Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1486 Together

Prison Niu curled his lips, then opened a can of beer, took a big sip and said, "Who is your brother? I am older than you. From today on, I am your brother!"

"Okay, then brother, you have to cover me!" Pixiu sat between Bixi and Qiu Niu, immediately hugged their necks, and said happily: "Come on, take a photo for us. , commemorate today.”

Biuan took out his cell phone and took a photo of the three of them with a smile. In the photo, Pixiu smiled happily. Qiu Niu was holding a can of beer, covering his face so that his expression could not be seen. On the other side, Bixi still held his sword, then turned to look at Prisoner Niu.

After taking the photos, everyone didn't want to continue playing, but Prison Niu also started to greet Pixiu.

"Keep going. Today we promised to drag Zhan Long down, but we have been vomiting out for so long. No, continue!"

Everyone had no choice but to continue playing, but in the next few games, Tang Feng was playing soy sauce, and they were all playing. In the ninth game, everyone was surprised that the player with the smallest card turned out to be Suan. The largest one is Jiaotu. Although Jiao Tu is an "old goblin" who has been around for hundreds of years, he is still not as strong as Suan Ni. Moreover, Suan Ni wears a mask every day, looks cold every day, and looks like he should not be approached by strangers, so Jiao Tu Tu is still a little afraid of her, not just Jiao Tu, but almost everyone in the Mad Dragon Team is a little afraid of her.

Afraid of Suanni.

Jiao Tu was a little hesitant when he got the card, but Suan Ni was very bachelor, so he immediately threw out the three of hearts, opened a can of beer, and said, "Just ask me." Suan Ni picked up the beer, He inserted a straw and drank by himself.

Jiao Tu hesitated for a moment, then said, "Why do you always wear this mask?"

"Get used to it"

"Because of what?"

"This is the second question." Suan Ni said, glanced at Jiao Tu, and then took a sip of beer.

"Come on, come on, next one! Keep going!" Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Yaizhen hurriedly opened his mouth to lighten the atmosphere.

In the tenth hand, what everyone didn't expect was that Jiao Tu actually got the biggest card again, and Suanni got the smallest card again. Suanni threw his cards on the table, and then Jiao Tu asked: " It’s the same question as before, why?”

"I have a scar that I want to cover."

"Can you let us take a look?" Pixiu said curiously, but as soon as she said it, Bixi beside her pulled her.

What Bixi didn't expect was that Suanni took off the mask generously, but there were still scars on her face. The skin on her delicate face looked better than Pixiu, a 20-year-old girl.

"Wow! So beautiful!" Pixiu, a woman, couldn't help but praise her.

"Where is the scar? Why didn't I see it?" Qiu Niu looked at Suani's face and asked in confusion.

Suan Ni glanced at everyone, and then put it on again, but Tang Feng grabbed her wrist, "Take it off and don't put it on again. We are friends, are you still afraid of letting us see it?"

Suanni looked at Tang Feng for a long time, then put down his mask and drank a beer. Tang Feng said with a smile: "I gave her some medicine a month ago, and she is fine now."

"Oh, I asked you why you entered Suan Ni's room when you first arrived. It turned out that you were there to see a doctor for her!" Pixiu suddenly realized that they had thought that Tang Feng and Suan Ni had known each other before, but they didn't expect that Tang Feng would still be there. Know medical skills.

"Zhan Long, you are so well hidden. You can even see a doctor. He can't be a charlatan!" Bi An looked at Tang Feng and said with a smile.

"Of course not, I can cure any cancer. As long as your head is not decapitated, even if your heart is broken, I can save it for you!" Tang Feng said confidently.

Everyone screamed in unison, not taking Tang Feng's words to heart, but Tang Feng did have this ability. After he received the inheritance of the Medical Saint, his medical skills had completely surpassed Mr. Dong, and he was said to be the number one doctor. No one can do too much. Everyone was having fun the whole night. At the end, they stopped playing games and started drinking. Especially Prisoner Niu. Maybe it was because Pixiu and Bixi were together. He drank a lot. At the end, he started talking nonsense. Well, plus this is in the base of the Mad Dragon Team, who

They did not use their own strength to resolve the hangover, and they all fell drunk on the ground. However, Tang Feng and Yaizhen took advantage of their relatively good physical fitness and were not drunk, so they sent them all back to the dormitory one by one.

When Tang Feng finally sent Suani back to the room, he saw the ointment on the bedside table and the detoxification medicine he had prepared for her. Tang Feng directly reached out and put his hand on Suani's wrist. After a while, Tang Feng let go of his hand, covered her with a quilt and walked out of the room. After Tang Feng went out, Suan Ni opened her eyes. At this time, Suan Ni's eyes were clear, and there was still a trace of drunkenness. Suan Ni touched her wrist and then covered it with the quilt. Tang Feng returned to the room. Because he also drank a lot of wine, he did not practice any more.

So he fell asleep with his head covered.

At around ten o'clock the next morning, Tang Feng woke up in a daze. Tang Feng rubbed his aching head, then walked out, and then went directly to the fourth floor. When Tang Feng reached the fourth floor, he poured it for himself. A glass of water, I felt better after taking a sip.

It was already this time, and before everyone got up, Tang Feng started to make breakfast directly. Because everyone almost started fighting over the previous two times he cooked breakfast, so Tang Feng prepared a limited amount this time.

Tang Feng prepared breakfast and divided it into ten portions, two buns per person, a bowl of porridge and an egg, and did not prepare more. After Tang Feng finished, he wrapped the breakfast with a spiritual power membrane, and then ate it by himself.

While eating, Tang Feng said to Xiao A, who was directing other robots to clean up the "battlefield" last night: "Xiao A, do you have the information of the Five Nations Competition? Check it out for me to see."

Xiao A nodded, and then directly projected a virtual screen in front of Tang Feng, and then the specific rules of the Five Nations Competition appeared, but they were all what Ya Zi had told him. Tang Feng swiped it, and then he saw the information of the contestants from various countries.

The first one was the United States. Tang Feng looked at it, and what surprised him was that the last contestant in the United States turned out to be his former rival Mark. Tang Feng looked carefully and found that he was his rival, but Tang Feng frowned. Tang Feng put a dark force in Mark's body before leaving the United States. It stands to reason that Mark should have died after so long.

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