Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1569: Healing

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When Pixiu heard Bixi's words, he burst into tears. Tang Feng saw the look in Bixi's eyes and knew that he sincerely knew his mistake, so he said no more and silently helped him recover his arm. .org Yawen Bar

Pixiu cried for a while, and then walked to the two of them. Looking at Bixi who was sweating profusely and smiling at him, Pixiu didn't know what it felt like.

"I was wrong. I will never be like this again. From now on, I will only have you in my heart!" Bixi looked at Pixiu and said affectionately.

Pixiu cried and nodded, holding Bixi's other hand and saying nothing. Tang Feng saw the two of them like this, smiled, and then began to treat Bixi's arm seriously. Generally speaking, this kind of broken arm injury is the most difficult to deal with. Although Tang Feng has the inheritance of the Medical Saint, the Medical Saint himself rarely deals with such injuries, and Tang Feng only has no choice but to do so. If it is Not only does it take a long time to restore Bixi's arm bit by bit, but also after recovery,

It wouldn't be as flexible as before, so Tang Feng decided to "grow" another arm for Bixi.

Under normal circumstances, if Bixi's arm was cut off, a new arm would definitely not grow using ordinary methods, so Tang Feng used another method, which was to find a way to grow a smaller arm first, and then Use elixirs to stimulate growth, so there will be no problem... Tang Feng and the others were treating their injuries in the house. They had already experienced two games outside. Lao Kong lost the one. The two were actually evenly matched, but After all, Lao Kong is old. The life of the Knights of the Round Table has completely consumed him. There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, it is an objective reason and no one can do it.

Some people blame Lao Kong. In the second game of Yawen, Taotie played against an invisible person. As expected, Taotie’s food was not free. Although the opponent could become invisible, he could not hurt Taotie at all. Although Taotie was fat, he was flexible. Fatty, and the exercises he practices are not ordinary exercises, like body training

The exercises are also like spiritual cultivation exercises. Taotie's technique is based on his flesh. It seems that the fat all over his body is of no use, but the more he eats, the stronger he becomes. Moreover, the flesh on his body is like a body trainer, extremely hard and capable of ordinary attacks. There is no way to break through his defense, so no matter where the invisible person is hiding

No matter where you are, you won't be able to hurt anyone at all. Whatever you win, Taotie will win in the end. When Tang Feng came out with Pixiu and Bixi, everyone's eyes widened when they saw the intact Bixi. In just over two hours, Tang Feng actually cured Bixi, and Bixi The arms have grown back again. If the exposed arms were not too white, everyone would

She even thought that Bi Xi was not injured at all. That person originally thought that Tang Feng was just helping Bi Xi deal with it, and didn't even think that Tang Feng could grow Bi Xi's arm back. But when he saw Bi Xi come out completely, that person was also happy. It's amazing, firstly, Bixi's arm is healed, and secondly, I didn't expect Tang Feng to be able to heal again.

He is a miracle doctor, and he can cure such injuries. Bixi's injury, even if Mr. Dong was here, he might not be able to preserve Bixi's arm completely, but Tang Feng did it, and he was simply another enemy of the King of Hell! "Zhan Long, on behalf of the country, I thank you for rescuing a defender!" The man took the initiative to extend his hand. Tang Feng shook his hand gently and said, "It's nothing, it's just a little effort." Tang Feng Although he said so, only he knew how difficult the whole process was, even if it was

Bixi and Pixiu only saw the whole process and did not understand the difficulties involved.

Although the others didn't say it with their mouths, they were all grateful to Tang Feng in their hearts. They were all brothers who worked together. After so many years, although the relationship was not that of real brothers, it was better than that of real brothers. Seeing Bi Xi's Their arms were healed, and they felt happy from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, Prisoner Niu stood up and said to everyone: "I'll be on hand for the next one. It must have taken a lot of spiritual energy to heal Bi Xi. Zhan Long, you should rest first."

Tang Feng nodded, and then Qi Niu walked out of the lounge and walked onto the ring. Everyone sat down. Tang Feng looked at Qi Niu on the ring while recovering his body. Prison Niu's opponent is a master among the Knights of the Round Table, named Haru. He can be said to be the top combat power of the Knights of the Round Table. His special power is wind, and by controlling the wind, he has also developed many martial arts, and In his battles, all his opponents were either dead or wounded, and his attacks were unusual.

It was so cruel that everyone was sweating for Prison Niu.

Qiu Niu came on stage, nodded to Haru opposite him, then pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, took a deep breath, a bell rang, and the battle officially began. Qiu Niu's eyes flashed, and he plucked his hands like a piano. In an instant, a sound wave that was like a substance flew towards Haru on the opposite side.

Tang Feng saw Qiu Niu's battle and realized that Qiu Niu was a superpower. He originally thought Qiu Niu was a cultivator, but today he realized that Qiu Niu was a superpower, and his superpower was sonic. This is a particularly rare and powerful ability. The sound wave of the prisoner cow flew towards Haru, and Haru frowned. Although he was not afraid of the sound waves, the sound was indeed too harsh. With a move of his hand, Haru made three small whirlwinds that were close together and flew towards the sound wave of the prisoner cow. , the whirlwind and the sound wave collided, and they were directly canceled out, and there was a burst of sound in the field.

The wind blew the prisoners' hair up.

He is difficult to deal with!

The two of them exchanged moves, and this sentence appeared in their hearts at the same time. Prisoner Niu kept attacking Haru with a serious look on his face. Haru also used some combined whirlwinds to resist the sound waves. He also used some wind blades to attack Prisoner Niu from time to time. Prisoner Niu also used sound wave walls to defend him. After his attack, in general, the two of them were just testing each other, not at all

He didn't use his full strength.

"Don't worry, although Haru is very strong, Qi Niu is not a vegetarian, and Qi Niu still has a trick that he hasn't used yet. Once he uses it, the game will be over!" Pixiu sat next to Tang Feng, looking mysterious. Said secretly. Bixi's injury healed, and Pixiu became happy. Moreover, Tang Feng said that Bixi was cured for her sake, which made her impression of Tang Feng skyrocket. Tang Feng only regarded Pixiu as his younger sister. See, When she cried so sadly just now, Tang Feng remembered that when she was in America, Tang Xuan broke up with that scumbag and cried exactly like Pixiu just now, so Tang Feng said those words.

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