Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1535 I will not marry anyone but him

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Tao Ting's mother was also very satisfied with Tang Feng, but she was a little scared because Tang Feng was so good. If Tang Feng were here and heard Tao Mu's words, he would definitely break into a cold sweat. It can only be said that women's intuition is so accurate. A group of women in Tang Feng's family were actually guessed by Tao's mother. Before Tang Feng and Tao Ting came, Tao Ting told Tang Feng not to mention that the two had sex, and not to let Tao Ting's parents know about the existence of Qiao Jiaojiao and Li Jing at home. Tang

Feng was originally going to confess to Tao Ting's parents, but Tao Ting held him back with just one sentence.

"If you want me to break up with my family, just say it. Anyway, if my parents don't want me, then I won't want you either. You decide what to do!"

Tang Feng had no choice but to hide it, but this was also beneficial. If he had told it, Tao Ting's parents might have beaten him out, and he would have been able to hug Tao Ting while lying on the hot stove. "He dares! If he dares to have a mistress, I'll break his fucking legs!" When Tao's father heard what Tao's mother said, he shouted out loudly. Tao's mother glared at him quickly, and Tao's father grinned. , then squatted down and continued to light the fire, "If our little Taozi suffers a little injustice, I have to get it back for her."

That's fair! "

"Isn't that what I said? It's not that Xiao Tang has already left his mistress, I'm just afraid." Mother Tao said helplessly, looking at Father Tao's angry look.

"Then it's up to you. Talk to your daughter and teach her how to keep a man by her side. Don't be as willful as before and learn how to cook. Otherwise, let her quit her job and take care of her at home. Xiao Tang got it.”

If Tao Ting hears her father's words, she will definitely not be able to help complaining, whose father are you? Even Tang Feng's father probably wouldn't say that.

"I know what I'm talking about, and I'll chat with little Taozi in the evening."

It was already dark when Tang Feng and Tao Ting woke up. Tang Feng and Tao Ting cleaned up and walked out. Tao Ting's mother had just prepared the meal, and Tao Ting's father had already gone out to look for someone. When we get back, we're ready for dinner. Soon Tao Ting's father came back with his people. They exchanged a few words with each other and then went to the table. The people who came were basically some prestigious people in the village. They didn't eat much, they were all drinking, which was normal. Women are basically not allowed to serve at dinner, but today is different.

These people came to see Tao Ting and Tang Feng, and they all talked about Tao Ting and Tang Feng. Tang Feng also knew a lot about Tao Ting's childhood.

"Xiao Tang, you and Xiao Tao Zi must have met their parents. When are you going to get married?" As they were chatting, the old village chief said with a smile, and glanced at Tao Ting's father. Tao Ting His father didn't say anything and looked at Tang Feng with a smile. When Tang Feng saw the two of them looking like this, he knew that they must have discussed it, and it might have been instructed by Tao Ting's father.


"Well, this still depends on Tao Ting." Tang Feng decisively kicked the ball to Tao Ting. He now has so many wives. If he wants to get the certificate, he can only listen to the No. 1 leader and always do good things so that everyone in society can Knowing him, and then being grateful to him, there will be much less opposition to the marriage of his colleagues to several women.

Even if there are objections by then, Chief No. 1 can suppress them, so he can't give Tao Ting's father a definite date yet. When Tao Ting's father heard Tang Feng's words, he couldn't tell what he meant. Tao Ting saw Tang Feng's eyes on her, and then understood what Tang Feng meant, and then said with a smile: "We are still young now. , don’t worry, I want to wait a few more years before we get married. The most important thing now is to

Develop your career. "

"Xiao Taozi, this village chief has to talk about you. As the saying goes, to start a family, you must first start a family and then start a career. Besides, you are a little girl. It is better to take care of Xiao Tang at home. One of you lives at home and the other lives outside. Your life will be certain. The better.”

Tang Feng and Tao Ting were both confused when they heard the village chief's words. They didn't understand why the village chief was urging them to get married. Even Tao Ting's parents didn't say anything about this kind of thing. Even if they have a good relationship, they don't understand. That's what I should say. Tang Feng glanced at Tao Ting's father, who was smiling, and almost figured out what was going on. The village chief is also the head of a village, and he is over sixty years old. He should have seen many scenes. Logically speaking, What Tao Ting said was already obvious, but the village chief still said this

So he must have listened to other people's instructions, and among these people, it must be Tao Ting's father.

"Village Chief, you asked me to be a housewife when I was only twenty-five years old. Even if I agree with Tang Feng, I cannot agree. Young people should strive. Besides, my personality is suitable for outsiders. A housewife is not suitable for me."

The village chief smiled, then stood and said, "Today's young people just have ideas!" After the village chief finished speaking, he glanced at Tao Ting's father without any trace, then picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Tao Ting's father's eyes flashed with disappointment, but he still smiled and greeted everyone to eat. It took more than two hours to eat the meal. Tang Feng finally realized that the place in the Northeast was completely different from the one at his home. After eating, Food, put away the things on the dinner table and pour it for everyone

We served hot water, smoked cigarettes and continued chatting. Moreover, Northeastern people are extremely enthusiastic. Tang Feng could feel it when he drank. Tang Feng was a junior, so he should have made a toast, but after toasting a few glasses, he started drinking straight away. Regardless of his seniority, he clinked glasses and started drinking. Fortunately, Tang Feng had a good physique and a good capacity for drinking, otherwise he would have been drunk by now. Got under the table. On the other hand, everyone else's faces were red from drinking, Tang Feng's

His face was neither red nor white.

After eating, Tao Ting and her mother went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. While washing the dishes, Tao's mother asked: "Little Taozi, tell me the truth, where are you and Xiao Tang?"

Tao Ting was stunned for a moment, then saw his mother's serious expression, and said hurriedly: "No way, at most we can sleep together. Tang Feng has never touched me."

As soon as Tao Ting finished speaking, Tao Mulu put a finger on her forehead with some dishwashing water. Tao Ting wiped it quickly, and then Tao Mulu said, "You are my daughter. Can’t I see that you’re lying? Tell me, you’ve done everything you need to do!”

Tao Ting flattened her mouth and nodded. Seeing her like this, Tao's mother couldn't help but sigh and said, "Oh, do you really recognize Xiao Tang?"

Tao Ting nodded vigorously. "Yes! I will never marry him unless I am in this life!"

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