Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1447 Drinking

"If there's anything we two can't talk about, just say it. I'm listening." Li Jing said with a smile.

"Sister Jingjing, Tang Feng just called us. He is getting married tomorrow, with a girl named Feng Qian."

Zhang Liying originally thought that Li Jing would feel a little disbelieving like her, or even angry, but she didn't expect that Li Jing actually said something that surprised her.

"Really, hahahaha, I knew that Tang Feng must be with Xiaoqian. Did they say when they would be back?"

Zhang Liying said in surprise: "Sister Jingjing, aren't you angry?"

"Angry? Why should I be angry?" Li Jing asked with some confusion.

"Tang Feng is getting married, but he didn't even call us. Don't you feel angry?" Zhang Liying said in surprise.

"Xiaoying, we are all Tang Feng's women. Tang Feng is so outstanding, do you think you can stop those crazy bees and butterflies?" After Li Jing finished speaking, Zhang Liying fell silent, and then Li Jing spoke again: "So you understand What do I mean? You have to know that no matter how many women Tang Feng has, he will never forget us and he will treat us just as well."

"Xiaoying, although this sentence is very unpleasant, I have to tell you because of what you said today. With Tang Feng's current situation, Feng Qian is definitely not the last one. If you feel that you can't stand it, you can talk to Tang Feng breaks up."

"No, Sister Jingjing, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that. I really love Tang Feng and I really don't care. Sister Jingjing, you must believe me!" Zhang Liying heard Li Jing persuade her and Tang Feng broke up and said hurriedly.

Zhang Liying really didn't mean to break up with Tang Feng. She was just angry. Just like when she was at the beach, she expressed her love to Tang Feng earlier than Tao Ting, but Tang Feng was with Tao Ting first. Together.

"Xiaoying, Sister Jing is not asking you to leave Tang Feng. I'm just afraid that you won't be able to bear it. Rather than doing this, it would be a short-term pain rather than a long-term pain. We should separate as soon as possible. If you can accept it, just treat it as if I didn't say it." Li Jing finished. , Zhang Liying was silent for a moment, and then said: "Sister Jingjing, if I couldn't bear it at the beginning, then I wouldn't have confessed to Tang Feng at all."

"If this is the best, then just pretend that I didn't say anything. When Tang Feng comes back, we will deal with him properly! Let me vent your anger!" Li Jing persuaded Zhang Liying, and then started joking with a smile.

Zhang Liying's mood improved a lot, and then she said with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Jingjing, and Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year to you too, say it to Sister Jiaojiao for me!"

"You too, help me and Sister Vera and the others say the same."

Zhang Liying hung up the phone, sat and thought for a while, then stood up and walked into the study. Qiao Jiaojiao saw Zhang Liying walking in and asked, "Xiaoying, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Sister Jiaojiao, I figured it out."

When Qiao Jiaojiao heard Zhang Liying's words, she smiled and waved her hand.

"Go to sleep."

Zhang Liying closed the door, then remembered what Li Jing asked her to bring, then opened the door again, and said with a smile: "Sister Jingjing asked me to bring it to you. I wish you a happy New Year!"

"Okay, I understand, go to bed quickly."

Ermao called Li Xiang and Hong Lin, and Tang Feng also prepared some cooked food and peanuts to go with the wine. Because the New Year is celebrated tomorrow and Tang Feng is getting married, the whole village has become lively and every household is very busy. , Hong Lin and Li Xiang also ran out of the house.

The four of them sat directly on the fire bed of Ermao's house. The heat of Ermao's fire was very hot. The four of them drank and chatted at the same time. It was also very beautiful.

Tang Feng felt very happy when he said what was in his heart. He and Li Xiang were drinking together while talking to them about outside matters. The three of them listened very seriously, and their eyes were shining.

"It's really useless for you to live in this mountain. The world outside is really wonderful."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, the three of them looked thoughtful. Tang Feng didn't say any more. He picked up a bottle of beer and drank directly from the bottle. Er Mao suddenly picked up the bottle and said, "Gudong, gudong." "He took a big sip and then wiped his mouth.

"Master Tang, I know what you mean. You hope that we can go out with you, but I may disappoint you. Although I have no parents, Xiaomei and I have just agreed to get married. I can't leave anyway. It’s pretty good in this mountain, and what you taught me is enough for me to live a worry-free life.”

Tang Feng nodded, then raised the bottle, touched it with Er Mao, and the two drank heavily.

"I respect your opinion." Tang Feng said with a smile, and then looked at Li Xiang and Er Mao.

Although the three of them do not have the talent of He Mingyang, and they are older and their physiques are not easy to change, they are still good young people. Tang Feng does not want to see them living in this isolated village like this all their lives. A lifetime of inaction.

"Master Tang, I don't want to go out. The village is very nice." After Hong Lin finished speaking, Tang Feng nodded, and then looked at Li Xiang. Li Xiang sighed, and then said, "Master Tang, I still have My parents and grandparents, I really can’t leave.”

Tang Feng nodded, then raised the bottle and said with a smile: "You can make your own decision and don't regret it."

The four of them clinked their bottles and started drinking. Tang Feng smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's drink!"

The three laughed again and drank happily with Tang Feng. Tang Feng said with a smile: "When they were outside, the day before the wedding, some grooms would find their good friends to go to the bar together, have a bachelor party, and then have fun all night, and then go to pick up the bride to get married the next day."

When the three heard Tang Feng's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed. The four raised the bottles and drank happily. They understood what Tang Feng meant. Tang Feng really treated them as brothers.

The four chatted and drank, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time. The four drank for more than three hours. It was already dark, and the ground was full of beer bottles. Except for Tang Feng, Li Xiang and the other three were lying on the kang and fell asleep.

Tang Feng sat on the kang, with his back against the wall, and was in a daze. Later, Anna came to Ermao's house and smelled a strange smell as soon as she entered. Because she had never seen alcohol or smelled alcohol, she almost vomited as soon as she entered.

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