Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 153 A short video sent by Yang Chan

In this way, Tang Feng became the only supplier of the Fairyland Amusement Park, providing all the facilities and equipment needed for the construction of the amusement park.

As for the construction of this amusement park, Jiaohua Tianzun was also very concerned. After the two of them negotiated the deal, he directly gave Tang Feng 500 public virtues as a down payment.

After completing the deal with Jiaohua Tianzun, Tang Feng could finally concentrate on chatting with his fairy Yang Chan.

It has become a habit for him to give Yang Chan small gadgets from their respective earths. This time, he chose a short dress from Ochili and a pair of handmade women's high heels.

In the palace of the fairyland, when Yang Chan received the gift from Tang Feng, she looked at it for a long time, took out the cumbersome dress on her body, and changed into this unique dress and the beautiful high heels.

As her slender jade hand waved, a huge mirror appeared in the center of the palace. When she saw the slender figure inside, a sweet smile appeared on her beautiful face.

At just one glance, she fell in love with this dress and the beautiful shoes. This dress, which is different from all the clothes she had worn before, perfectly showed her beauty when she wore it.

"I like your gift very much, but I can't think of what gift to give you. Tell me, what do you want?" Giving gifts to each other is one of Yang Chan's favorite things. To be precise, it is a habit of the immortals in the fairy world.

What do I want? I want a lot of things, immortal pills and magic weapons, I want all of these, but the problem is that with my current WeChat level, even if you give them to me, I can't get them.

"I want to see what you look like now, give me a picture of you now." He thought about it and said with a smile.

After hearing Tang Feng's request, Yang Chan hesitated. For immortals, sending images through the air is not difficult at all. A mysterious light technique is enough, but for the conservative female immortals in the fairy world, they will not send their images to other opposite sex casually unless the man is someone she likes.

From the bottom of her heart, Yang Chan had a good impression of Tang Feng. She felt that this man was very considerate. When she chatted with him, she would always be very happy and all her troubles would be forgotten. Therefore, she was not too resistant to Tang Feng's request.

After hesitating for a while, she slowly raised her jade hand, and a mysterious light flew out from her palm. Then, a set of clear and intuitive images appeared in Tang Feng's WeChat.

When he clicked on this image, Tang Feng was completely dumbfounded. Through Yang Chan's avatar, he also knew that Yang Chan was very beautiful, but he did not expect that she would be so beautiful.

It is no longer possible to simply describe this beauty with words on earth. Almost speaking, those words used to interpret beautiful women are still a little pale and powerless when used on Yang Chan.

That kind of beauty is beautiful enough to make people lose their souls. Just one look is enough to hook your three souls and seven spirits and make you completely become her slave.

Staring blankly at the light fairy in the image, this is the first fairy Tang Feng has ever seen in his life. Of course, he also became the first person on earth to see a fairy with his own eyes.

Beauty, really too beautiful, beautiful enough to overwhelm the whole country. At this moment, Tang Feng felt that something in him was attracted by the woman in the image.

"Is it beautiful? Why don't you talk?"

The new message sent by Yang Chan woke Tang Feng up from his confusion. He took a deep breath, forced his eyes away from the figure, and sent a new message with trembling fingers.

"Even if I use all the words in the world to describe beauty, it is not enough to describe your beauty. It is really too beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people lose their souls." Tang Feng sighed sincerely.

But he ignored that the other party was not a contemporary woman on Earth, but a female fairy living in a closed fairyland. When he heard his almost explicit words, Yang Chan's heartbeat accelerated, and that beautiful face was flushed.

"I don't care about you, I'm going to sleep." Panic in her heart and her face was burning, Yang Chan hurriedly said, and ended the call with Tang Feng.

Did I say something wrong! Tang Feng scratched his head, a little confused. He wanted to check Yang Chan's circle of friends, but finally gave up.

Compared to reading Yang Chan's inner thoughts, he now likes the feeling of chatting with Yang Chan more. It's really good and intoxicating. If he reads Yang Chan's inner thoughts, he won't have this feeling.

When it was getting dark, Qiao Jiaojiao was already busy in the kitchen. These days, she cooked three meals a day for several people in the field, and Tang Feng was completely liberated.

The meal was very rich, stewed wild rabbit meat, which was caught by Heizi from the back mountain, fried loofah, cold eggplant strips and cold fresh lotus root. The five people gathered in front of the table and ate very deliciously.

In the past, Hu Yunji would go home to eat, but since he ate the vegetables made with vegetables here, he never went back to eat again.

As for Hu Zi, a big foodie, let alone him, he used to eat breakfast at home, but since Qiao Jiaojiao entered the kitchen, he ate three meals in the field. Sometimes he was too lazy to go home at night, so he slept on the floor with Du Ci.

The four men, each with a few bottles of iced beer, ate and drank at the same time. Qiao Jiaojiao sat next to Tang Feng and ate very quietly.

"When will this new house be built? I can't wait." Hu Zi took a sip of iced beer, looked at the brightly lit area over there, and muttered.

"You think it's a chicken coop, just build a wall and cover it with a few asbestos tiles. Cao Jian and his team are very efficient. It's only been more than a week, and the first floor has been built. I think it will be capped in another week. The next step is decoration, which is the most time-consuming. I'm afraid it won't be done in less than half a month." Dust Sting kicked Hu Zi and said unhappily.

These two guys are not married, and they both plan to eat and sleep here for a long time in the future, so they are very jealous of the American country villa, almost to the point of looking forward to it.

There is no way, no one wants to live outside for a long time, as for this broken shack now, forget it, sleeping in it at night, it can suffocate people to death.

"There's no rush for the house. Wait a little longer. Tomorrow, don't run around. Follow me to the bay. I'm going to develop that area of ​​water for fish farming." Tang Feng put down his bowl and chopsticks and said to the two people.

"Boss, since we want to develop that area of ​​water, we definitely need a boat. When will you buy a decent boat? That way, everyone can go for a stroll in the reservoir." Dust said with a smile.

"I've asked Brother Liu Siyuan to take care of the boat. The payment has been paid. If we calculate the time, it will be shipped back from the south in a week at most." Tang Feng said.

Hearing that Tang Feng ordered a boat from the south, Dust's eyes lit up, and he came up and looked at Tang Feng and asked: "Boss, did you buy this boat from the shipyard in the south? Is it big? What type of boat is it?"

"Okay, don't ask anymore. You'll know when the time comes. I won't let you down." Tang Feng pretended to be mysterious and didn't tell him anything.

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