Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1558: More attractive prizes

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A long sword appeared on the big screen. When Bi Xi saw the sword, she couldn't help but grasp the sword in her hand, and her breathing became a little heavy.

"Help me!" Bixi quickly adjusted herself and whispered silently.

When everyone heard it, they all knew it in their minds, and then they all nodded. "I believe that everyone can see the sharpness of this spiritual sword through the screen, so I won't say more. Next is the prize provided by Japan's Sakura Road to the champion, five thousand spiritual stones and a super car. This sports car has many functions, the simplest is that it has weapons, and it can also directly

Connecting to the satellite to determine the location, although we cultivators do not particularly need it, it is good to give it to our family members. "

When everyone in the Mad Dragon Team saw this car, they couldn't help but say in unison: "Trash!"

That person and the middle-aged man couldn't help turning their heads when they heard it. They looked at each other and laughed.

"I think this car is good!"

"It's not bad! Zhan Long's car is ten thousand times better than theirs!" Pixiu couldn't help but said, and everyone else nodded.

The man looked at Tang Feng in surprise and asked: "Zhan Long, do you have a better car?" Tang Feng smiled bitterly and nodded. He didn't want to tell this matter at all, but now what happened After arriving here, he could only admit it, and then Pixiu said again: "Tang Feng's car was made by Biuan! Now Biuan is making it for himself!" After Pixiu said that, he saw No. 1

Her eyes lit up, and then she realized that she had said too much, and she hurriedly covered her mouth. Even Bixi couldn't help but give her a look. .org Yawen Bar

The man stared at Tang Feng and asked, "Zhan Long, how good is your car?"

"Leader, what do you want me to say?" Tang Feng smiled bitterly and spread his hands. The man was also stunned. There was no way to say it without the real thing!

"Then if you win, this car will be given to me! I need a means of transportation every day when I go out, and I think this is good." The person said shamelessly to everyone at this time. "Okay, I'll give it to you, but you have to exchange something as compensation!" At this time, Bi Yan accepted the request on behalf of everyone else, but he was not that easy to talk to. If the Kuanglong Team wins, this car will definitely belong to Bian in the future, but if it was before

, Bi Yan will definitely accept it without hesitation, but now he has no intention of asking for it. Why would he want a bad product when there is a better one, but he cannot give it away in vain. This is the person of the country, no this If you try to trick him sometimes, you can't tell when the next time will be.

"You kid, you dare to trick anyone!" the man said with a smile.

"The brave will be killed by starvation, and the timid by starvation!" "Okay! What a sentence, the bold by starvation will be killed by the coward! I'll trade this car with you for No. 1. How about a piece of unused amethyst jade? "The middle-aged man next to him couldn't help laughing when he heard this. As soon as they heard the amethyst jade, Pixiu, Biuan and Qianniu couldn't bear to breathe.

It became rough and heavy.

"Okay! That's what I said!"

"It's hard to chase a horse! I've prepared the amethyst jade for you, but you have to get this car first!" the middle-aged man said with a hint of meaning.

"Don't worry, if you can't take first place, come and see me!"

Tang Feng was a little curious as to why they were so excited when mentioning amethyst jade, and then asked Suan Ni next to him.

"What is amethyst jade?" Suan Ni glanced at him sideways, and then said: "Amethyst jade is a kind of jade. It is of little use to cultivators, but it is very useful to those with supernatural powers. , Amethyst Jade can absorb elements between heaven and earth, but it can only absorb one type. For example, if Biuan has the power of steel, he can

To absorb the steel element, as long as he practices it once, the amethyst jade will form a memory and continuously absorb the steel element. This piece of amethyst jade cannot be used by other superpowers. "

Tang Feng nodded. He didn't know so much. When he heard about this kind of thing for the first time, he still felt it was very magical. A piece of jade, a dead object can still have memories, and it can only absorb one supernatural element in its lifetime.

"Next is the prize prepared by the Russian giant of justice for everyone, the x-type reagent, which enhances the ability of superpower users to understand superpower elements. This bottle is already a finished product. It has been evaluated by five countries at the same time. This bottle of medicine is completely No problem."

This bottle of potion was revealed, but not many people felt surprised, and the response was very dull.

This time, no picture appeared on the screen, but a girl came out from the three exits below. The three girls looked exactly the same. They were all wearing clothes of different colors, with light clothes underneath, and they were all white. , blond, blue-eyed, and in great shape.

Seeing this scene, even Tang paused for a moment. It had to be said that these three girls were really not fake in terms of their appearance alone. As soon as the three girls came out, Tang Feng could even hear the sounds of the men around him swallowing their saliva. "I believe you have also seen that these three beauties are the second prize prepared by Russia for everyone. These three beauties are triplets, they look exactly the same, and they are all virgins. They are proficient in all aspects of knowledge. The most important thing is that these triplets are all cultivators, cultivators of the ninth level of earth realm.

It’s not just a vase! "The host said and smiled obscenely.

As soon as the host finished speaking, the triplets began to dance on the ring. They were all very coquettish dances, and the expressions on their faces were full of temptation. Tang Feng couldn't help but swallowed when he saw it. .

Yaizhen's eyes were so wide-eyed that Jiaotu couldn't even pull his ears back. Bixi, a man who only had swords in his eyes, couldn't help but look sideways and made Pixiu very angry, but there was nothing he could do. By nature, I can't walk when I see a beautiful woman. Soon the triplets finished the dance and then left. The host also calmed down his mood, and then said again: "Next are the prizes prepared for everyone by the British Knights of the Round Table. The first one is A holy shield, said to be the weapon of King Arthur, the first Knight of the Round Table.

With divine power, it can withstand attacks from evil auras, and its defense power is extremely powerful and will increase with the strength of the user. "

This shield was revealed, and everyone was surprised. This shield was a legendary thing, and countless people were salivating, but they just didn't know if it was a "high imitation". "The second item is a small island. This small island is located near Australia. It has a good location, beautiful scenery, and the climate is suitable for living and vacationing. It is a treasure."

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