Rural Friends Circle

$ Chapter 1,499 Little Goblin

Remember in one second,

Just like what Little D said, this is a scam. After the three of them saw it, they looked at each other without saying a word. Little D said again: "Not just this one, there are problems with all the red names here. I need them one by one." Explain?"

Qiao Jiaojiao looked at the red names, which accounted for two thirds, and shook her head with a wry smile.

"Okay, no need to say anything more." Tang Feng waved his hand, indicating that Little D didn't need to say anything more, and then said to the lost three people: "This incident has also sounded the alarm for you. Now that we have Little D, You don’t have to worry about this happening anymore.”

"Oh, we have been busy for so long, and it is not as good as this kid's three minutes of work. Fortunately, she is there, otherwise we would have been deceived." Qiao Jiaojiao said with a wry smile. Tang Feng sat down, hugged Qiao Jiaojiao's shoulders, and said with a smile: "That's why I brought you little D. With her in the future, you will be able to avoid detours. You are getting After applying, I asked Xiao D to investigate directly. She would definitely be able to find out, and some data

There is no need to organize the data at all, just plug the USB disk into the computer, small d. It will be sorted out for you. "

"By the way, you said her name was Little D. Where did you get it?" Zhang Liying looked at Little D. If it weren't for the blue background behind her, she would have thought Little D was a real person.

"Little D is actually a subsystem. The real main system is in my car..." Tang Feng told the story about the sports car and Little C, and then talked about the separation of Little C into subsystems, but he added Qiu Niu and Bi Fan were all hidden, and they jumped over with just a few instructions. Qiao Jiaojiao and Zhang Liying didn't ask any questions. Tang Feng didn't go behind Li Na's back when he said that.

Li Ying asked him to bring a takeaway to Li Na. It can be seen that Zhang Liying and Li Na are not just managers and secretaries, they should also be very good friends.

"The sports car you built yourself? Can it run? Even if it can run, I guess it's about the same as a tricycle, and it's a sports car!" Zhang Liying didn't believe that Tang Feng could build a sports car by himself, and started to ridicule.

"Xiao Nizi, what if my sports car runs faster than your Hummer!"

"I'll do whatever you say!" Zhang Liying said directly, slapping the table.

"Okay! If my car can't run as fast as your Hummer, I will ask Little C to come up with another system for you!" Tang Feng also patted the table and said with a smile on his face, but this smile was different from Qiao's. There was something different in Jiaojiao's eyes. Tang Feng was trying to trick people every time he smiled like this.

"Deal! If my Hummer can't run as fast as your car! I'll clean up, pack and send myself to your bed today! The position is up to you!"

Zhang Liying shouted carelessly, not only Qiao Jiaojiao and Li Na beside her, but even Tang Feng couldn't help but blush.

Li Na directly picked up her takeaway, and then said awkwardly: "Chairman Tang, Sister Xiaoying, Sister Jiaojiao, I'm going out first, call me if you need anything." After Li Na said that, she ran out as if running away. office.

Qiao Jiaojiao glared at Zhang Liying and said, "You dare to say anything! We're not even at home yet!"

"It doesn't matter, Nana is not an outsider!" Zhang Liying waved her hands carelessly, and then said to Tang Feng: "How about it, my conditions are tempting enough!"

Tang Feng curled his lips, shook his head and said: "There is an obedient one, why do we need a disobedient one!" After Tang Feng said this, he immediately hugged Qiao Jiaojiao next to him, and Qiao Jiaojiao blushed. , but didn’t say anything.


Zhang Liying stared at her with big eyes, then patted the table and said: "If you win! I will be with Sister Jiaojiao tonight! How about it! This time it is tempting enough!" Tang Feng looked at the person next to him after hearing this. Qiao Jiaojiao, Qiao Jiaojiao blushed and glared at Zhang Liying, but didn't say anything. It was obvious that she acquiesced. Seeing Qiao Jiaojiao like this, Tang Feng's throat moved, and then he patted the table and said: "Okay! It's a deal! When you get off work, we'll

The two of us drove directly home to see who gets home first! "

"Okay! It's a deal!"

Zhang Liying knew that she had taken a big advantage. Pingyang City is also a first-tier city after all, and there will naturally be many cars. When running in the city, her Hummer must be more advantageous. No matter how good Tang Feng's sports car is, there will be no shortage of cars on this road. Want to run. Tang Feng came here all afternoon, and with the help of Xiao D, he sorted out all the applications for donations during this period. Fortunately, there were not many people who cheated money like Tan Dacheng, and there were only more than ten applications. It’s fake, but several people have already donated it, Qiao Jiao

Jiao chose to call the police on the spot.

A few people worked hard all afternoon and finished everything. Tang Feng stretched, then yawned and said: "You two always say that I am a hands-off shopper. Did I do it all at once today?" It's over!" "Tsk! It's all Xiao D's fault, what does it have to do with you!" Zhang Liying rolled her eyes, and then started chatting happily with Xiao D. The artificial intelligence of Xiao D is definitely the best in the world. When chatting with people, he answers fluently and has his own thoughts. It is not like what is available in the market now.

That kind of artificial intelligence, compared with Little D, they are simply garbage.

Qiao Jiaojiao looked at Xiao D chatting with Zhang Liying, turned to Tang Feng and said, "Tang Feng, can you come up with another system? If there is another system, our farm will be a lot easier."

Tang Feng nodded, "I'll let Little C make another one later."

Because it was still early, the three of them were not in a hurry, and Qiao Jiaojiao asked about Feng Qian.

"I went out to perform the mission this time, and Feng Qian was caught because of me. Not only did Feng Qian's face get ruined, but she was also poisoned and mute. I was also seriously injured..."

"What! You're injured! How are you now?" Although Zhang Liying was chatting with Xiao D, she was also listening to what Tang Feng said. When she heard that Tang Feng was seriously injured, she jumped directly to Tang Feng's side and turned over his clothes to look carefully.

"Where's Xiao Qian, is she okay?" Qiao Jiaojiao obviously saw that Tang Feng was fine now, so she asked about Feng Qian directly. A girl who was disfigured and poisoned and mute would definitely seek death.

"I'm fine." Tang Feng pulled Zhang Liying's hand away, and then said, "Xiao Qian is fine now. I cured her throat and her face has returned to its previous appearance." Zhang Liying pouted, and then said angrily, "Another little goblin! You are so bewitched that you can't find the north!"

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