the Fu family will become your precedent.

After a short daze, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter and couldn't help but scold. A few guys who are not good at doing things but more at making trouble, why offend Tang Feng? Aren't you looking for death?

Can you offend someone who can drive Cao Yang crazy, force Fu Xuehai to jump off a building, and even make the Fu family sell their ancestral property and leave Pingyang?

"That, Director Niu, you... you ask Tang Feng to answer the phone, now, immediately, right away." Li Hongshou knew how he got his current position. If Cao Yang hadn't offended Tang Feng, Cao Yang would still be sitting in this position.

He didn't want to lose this position that hasn't even warmed up yet because of a cousin of the same family.

Niu Zhanping could hear the urgency and uneasiness in Li Hongshou's voice. When he handed the phone to Tang Feng, the look he gave Tang Feng was completely different.

"Brother Tang, Captain Li wants to talk to you." When he spoke to Tang Feng again, his tone was very polite, so polite that Xing Jun next to him was a little bit out of place.

Tang Feng took the phone, switched to hands-free mode, and said with a smile: "Captain Li, I just learned that you have been promoted to captain. Congratulations."

"Boss Tang, I, Li Hongshou, can sit in the position of captain of the second brigade, and it is all thanks to you. I, Li Hongshou, will never forget this favor." Li Hongshou took a deep breath and said.

Because it was hands-free mode, everyone around could hear it clearly, including Xing Jun and Niu Zhanping, who couldn't help but gasp.

Li Hongshou called Tang Feng Boss Tang and said that he was able to become the captain because of Tang Feng. This... This is too incredible.

This guy is like Zhou Cheng, both are smart people. Since they are smart people, then this matter is simple. Tang Feng held the phone in his hand and laughed.

"Captain Li, Li Hongshun is your cousin, right?" The smile flashed by, and he squinted his eyes and asked meaningfully.

There were nearly a hundred people in the yard, but when he made the call, it was dead silent. Everyone held their breath, watching him and listening to his conversation with Li Hongshou.

"Boss Tang, I really didn't know that Li Hongshun and his friends went to your house to cause trouble. If I had known earlier, I would have gone there immediately and thrown all these bastards into jail." Li Hongshou hurriedly explained.

At this time, the Li family members stood there in a daze, especially the middle-aged man who pointed at Tang Feng's nose and cursed before, who shrank his neck and hid behind.

Now, anyone who is not a fool can see that Tang Feng in front of him has a big background, and even Li Hongshou dare not offend him.

"Now that you know, tell me how to deal with this matter?" Tang Feng snorted and asked indifferently.

"Boss Tang, don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter. If possible, give the phone to Director Niu." Li Hongshou said hurriedly.

Niu Zhanping, who was next to him, hurriedly came up, and after Tang Feng returned the phone to him again, he switched the phone to microphone mode.

After he finished the call with Li Hongshou, he secretly wiped his sweat, then smiled again, and nodded to Tang Feng repeatedly: "Boss Tang, please rest assured, we will severely punish those thugs who broke into your home and hurt your family."

Looking at Niu Zhanping, whose attitude changed 360 degrees, Tang Feng laughed and nodded. Although Niu Zhanping's completely different attitudes before and after made people feel a little disgusted, in this land of China, it is precisely such people who are most suitable for officialdom.

"What are you all standing there for? Take them all back to the station." When Niu Zhanping looked at the Li family members again, his smile had long disappeared, and he shouted at the top of his voice.

The policemen who looked at each other in bewilderment came to their senses after hearing his shout, and regained their original ferociousness and rushed towards the Li family members.

The Li family members present looked ashen, and did not dare to resist. They followed the police and got into the police car obediently. After Niu Zhanping shook Tang Feng's hand with both hands and said goodbye, the police car hurriedly drove away, and the whole yard became quiet again.

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