Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1,474 War God Tang Feng

After hearing what Tang Feng said, Feng Qian directly put her arms around his neck and said with a smile: "If you want my grandpa to wait for another hour, you can do whatever you want."

Tang Feng sighed helplessly, and then he could only get up from Feng Qian's body. Feng Qian smiled again and said: "Why did you get up? I was waiting so hard!"

Tang Feng's face was dark, and then he turned his head and said to Feng Qian: "Feng Qian, don't force me, if you force me, I can do anything!"

Feng Qian directly posed in a seductive posture, and then patted her butt.

"Uncle, come on!"

Feng Qian really didn't expect that Tang Feng would have the courage to rush up. This is her home, her father and grandfather are there, and her grandfather wants to see Tang Feng. She really didn't expect Tang Feng to dare to come up.

The two of them fooled around for more than an hour before Tang Feng put on his clothes and came out. Feng Qian fell asleep directly on his bed.

Tang Feng came out and walked to the living room. He saw Grandpa Feng playing with Anna. The old man looked very happy, and Anna also giggled from time to time. As for Feng Zhantian, he should have gone out. There was no trace of him in the living room. If he was at home, he would definitely rush into Tang Feng's room directly. It was impossible for him to fool around with Feng Qian.

Tang Feng walked in. Grandpa Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw him. Tang Feng smiled embarrassedly. As soon as Tang Feng came in, Anna ran over with a painting she had drawn.

"Dad, look, this is what grandpa taught me to draw. This is you, this is mom, and the one in the middle is me."

Tang Feng bent down and saw Anna's painting. He couldn't help but say: "Anna, did you draw this? It's so good!"

Tang Feng really didn't expect that Anna's talent for painting was so strong. She drew so well for the first time. The three little people above didn't look like they were drawn for the first time.

"My father-in-law taught me to draw." Anna said a little embarrassedly.

"She painted them all by herself. I just told her how to use the brushes and paints. Anna does have a talent for painting. I plan to send her to learn painting. What do you think?" Old Master Feng said with a smile while leaning on the sofa.

Tang Feng heard what Old Master Feng said and asked hurriedly, "Anna, do you want to learn painting?"

Anna hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Tang Feng looked at Old Master Feng and said hurriedly, "Grandpa, with the strength of the Feng family, it shouldn't be difficult to find a master in painting."

Old Master Feng pointed at Tang Feng and laughed and scolded, "I knew you were going to take the opportunity to make conditions!"

"My conditions are also based on Old Master Feng's strength!" Tang Feng pulled Anna to sit down and took the opportunity to flatter him.

"Hahaha." Old Master Feng laughed happily, "Don't worry, Anna is the great-granddaughter of the master, I will definitely find a good teacher."

"I feel relieved with your words, Anna, thank your father-in-law quickly."

"Thank you, father-in-law." Anna said with a smile.

"Just say thank you, is that enough? Come and give Grandpa Feng a kiss."

After hearing this, Anna walked to Grandpa Feng and kissed him on the face. Grandpa Feng obviously liked Anna very much, and his eyes were full of love.

"I really didn't expect you two to bring me a great-granddaughter. I like her so much. When I saw Anna, I remembered Feng Qian when she was a child. They were both equally cute." Grandpa Feng looked at Anna who was drawing and said with a smile.

Tang Feng smiled and didn't speak. Then Grandpa Feng said again: "What are you going to do next? Go back to Group 9, or take Feng Qian home?"

Tang Feng asked in surprise: "How do you know I'm from Group 9?"

"Is this still a secret? Which family in Yanjing doesn't know that Group 9 has a war god Tang Feng. All the tasks he performed were completed perfectly, and each task was not simple." Grandpa Feng smiled and looked at Tang Feng. Tang Feng said in surprise: "Is it me? Are you mistaken?"

"There are photos. Do you still doubt it?" Grandpa Feng said with a smile.

He was quite satisfied with Tang Feng, he had high cultivation, strong strength, and good character. As for Tang Feng's other women. Which powerful man doesn't have three wives and four concubines? Even coal bosses can have mistresses. Tang Feng is so outstanding, it's normal to have several women. Besides, his temper is also quite strange. Who doesn't keep so many women hidden and don't let them know each other? But Tang Feng directly let them live together, and they get along so well with each other, and they don't mean to be dissatisfied with Tang Feng at all.

"What do people say about me now?" Tang Feng asked curiously.

"What can I say? Strong strength, 100% completion of SSS-level tasks, God of War, the next leader of Group 9, in short, it's three words, can't be provoked."

Tang Feng nodded, and then laughed happily. His reputation is still good.

"What are you laughing at? Are you satisfied with yourself?" Mr. Feng smiled meaningfully, and then said, "Now that all countries know your name and all your information, can you still laugh?"

"Why can't you laugh? Come and kill me if you have the guts." Anna raised her head and looked at Tang Feng when she heard what Tang Feng said. Tang Feng smiled and said, "Dad is joking."

Anna frowned and looked at Tang Feng, then continued to paint. Anna was very sensitive now. If Tang Feng and Feng Qian disappeared again, she really didn't know what to do, so she looked up at Tang Feng after hearing what Tang Feng said.

Seeing Anna's look, Mr. Feng nodded in his heart. At least this child has begun to care about Tang Feng now, and he is not the kind of ungrateful person.

"If they have the ability, they will come. If they can..." Tang Feng said this, he made a cutting gesture on his neck with his hand, and then continued: "That is also their ability."

"You are too naive. Although there is a saying in our cultivator world that the disaster will not affect the family, those foreigners don't care. They are all unscrupulous." Mr. Feng said with some concern.

"Let them try. If they can touch my family, I will accept it." Tang Feng said confidently.

Not to mention Li Jing's own strength, even Wu Yue and Da Dao Li are now considered small masters. It can be said that this house is a gathering place for experts. Anyone who dares to come here is blind and is seeking death.

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