Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1575 Alpha

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Mark saw Tang Feng and made a gesture of slitting his neck. Tang Feng suddenly remembered what Jiaolong said to him. The three of them united to deal with him. He originally thought it was Mark's decision in private, but seeing that In this case, Blake must have acquiesced, or maybe

...Blake took the initiative. Tang Feng didn't care. If it was really Black who proposed it, Tang Feng had no way to deal with Black. After all, Black was Vera's father. No matter what he did, Tang Feng couldn't attack him. But Mark was different. Yes, they were love rivals in the first place, so killing him would be nothing.

. Everyone entered the lounge, and the game officially started soon. Four years later, everyone's fighting style and fighting methods have changed a lot. However, there are no outstanding people in the two forces, and they are all old. Team members, there is no team like Tang Feng who comes to the competition for the first time.

member, but everyone is watching it very seriously and not letting it go at all. After all, tomorrow they will face off against one of their two teams. If you watch carefully now, you can make some preparations tomorrow. Sakuradao and the Giant of Justice both fought in an orderly manner, not as fiercely as Bixi and the others fought yesterday. They either fought until they collapsed, or crushed each other and kicked them out. The eight games passed quickly, but what surprised Tang Feng was that the Justice Giant actually quietly fell.

Feng, won three of eight games, Sakura Road won five games, and won one more time to win directly.

"Alpha hasn't played yet, the next game should be Alpha." After Bi Yan said it, a somewhat shy white boy appeared in Tang Feng's mind. Alpha is a member of the Justice Giants, but he is only 22 years old this year. , he appeared on behalf of the Justice Giant four years ago. He was only 18 years old at that time, but at that time he was already an SS-level superpower.

, and his superpower is very strange. He has no offensive power at all. However, in the last Five Nations Competition, he directly defeated Pixiu on the field. When Pixiu knew he was going to end, he was still confused. Pixiu's power is to soften the body, similar to rubber. As long as she gets close to her, there is basically only one result. But when Pixiu came on the stage, the entire arena was directly covered by clouds. Then Pixiu rushed towards Alpha according to his intuition. But he rushed off the ring directly, and the whole process was continuous

He didn't even release his superpowers, so he rushed down in a daze. All Alpha did was release his superpowers, covering the arena. After Alpha won, he blushed and went to the ring to apologize to Pi Xiu. Although Pi Xiu lost, he was very happy when he saw Alpha being so polite. Pi Xiu was also a cool girl and immediately recognized Alpha as his partner. Brother, the two of us have been in constant contact for four years.

Alpha has also grown a lot in the past, and is now an SSS-level superpower. Logically speaking, Alpha is already an SSS-level superpower at such a young age, so he should be a key team member to train. However, just because his superpower is cloud, it will not be of much use when he grows up. As long as he is prepared, he will not be able to use it at all. There is no way to win, so Kai didn't focus on him, Ah

Alpha is not particularly concerned by others among the Justice Titans, because he is too shy, so he is always alone, and Alpha's parents also died in a car accident, so his only friends are Pixiu is a big sister. "Quick, quick, quick! Get ready to cheer for my brother!" When Pixiu saw Alpha coming out, he stood up excitedly and then pulled Bixi up. Even the older Kong Kong didn't escape and was pulled up. Get up, the black curtain outside the glass is also pulled up, and people from other forces can also see

When the people from Kuanglong Team arrived, they were all very surprised and didn't understand why they all stood up.

"Be prepared to listen to me! Shout with me, Alpha, we will win!"

Everyone helplessly shouted together: "Alpha, we must win!" Although the voices came out, they were all as weak as sick chickens.

"You haven't eaten! Speak louder. Each of you is either a master of the heavenly realm or a SSS-level superpower. You are all like chickens with a plague. Speak louder!"

"Come on Alpha! Alpha will win!"

Everyone here shouted loudly, and the entire competition field echoed these words. All nine people used their cultivation, and the sound was deafening. When everyone heard this, they understood what the Mad Dragon Team was doing. Alpha, who was entering the ring, almost fell over when he heard the sound. When he looked up, he saw Pixiu leading everyone from the Kuanglong team to cheer him up. He was already nervous, but seeing so many people cheering him on made Alpha even more nervous. , but when he saw Pixiu, Alpha suddenly calmed down.


"Come on Alpha! You're the best!"

Alpha heard Pi Xiu's voice, then smiled and waved at Pi Xiu, and confidently walked onto the ring. The person sitting on the chair saw everyone standing in a row and shouting cheers. He couldn't help laughing and said to Ah Wu sitting aside: "I really didn't expect them to be able to do it." Shouted so loudly!" When everyone heard what No. 1 said, everyone blushed like a monkey's butt.

But Suan Ni was wearing a mask, so no one could see it. Alpha entered the ring. The member of Sakura Road opposite was a woman. She was about 1.7 meters tall. She was already very tall. She had a ponytail, a straight nose, a cherry mouth, and pretty features. She was considered a beauty. The most important thing was What's interesting is that she is wearing a leather jacket, showing off her good figure

Unobstructed view.

Alpha finally calmed down, but when he looked up and saw this beauty, his face immediately turned red. However, the girl opposite did not change because of his blush, and still stood there coldly. This woman's name is Kawami Reiko. She is a Japanese ninja and is now a divine ninja. Kawami Reiko herself is also talented and practices very hard, and Miyamoto Huang attaches great importance to her. Basically, all the resources of Sakura Road They all tended to her first, so they created such a

A young divine ninja. The bell rang and the game began. Alpha entered the fighting state instantly, as if he suddenly changed. Then layers of white clouds appeared on the ring, covering the ring like mist. People outside could not stand it at all. I can't see inside, but Alpha and Kawami Reiko

The battle has officially begun. Alpha covered the entire ring with clouds. Others could not see him, but he could rely on the clouds to determine where others were. However, this time, Alpha failed.

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