Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1586: Fight Again

Miki Xiang was a little crazy. When Tang Feng saw him like this and heard his words, he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, you have turned into a monster since you handed yourself over to Shuten Doji!"

Miki Xiang became even more crazy when he heard Tang Feng's sarcastic words, and almost took action, but Tang Feng hurriedly asked another question.

"Miki Xiang, we checked you before and you were obviously dead. How did you survive?"

Miki Xiang was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Under the circumstances, if I didn't pretend to be dead, how could I have escaped from your hands? But luckily Zheng Wei was here, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to leave that place. By the way, Zheng Wei was the one who organized the attack The person you are leading." When Miki Xiang said this, a tall and muscular figure appeared in Tang Feng's mind. Tang Feng was still very impressed by this person. He was at the peak of the ninth level of the Earth Realm, and He would also command others to besiege him, but Tang Feng was killing everyone with the Wuya Gun. He only remembered that he shot him away with one shot and did not care about his life or death. Then he started fighting with Miki Xiang. Miki Xiang After "dead", Yaizhen saw that his injuries were too serious, so he just checked Miki Xiang in a cursory manner and took them away directly. There were stumps and broken arms everywhere, and he didn't expect that there were still more.

living person.

"Well, since you are alive, I can only kill you once more." Tang Feng said and took out the Wuya Spear. When he met Miki Xiang, Tang Feng did not dare to take it lightly, so he took out the Wuya Spear. This artifact.

"Hmph! I'm going to kill you today to take revenge!"

Yazhen in the lounge saw Miki Xiang throw down his black robe and recognized him at a glance. In order to let them leave, Tang Feng fought against this monster alone, and later paid such a high price to kill him, but he didn't expect him He didn't die, and he even came here. Others couldn't help being surprised when they saw Miki Xiang's appearance. He looked simply too scary. Half of his face looked bloody and wrinkled. He looked a bit like someone who had been killed after a fire. Like a burn. And from the right shoulder to the left waist, they are all

Like his face, which was burned, his entire right arm also looked like a claw, making him look like a monster. After seeing this, Pixiu huddled behind Bixi, and even Suanni couldn't help but frown.

"Is this a fucking human? It's just a monster!" Biwan said it straight away. When Yaizhen saw Miki Xiang, he couldn't help but frown. He didn't expect this monster to come here. This time, the war dragon was really in danger. Seeing Yauzhan's reaction, everyone knew that he was definitely Knowing some inside information, Jiao Tu hurriedly asked: "Yai Sui, do you know anything?

"Jiao Tu can now be said to regard Tang Feng as her own life. Tang Feng said that he would make elixirs for him. If she dies like this, she will go back to before liberation overnight, and the hope that was finally ignited will be extinguished again. "This person... no, I have seen this monster. When Zhan Long first joined the Mad Dragon Team, he asked me for help. But that time, Zhan Long didn't come back until more than a month ago. It was that time that the two of us He went to save someone, but that person was captured by this monster, and... this monster had already reached the Transcendence Realm. In order to save people, Zhan Long rushed out alone and fought against five hundred earthly cultivators. After killing three hundred people, I fought with this monster again. Zhan Long didn't know what he used to suddenly increase his combat power, but he was still no match for him. After I saved the people, I wanted to take him with me. People leave, this is what Zhan Long told me. If both of us stay, no one will be able to leave, so he asked me to leave with people first, but this monster doesn’t know what kind of formation or barrier it has laid. with that girl

Unable to get out, I simply turned back, and then Zhan Long and I cooperated to kill this monster. However, I didn’t expect that he was not dead. He is still here today. It can be said that he hates Zhan Long deeply. If If Zhan Long doesn't admit defeat, he may be beaten to death in the ring. "

"Where did this monster... come from? People from Sakura Road?" Suan Ni asked with a serious face and a frown.

"I don't know either. I only heard Zhan Long call him Miki Xiang. He should be from Sakura Road. Even if he is not, he is from Japan. I don't know what happened. He became enemies with Zhan Long and then started to take revenge on him. So I feel that it is better to let Zhan Long come down, otherwise... the disaster will be worse!" Yaizhen always said one thing and another, and never exaggerated. When he heard what he said, everyone felt cold. What's more, this Miki Xiang is still a super master in the transcendental realm. He can be said to be the top group of people in the world. And now, Tang Feng, apart from his physical body

Miki Xiang is relatively strong, and the rest are far behind Miki Xiang. It can be said that Tang Feng can only get beaten points now, and he is a living target. When he can't stand it anymore, he will be dead. Sure enough, in the ring, Tang Feng only had the power to parry and had no ability to fight back. Sometimes he couldn't even parry. From time to time, he was hit on the body by Miki Xiang's tentacles. However, Tang Feng's body was indeed not made in vain. , Mikixiang's tentacles hit Tang Feng's body, it was not possible at all.

It doesn't matter if it hurts or not, Tang Feng is fine at all. Although Tang Feng could only defend passively, the Wuya Spear in his hand also posed a great threat to Miki Xiang. The Wuya Spear was a divine weapon, and it was infinitely better than a spiritual weapon. Even if he encountered an immortal, Wuya Ya Qiang also poses a certain threat. Although Miki Xiang is a super master in the Beyond Heaven realm,

After all, he was still a human body, so he didn't dare to touch the tip of the Wuya Spear. But even so, many of his tentacles were cut off by Tang Feng, and there were tentacles as thick as thighs everywhere on the ring. However, after cutting off these tentacles, Miki Sho can quickly grow them back. Miki Xiang was also extremely surprised. In just two months, Tang Feng had become so strong, especially his body. It was so strong that he didn't even look like a human being. His tentacles could even hit the ground. A hole was made, but when it hit Tang Feng, he just tilted slightly.

Then he quickly adjusted and continued to fight vigorously with that extremely sharp spear, without being affected by anything at all. Although Tang Feng looked okay, Miki Xiang's tentacles hit him and it was a burning pain. Tang Feng hadn't felt this way for a long time, and he hadn't fought like this for a long time.

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