Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1556 The Mysterious Man

Tang Feng looked at the brightly lit streets and sighed helplessly. It may only be so lively here every four years. If it hadn't been for the Five Nations Competition, who would have come to live on such a sterile island. While drinking wine and looking at the night scene, Tang Feng suddenly saw a person jumping off the building. Tang Feng frowned. Who would jump out of a place like this without leaving the door? Tang Feng took a closer look. I found out that he was a yellow man, and judging from his body shape, he should be a Chinese, and

His strength is not weak, at least not far behind Bixi, but he doesn't know him.

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows. This man was so powerful and he was from China. Even before he knew him, Tang Feng became interested in him. He put the wine glass on the rooftop, turned around and jumped off the roof like a kite. Followed behind this Chinese man.

This Chinese man didn't seem to notice Tang Feng, walking slowly and leisurely in front, and he was obviously in a good mood. As he walked, he put his hands behind his head and whistled. However, Tang Feng lost him at a crossroads. Tang Feng frowned and looked around. There were many people at this crossroads, and there were no cars on the island, so this small intersection was also crowded. It’s a food stall from various countries. It’s normal to lose someone.

Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, then walked to a food stall and bought a piece of cake, but when he touched his pocket, he found that his wallet was missing. Tang Feng frowned. Although he had a Xianyun bracelet, he would still take out his wallet and put it in his pocket in daily life. However, his wallet was lost now, and it was lost without any warning. Tang Feng's mental strength could not be improved. It's not that powerful, but it can actually be done without anyone noticing.

He stole his wallet, which is enough to show how strong this person is.

However, Tang Feng didn't think about getting it back. Anyway, there was only some cash in the wallet and nothing else. If it was lost, just throw it away and treat it as a lesson learned.

"Sir, do you have money?" Tang Feng fumbled for a long time without taking out the money. The cake seller was also a little impatient, but he didn't dare to say it loudly. After all, the people who can come here are not simple. , how dare you offend them.

"Right now!"

My wallet was lost. Although there was cash in the Xianyun bracelet, I couldn't suddenly take out the money in such a public situation.

“I don’t have cash with me, can I pay via WeChat?”


When Tang Feng touched his pocket, his phone was gone again! This damn thing was still in my pocket when I was looking for my wallet just now! Why did this suddenly disappear!

"Boss, let me have a piece of cake!"

When Tang Feng was in a daze, a black man behind him walked up, took out two U.S. dollars, handed them to the boss, and then said: "My friend's will be settled together."


"Thank you!" Tang Feng raised his head, looked at this black man who was more than a head taller than him, and said with a smile.

"You're welcome." The black man took the cake, then hugged the woman beside him and left. Tang Feng frowned, then looked around. He was sure that when he was looking for his wallet just now, he touched his cell phone, but there was no Your phone will be gone in a minute, so whoever stole your wallet and phone must be

There was no malice, and he was definitely not an ordinary thief. He was definitely just teasing himself. Tang Feng looked at it, then walked under a lamppost, squatted and started eating cakes, like a migrant worker who had just finished work, his eyes kept scanning the intersection, looking for who was more suspicious. But after looking for a long time, I didn't see it. Tang Feng is not worried about his mobile phone

He would lose it, and the phone would come back on its own after a day anyway, but he was very curious about the person who stole his things, and he was able to take the things away without alerting him. He was like a god!

"Brother, what are you looking for!"

When Tang Feng heard this voice, he broke into a cold sweat. Then he saw a person squatting down next to him, holding his wallet and mobile phone in his hand. This person was the person Tang Feng had just followed.

After taking the mobile phone and wallet, the man smiled and said, "Why are you following me? I'm not a beautiful woman, and I don't have anything good."

"I'm just curious. Are you Chinese?"

"Of course, doesn't it look like it?"

Tang Feng was even more curious. Such a Chinese man, and Tang Feng could feel that his strength was definitely not inferior to Suan Ni, or even stronger than Suan Ni. However, he did not join the Mad Dragon Team, but was more like an independent person. .

"Then you...are a member of the Mad Dragon Team?"

"Are you a war dragon?"

Tang Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded. The man smiled and then said: "There used to be ten people in the Mad Dragon Team..."

When Tang Feng heard these words, he immediately realized that this person turned out to be the tenth member of the Mad Dragon Squad. Tang Feng always thought that the person next to the No. 1 leader was the tenth member of the Mad Dragon Squad, but he was so As soon as he said it, Tang Feng knew that the tenth person was him.

"I heard from Chief No. 1 that you are a pretty good young man."

When Tang Feng heard what he said, he couldn't help but look at him a few more times. He looked like he was only in his thirties, and he still called himself a young man. Don't you think so?

"Why are you here? How did you get here?"

"Can't I come if you come?" The man laughed, then stood up, patted Tang Feng on the shoulder, and disappeared in front of Tang Feng in a flash.

Tang Feng stood up and looked around, but he didn't find any traces. There was no sign of this person at all, as if he had never appeared. Tang Feng shook his head helplessly, and then walked towards the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Tang Feng went straight into his room, sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice. He was going to practice as soon as possible, after all, the competition would start tomorrow, and every bit of strength improvement was a plus.

Tang Feng didn't know that while he was practicing, the man was watching him outside his window. After watching for a while, the man smiled and left.

The next morning, Tang Feng walked out of the room, and then he saw Bi'an yawning and coming out of the room. Tang Feng saw him and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "How many hours did you sleep?"

"Three, although very sleepy, but refreshed! How about you?"

"I practiced all night, and I came back after you entered the private room yesterday." Bi'an raised a middle finger at Tang Feng, fully expressing his contempt. After the two went downstairs, breakfast was already prepared downstairs, and then they saw Qiuniu and Suanni eating breakfast quietly. (http://) "Rural Friends Circle" only represents the author Ping Fang's views. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. http://'s position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

, thank you everyone!

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