Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1433 Progress

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Ermao asked, "Master Tang, are you using body techniques today?"

Tang Feng nodded, and then said, "I have three body techniques, one is "Eight Steps to Chase the Cicada", one is "Tiyun Zong", and one is "Jiugong Bagua Bu". Which one do you want to learn?"

Ermao heard the name and shouted loudly, "I want to learn "Tiyun Zong". The name sounds very domineering, and it must be very powerful!" Tang Feng smiled, said nothing, and looked at Li Xiang and Hong Lin.

Li Xiang and Hong Lin didn't say anything. Hong Lin thought for a moment and then said, "Master Tang, these three body techniques must be different, right?"

Tang Feng nodded, then smiled and said, "Eight Steps to Chase the Cicada can increase your speed. Note that it is a straight-line speed, which means you run fast, which is good for chasing enemies and escaping. "Tiyunzong" can improve your jumping ability. Tiyunzong allows you to jump up without any external force. It is said that if you practice it to the extreme, you can rely on yourself to go up infinitely, but I haven't seen anyone practice "Tiyunzong" to that level. "Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Steps" is simple. , pure body skills, can dodge attacks in a very small place, and the feet will not go out more than two meters. "

After hearing Tang Feng's explanation, the three people thought for a while, and then Hong Lin raised his head and said: "Master Tang, I want to learn "Tiyunzong"! "

Tang Feng nodded, and then looked at Li Xiang and Ermao. Ermao smiled and said: "I will learn "Eight Steps to Chase Cicadas" so that it will be easier to escape in the future."

Li Xiang also smiled and said: "Master Tang, I want to learn "Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Steps." "

Tang Feng nodded, and then said: "Since you have all chosen, I will teach you one by one. Who will go first?"

The three looked at each other, and then Hong Lin stood up.

"I'll go first."

Tang Feng smiled and pressed him to the ground, letting him sit cross-legged. Tang Feng also sat in front of him and said, "It may be painful, bear with it."

Hong Lin nodded and closed his eyes. Tang Feng also closed his eyes, found "Tiyunzong" in the system, and then silently said in his heart: "Extract!"

Tang Feng pointed his finger on Hong Lin's forehead, and then Hong Lin frowned. Ermao and Li Xiang both clenched their fists nervously.

After a while, Hong Lin's brows loosened, the muscles on his face also relaxed, and Tang Feng also opened his eyes.

Ermao whispered: "Master Tang, is it done?"

Tang Feng stood up and nodded, then smiled and said: "Who of you two will go first?"

"I'll try!" Ermao raised his hand and said loudly.

Tang Feng and Ermao sat down, and then Ermao closed his eyes directly. Tang Feng pointed his finger on Ermao's forehead, closed his eyes, found "Eight Steps to Chase the Cicada" in the system, and then silently said "Extract". Ermao felt a chill penetrate his head. It was comfortable at first, but later, the chill became colder and colder, and Ermao felt as if his head was frozen.

After a while, all the contents of "Eight Steps to Chase Cicadas" were transmitted into Ermao's mind, and Tang Feng opened his eyes.

Li Xiang had already sat down on one side, and Tang Feng sat down directly, found "Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams Steps" in the system, and then silently said "Extract", and "Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams Steps" was directly input into Li Xiang's mind. Similarly, Li Xiang and Hong Lin also felt a splitting headache.

Tang Feng passed the skills to the three people, and then closed his eyes to adjust his breathing. All the skills were linked by Tang Feng's body, which consumed Tang Feng's body a lot.

After Tang Feng adjusted his breathing, he stood up to protect the three people. Because it was already night, wild beasts were also around. Tang Feng was afraid that these wild beasts would disturb the three of them, so as long as he saw wild beasts, Tang Feng would directly drive them away.

After two hours, the three of them woke up one after another, and then Tang Feng smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

"I have learned the first level, and I can use the force once in the air." Hong Lin said excitedly.

"I have also learned the first level, and I can take three steps in a row." Ermao also said happily.

When Li Xiang heard Ermao's words, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "What's so great about taking two steps? I can take five steps!"

"Tsk, let me show you! How powerful are my two steps!"

Ermao said, and ran directly, and then took two steps, and I ran nearly 50 meters directly. Li Xiang and Hong Lin's eyes widened on the spot.

Ermao took three more steps, and then came to the three people again, and said proudly: "These are only three steps, a total of eight steps. After the eight steps are completed, you can travel thousands of miles in an instant!"

The three people couldn't help but applaud, and then Tang Feng said: "Hong Lin, you, let us see too."

Hong Lin smiled, and then said: "I'm not as good as him." Although he said so, his body stepped back a few steps, and then jumped up directly. After practicing "Tiyunzong", Hong Lin obviously jumped much higher than before. Now he can jump directly to the same level as a big tree. When he reached the highest point, he lightly touched his feet again, and then jumped up again. It looked very strange and violated the common sense of physics.

Hong Lin landed lightly, and then the three applauded again. Ermao smiled and said: "Awesome, really awesome! Jump too high!"

Hong Lin smiled and said nothing, then Tang Feng looked at Li Xiang and said with a smile: "It's your turn, let us see too."

Li Xiang nodded, then said: "I need someone to fight with me, otherwise my attack won't work."

Er Mao took the initiative to stand up, Tang Feng and Hong Lin retreated, and the two fought together. Although Er Mao was not as strong as Li Xiang, the two were not far behind. Li Xiang stopped fighting and put his hands behind his back. Er Mao frowned, but did not stop, and punched Li Xiang in the chest.

Li Xiang moved to the side lightly, and the punch directly brushed his clothes and hit him. Er Mao did not stop, and directly hit Li Xiang's chest with his arm horizontally. Li Xiang seemed to know that he would do this, so he took a step back, then moved slightly and stood opposite Er Mao again, and Er Mao's attack was also empty.

Ermao's eyes widened, then he jumped up and did a roundhouse kick at Li Xiang's head. Li Xiang smiled and slightly bent back to avoid the kick, but unexpectedly Ermao changed his move, and when his kick reached Li Xiang's chest, he chopped downward with force.

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