Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1424: Bad Idea

"Master Tang, didn't you say you would teach us?" Ermao shouted loudly from behind.

"I'm teaching you to run away!" Tang Feng shouted loudly from the front.

The three looked at each other, and then saw the same meaning in their eyes.

Since Tang Feng became younger, he has become more and more shameless.

The people in Tenglang Village didn't catch any prey, so they all went back listlessly. As they walked, Cheng Junjie stopped and said to the village chief of Tenglang Village: "Grandpa, did you hear any sound?"

The village chief also stopped, listened carefully, and nodded.

"Grandpa, it should be that person or the people in Changlong Village who encountered something. Should we go over and take a look?" Cheng Junjie asked tentatively. He really couldn't swallow this breath. He had never suffered such anger after being deliberately robbed of three wild beasts in a row.

The village chief narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Let's go and see if I can see that old monster." As he said that, the village chief led everyone to the direction of the sound.

As they walked, they saw Tang Feng, who had just robbed their beasts, and three people from Changlong Village followed behind him. They saw Tang Feng, and Tang Feng also saw them. When Tang Feng saw them, he came up with a bad idea.

"This is a spirit beast, how could they provoke a spirit beast!" Cheng Junjie frowned and said, but he was really happy in his heart. He couldn't deal with you, but now this spirit beast can deal with you!

Humph! I thought he was a big shot, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant. "The village chief of Tenglang Village also had a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

Tang Feng saw the people from Tenglang Village, and whispered to the three people: "Listen to me, there are people from Tenglang Village on the opposite side. I will lead the gorilla over later, and they will definitely run away separately. You three just catch them together and beat them up, understand? "

When the three heard Tang Feng's words, they were all eager to try. Tang Feng waved his hand, and the three ran separately. After the three dispersed, Tang Feng glanced at the people of Tenglang Village, and then ran in their direction.

When the village chief of Tenglang Village saw Tang Feng running towards them, he understood what was going on, and then shouted loudly: "Run! Run separately!"

When Li Xiang and the other two heard the words of the village chief of Tenglang Village, they couldn't help laughing, and Tang Feng also laughed, and then the people of Tenglang Village jumped out of the bushes and ran in different directions.

Cheng Junjie directly pulled his grandfather to run, and Tang Feng didn't follow the others, just followed behind Cheng Junjie. How could Cheng Junjie and his grandfather's speed catch up with Tang Feng? Tang Feng easily followed behind the two.

The village chief of Tenglang Village looked back and found that Tang Feng was still following them, and the gorilla was also following behind. He hurriedly said to Cheng Junjie: "Junjie, let's run separately! Quick! "

Cheng Junjie looked back, then let go of his hand, and the two ran in different directions. Tang Feng looked at the village chief of Tenglang Village, and then led the gorilla to run towards him. After all, that man was quite young, and it was nothing to be beaten by Li Xiang and others. This one is different. If he is beaten, it will be a big deal. It's better to run and exercise!

Thinking of this, Tang Feng directly increased his speed. The gorilla behind him became even more angry. He could also understand what people said. It was this person who commanded the three people to beat him just now, so the main target was him.

Tang Feng accelerated, and the gorilla also accelerated, but the village chief of Tenglang Village did not It was the same. He was already at his fastest speed. If he wanted to go faster, his body would not be able to support him.

Tang Feng ran faster and faster, and finally he ran side by side with the village chief of Tenglang Village, and then greeted him with a smile on his face. The village chief of Tenglang Village was so angry that he wanted to curse him, but he couldn't open his mouth. Now he was running so fast because he was holding his breath. If he let out the breath, his speed would definitely slow down.

Tang Feng directly surpassed him, and then he sped up again, and ran away on the road. The gorilla couldn't see Tang Feng, and then he started to chase the village chief of Tenglang Village. The village chief of Tenglang Village hated Tang Feng very much, but now the only way The only way was to run fast.

After Li Xiang and the other two hid, they saw the people from Tenglang Village jumping out of the bushes, and then the three of them also started to move. The three did not move together, but attached the Vajra Talisman and the God-walking Talisman to their bodies, and then moved separately, which was more efficient.

With the blessing of the Vajra Talisman and the God-walking Talisman, the three of them were like gods descending from heaven. When they caught someone, they beat him up without saying a word, and then knocked him out and threw him on the ground, and continued to catch other people. When the people from Tenglang Village met the three people with the Vajra Talisman and the God-walking Talisman, they had no power to resist at all, and were completely passive.

After Tang Feng got rid of the gorilla, he thought about running in the direction of Cheng Junjie. Go, this kid has been dissatisfied since he saw his eyes, Tang Feng must teach him a lesson.

Tang Feng ran towards him and saw him hiding in a tree. Tang Feng took out the God of War and shot directly at the branch that Cheng Junjie was standing on. The branch was broken directly. Cheng Junjie was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Tang Feng smiled, then put away the God of War and ran towards Cheng Junjie. Tang Feng ran to Cheng Junjie, who was still lying on the ground. It seemed that he had fallen hard just now.

Cheng Junjie was shocked when he saw Tang Feng. The black bear's head was blown up by him. He had no confidence that he could withstand Tang Feng's attack.

"You...what are you going to do! My grandfather is the village chief of Tenglang Village!"

"Oh! Still a 'royal relative!' But do you know what happened to your grandfather?" Tang Feng asked with a smile.

"What happened to my grandfather?" Cheng Junjie asked worriedly.

"Your grandfather was just being chased by a gorilla. I don't know how he is now." Tang Feng spread his hands and said helplessly.

Cheng Junjie cursed directly when he heard Tang Feng's words.

"You bastard! If something happens to my grandfather, I will never let you go!"

Tang Feng smiled, then said: "It seems that you don't understand the current situation!" Tang Feng took out the God of War, and the muzzle of the gun was directly against Cheng Junjie's head. "Do you want to know how the heads of black bears and antelopes explode? Do you want to try it?"

Cheng Junjie stopped talking, and cold sweat instantly fell on his head. Tang Feng smiled, then took out a rope and hung Cheng Junjie on the tree.

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