Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1597: Victory Again

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As soon as Tang Feng came in, several people directly lifted him up and threw him up. Then they caught him and threw him up again. They threw him several times before putting him down. .org Yawen Bar

"Zhan Long, you are so powerful, you actually killed a super master in the Transcendence Realm!"

"Zhan Long, that last move is so cool, you must teach me!"

"Brother Zhan Long, you scared me to death just now. I thought you were dead... Wuwuwu~"

"Zhan Long, yes, I did not misjudge you!"

Hearing everyone's words of concern, Tang Feng felt a surge of warmth in his heart. After sitting down, Bi Yan patted Tang Feng's shoulder and said, "Zhan Long, your performance is good, but there is still a gap compared to me. , we still have to keep working hard, understand?”

"Go away! Zhan Long, how is your health? Do you need treatment? I'll find a doctor for you now." Jiao Tu pushed Bi An away and looked at Tang Feng nervously. Just as Tang Feng was about to speak, he heard Qi Niu's words.

"No need, Zhan Long is in excellent health now. It's just that the last move he used just now consumed too much, so his spiritual power is a little depleted. He will be fine after a short rest."

When Tang Feng heard Qi Niu's words, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said, "Sister Jiao Tu, I'm fine, but I just spent a lot of energy. org Yawen Bar"

"Zhan Long, how did you become so strong? And what did you two do during that hour in the black mist?" Bi Xi didn't like to talk, but she couldn't help but ask curiously at this time.

"Miki Sho is fused with Shuten Doji, the great demon of Japan, so Miki Sho is half human and half demon, and the black mist is Miki Sho's demonic energy..."

Tang Feng briefly talked about the battle with Miki Xiang, and everyone found it a bit incredible. However, Tang Feng's Wuya Spear made great achievements. Looking at Tang Feng's Wuya Spear, no one asked any more questions. After all, everyone Everyone has their own secrets.

"Okay, let Zhan Long rest and prepare for the next game." After that person said that, everyone dispersed. The person looked at Tang Feng with satisfaction, then patted Tang Feng on the shoulder and spoke. Said: "China's future depends on you!"

Tang Feng was shocked. That person would say such words easily and put a power on one person. Before Tang Feng could react, the person walked to the side and sat down with a smile. Tang Feng He took a look, then closed his eyes and slowly recovered.

In the next few games, Pixiu faced Reiko Kawami. As expected, Pixiu didn't even see Reiko Kawami and was knocked off the ring. Then came Taotie. Taotie's belly and butt were as hard as iron. His opponent couldn't break his defense. Taotie won the round. When Taotie came back, Tang Feng inquired for a long time, but he still couldn't find out the techniques he practiced. Finally, No. 1 spoke up,

Taotie's skills are inherited from family and cannot be practiced by ordinary people. The third person to come on the stage was Bixi. Since Bixi broke her arm that day, through Tang Feng’s guidance, her swordsmanship has improved again. And this time, Bixi did not take his sword, but came on empty-handed. Although He didn't hold a sword, but the sword aura was everywhere in the field. He could kill him in less than three moves.

Defeated his opponent and won simply beautifully. The fourth player on the stage is Qiu Niu. Qiu Niu's opponent is a girl who controls three shikigami. However, the strength of the shikigami controlled by this girl is far inferior to Miki Sho's, and this girl controls shikigami. She was still using the flute, and it was unlucky for her to meet the prisoner cow. The prisoner cow had special powers.

It was the sound wave, which directly disrupted his rhythm. In the end, her shikigami was out of control, and she was sent off the ring by Qi Niu. In ten games, the Kuanglong team won six games and won directly. Miyamoto Huang left the competition area with an ugly face, while the Kuanglong team was cheering and cheering. They were all extremely happy and happy. After returning to the hotel, we each returned to our rooms, ready to rest, and then

Let’s celebrate again the next night. Tang Feng returned to the room and started practicing cross-legged. This time, after the body was transformed by the demon thunder, Tang Feng's body became stronger, and the meridians in his body were once again broadened, and the concentration of spiritual power was once again compressed. If It is said that when I first started practicing, the spiritual power in my body was air.

After coming to Changlong Village, his body changed and turned into water. Now, the spiritual power in Tang Feng's body is mercury, which is denser than water. Moreover, after Tang Feng passed through these seven thunders, the pure white spiritual power in his body gained a hint of black. However, Tang Feng did not notice it at all, but his body changed greatly. If it was the first time he met Tang Feng, he would definitely see it. It is not obvious that he is already twenty-six years old, but judging from his appearance, he is twenty years old.

, even at the age of seventeen or eighteen, his current skin is similar to that of a child. A grown man has such skin. Tang Feng is helpless when he sees his skin. Now he looks like a sissy. It can be said that Tang Feng's strength has been greatly improved. If he was not a match for the super masters of the Transcendence Realm before, he is almost capable of fighting now. Tang Feng was sure that if he met a super master in the Transcendence Realm again in the future, he would definitely not be in such a mess as now. And he was able to crush Miki Xiang today because of the powerful energy in his body, and that powerful energy has been exhausted today. If he encounters a master in the Transcendence Realm again in the future, he will not need this energy. arrived, but Tang Feng believes that with his current strength, he can definitely compete with

Even if you can't beat a master of the Transcendence Realm, you can definitely escape.

"Honey, you're a little strange today!" Yaizhen and Jiaotu returned to their room. Yaizhen couldn't help but said while lying on the bed, looking at Jiaotu who was making soup for himself.

Jiao Tu was stunned for a moment, then he said with a smile while making soup: "What's weird?"

Yaizhen hesitated for a long time without speaking. Jiaotu turned around strangely, looked at Yaizhen with a hesitant look on his face, and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything else we two can't talk about?" "Honey, I feel you. I cared too much about Zhan Long today, and he didn't look like an ordinary friend at all. I know that Zhan Long gave you that skill that was of great help to you, and he also gave us such a precious seven-star gourd. We have a good relationship, but you today...I feel bad

Comfortable. Yaizhen lowered his head as he spoke. When Jiao Tu saw him like this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Then he turned back, took some seasoning and sprinkled it into the pot.

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