Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1463 Wasting Life

Tang Feng ran back to the mountain and saw Feng Qian and Anna still on the tree. Feng Qian and Anna were relieved when they saw Tang Feng running back safe and sound.

Tang Feng stood under the tree and clapped his hands at the two people on the tree.

"Come down, I'll catch you." Feng Qian helped Anna stand up, and then Anna laughed and jumped into Tang Feng's arms. Tang Feng put Anna on the ground, and then patted Feng Qian. Feng Qian clapped her hands and jumped down with a smile. Tang Feng immediately hugged Feng Qian and kissed her.

On her lips, Feng Qian also looked happy,

Tang Feng put Feng Qian down, and Anna smiled and said, "I didn't see anything!"

Feng Qian blushed, and then Tang Feng hugged Anna directly.

"Come up here and I'll take you home."

Feng Qian jumped on Tang Feng's back, and then asked: "Are we going back now?"

"We met someone. Let's take a plane back later."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he started running. More than twenty minutes later, Tang Feng returned to where Captain Hu had just been. People from both teams did not leave, but began to rest.

When the two captains saw Tang Feng coming back, they hurried over. Tang Feng put down Feng Qian on his back and Anna in his arms, and said to them: "My wife Feng Qian, my daughter Anna. These two He is the captain of the Spirit Fox Squad and the Flying Tiger Squad."

Feng Qian generously extended her hand and shook it with the two captains. Then Tang Feng said, "Captain Hu, should we find a place to wait for the plane?"

Captain Hu looked at the time and then said: "It takes more than thirty minutes to walk to a relatively open place over there, so we can rest here for a while."

Tang Feng nodded, and then took out a moisture-proof mat and placed it on the ground. Then Feng Qian and Anna sat directly on it. Tang Feng took out some food, and Feng Qian and Anna sat on the moisture-proof mat to eat. got up.

When the two captains saw Tang Feng taking out a moisture-proof mat and food out of thin air, they didn't find it strange. It would not be strange for the people of the ninth group to pick off the stars.

Tang Feng was chatting with the two captains, and Tang Jie looked at Feng Qian. Feng Qian felt her gaze and turned her head and smiled at her. Tang Jie was stunned for a moment, and then smiled too. Feng Qian looked around and found that there was only one girl, Tang Jie, so Feng Qian waved her hand at her.

Tang Jie stood up and walked to Feng Qian. Feng Qian patted her side and said with a smile: "Sit down and have something to eat with us."

Tang Jie hurriedly waved his hand, but at this moment Anna stood up directly, pulled Tang Jie to sit down, and then took a lollipop and handed it to her.

"Sister, eat this, it's delicious."

Tang Jie took it and said thank you with a smile. Tang Feng also saw it, but he didn't speak and continued chatting with the two captains.

Feng Qian and Tang Jie chatted for a while, and then Feng Qian asked in confusion: "Tang Jie, why are you the only girl in these two teams?"

Tang Jie picked up a wet wipe and wiped his face while saying, "I'm actually not a member of the Flying Tigers. I just wanted to have some fun, and then my dad sent me here."

Tang Jie wiped off the camouflage on her face as she spoke. She was also a beauty similar to Feng Qian, but she had more heroic spirit, while Feng Qian was more delicate.

"Why are you suffering from this? How about playing with your friends at home." Feng Qian said in confusion. "They are all a waste of life, a bunch of dandies, or simply a waste of air. I just want to go to the army and get some exercise. I grew up in the army. I started playing with guns when I was five years old. I was able to hit a hundred points at the age of seven. The target meters away, the current skill is not as good as that of these grown men.

Not much. "When Tang Jie said this, he raised his head proudly, like a proud little swan.

"You are so awesome!" Feng Qian couldn't help but say. Tang Jie smiled and said nothing. Although Tang Feng was chatting with the two captains, he also listened to Tang Jie and Feng Qian talking. From what Tang Jie said, it seemed that her home was not simple. In this kind of practical exercise, just cram people in. His father is definitely not ordinary, at least he is a teacher


Tang Feng never thought that anyone he picked up at random could be the daughter of the Commander-in-Chief of the Southwest Military Region. If he knew that Tang Jie was the daughter of the Commander-in-Chief of the Southwest Military Region, he would definitely say nothing to offend her.

After staying for more than an hour, Captain Hu took Tang Feng and the other three people to one side, while the others were waiting in place. Tang Jie looked at Tang Feng's leaving figure, walked up to Captain Kong, and then said: "Captain Kong, I want to go back, please arrange a flight for me."

Captain Kong was stunned for a moment, and then almost jumped up for joy, but he still held back and looked a little reluctant.

"Tang Jie, this exercise isn't over yet, why do you want to go back?"

Tang Jie is the commander-in-chief's daughter. If she gets hurt or scratched in the jungle, he can't take responsibility for it. So Tang Jie said she was leaving, and Captain Kong was very happy.

"I'm so tired, I want to go back."

"Okay, then I'll contact the base now." Captain Kong went to the side again, took out the communication equipment and started to contact the base.

Captain Hu and Tang Feng walked to the open area, and soon a helicopter flew over, and then landed directly. Captain Hu sent Tang Feng and the others onto the plane and saluted Tang Feng.

"Sir, I still have exercises here, so I can't send you off in person."

Tang Feng also returned the gift, and then said: "It doesn't matter, you have already helped us a lot."

"Have a safe trip, sir!"


Tang Feng smiled and nodded, and then the plane took off. Feng Qian smiled and said, "This person is quite interesting!"

Tang Feng smiled, and then said: "It's just for promotion."

"Dad, is this a plane? We are in the sky! It's so high!" Anna looked outside through the window at this time, and then said in surprise.

Tang Feng smiled and touched Anna's head and said, "Yes, this is a plane. It can fly faster than I can run."

Anna looked outside with a surprised look on her face, and then shouted happily.

"Tang Feng, where are we going now?" Feng Qian asked quietly while sitting on the plane.

"It should be the Southeast Military Region Base, and then we'll take the bus back to Pingyang." Tang Feng thought for a while, and then said. Feng Qian pursed her lips, and then said hesitantly: "I want to go home and have a look."

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