Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1636: Dangerous Situation

It was already a bit strenuous, but after bringing a prisoner ox with no strength, Tang Feng became even more strenuous. As he swam, Tang Feng gradually lost his strength, but he still held on tightly with one hand. Prison cow.

"Zhan Long, let me go, or you won't be able to leave!" Qiu Niu choked on his mouth, coughed for a long time, and then said.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Tang Feng had no strength now, but he still persisted with his strong body. However, as he swam, he saw a black shadow on the left. Tang Feng signed the water and saw the shadow. The black shadow was Yaizhen, and then a force came from him out of nowhere, supporting him to swim towards

The 睚皦. After Yaizhen went into the sea, he still underestimated the power of the tornado in the sea, thinking that he would be able to find Tang Feng and Qiu Niu with the power of his physical training. However, he did not expect that he lost strength while swimming, and finally choked on his water, and instantly died. I floated on the sea, floating and floating, and I felt myself

When his consciousness was about to disappear, he felt someone pulling him and calling his name. Yaizhen forced himself to open his eyes and saw Tang Feng and Qi Niu in front of him.

"Yai Zhui, hold on, we can go ashore!" Ya Zhui nodded, looking at the prisoner cow who was also unconscious, Ya Zhui also felt a little regretful, but at this time, there was no time to care about so much. Among the three of them, Only Tang Feng remained awake, but he didn't have much strength left to survive such a storm.

It was basically a fantasy to reach the shore from the middle of the river, and now the tornado was already behind them, and it was still a few hundred meters away from approaching them. It would be even more dangerous to be sucked in by then. Jiao Tu waited anxiously on the shore. The three of them jumped into the sea and disappeared instantly. No one could be seen at all. However, she did not dare to go back to look for anyone. She was afraid that she would look at them if they needed any help after she returned. There was no one to help, but the three people could not be seen for a long time, and Jiao Tu also

Somewhat panicked.

Tang Feng was leading two people. He had no strength left in his body, but he still held on to their bodies tightly.

"I didn't expect that the three of us would die here today. The majestic masters of the heavenly realm would die in such a miserable way." Seeing that Tang Feng had no strength left, Yaizhen laughed directly.

"Brother Yaizhen, have you forgiven me?" Qiu Niu opened his eyes and asked weakly.

"I didn't blame you at all, I was just out of anger. Who knew you were so serious that you actually jumped in? This time I really blame you. You tricked me and Zhan Long! Hahahaha! " Qiu Niu and Tang Feng also laughed when they heard what Yazui said.

"We three brothers will die together!"

Yaizhen said, and immediately grabbed Tang Feng and Qiu Niu. Qiu Niu also grabbed Tang Feng and Yazhen. The three of them hugged each other tightly and were instantly swallowed up in the tornado.

The tornado was getting closer and closer to the shore, but the three of them hadn't come up yet. Jiao Tu had no choice but to retreat to the cave. When they got to the cave, everyone was a little confused when they saw her coming back on her own.

"Jiao Tu, where are the three of them? It's so windy outside, a tornado must have come up. Come back quickly, it's very dangerous outside."

Hearing what that person said, Jiao Tu said anxiously: "Qiu Niu jumped into the sea, and Zhan Long and Yaizhen also jumped in. They haven't come out yet. The tornado is about to come. The three of them..."

"What? Jumped into the sea! What happened!"

Everyone was shocked. Jumping into the sea in this situation was no different from committing suicide. There must be some reason why the three of them dared to jump into the sea like this.

"Yai Zhui said he would forgive Qiu Niu if he jumped into the sea, so Qiu Niu jumped directly into the sea, Zhan Long followed, and Ya Zhui also jumped in. They haven't come up yet." Jiao Tu said and burst into tears. . When Pixiu saw Jiao Tu crying, he hurriedly walked to her to defecate and comforted her.

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense!" The man was pacing back and forth in the cave, with anger and anxiety on his face.

"No. 1, why don't we go out and look for it!" Ah Wu said with a frown.

"What the hell! Are you going out to die? Stay!"

Everyone heard what No. 1 said and understood what he meant. Although they were anxious, they could only wait here. The tornado was outside now, and it was very dangerous. If they were not careful, they would be sucked into the tornado. , definitely a narrow escape from death. "When the tornado passes, let's go out to look for people together. Let's all rest now." Ah Wu sighed, and then sat down. The others also sat down helplessly. Pixiu and Suanni comforted Jiao Tu. Although the three sisters are very worried about Tang Feng, with the current situation outside, she

The three of us had no way to go out and could only wait here for the tornado to pass. More than an hour later, the tornado was a little farther away, and everyone ran out of the cave and started looking for people. Although the weather was still a bit ugly, everyone still ran out. Several people took out the lifeboats, and several cultivators got on the lifeboats. , started looking for it on the sea, and the other ones

Some ordinary people, led by No. 1, began to search around the island. However, after searching for a whole afternoon, everyone still found nothing. After an afternoon, the search became more difficult at night, but everyone still did not give up, because the tornado had passed, so the sea was very safe. Bixi and Taotie even dived into the sea, but At midnight,

Still haven't found the three people.

"Zhan Long and the three of them can't be..."

"Shut up! Sir, nothing will happen to you!" Bixi and Taotie were still in the sea, and Biyan stayed on the shore because his body was not well yet. Looking at the dark sea, Biyan couldn't help but say. , but as soon as the three sisters heard this sentence, they shouted loudly, but even though they said this, the three sisters couldn't help crying.

Come on, after all, I have been searching for more than ten hours and still haven’t found it, so it must be the worst possible outcome.

When Jiao Tu saw the three sisters crying, he couldn't help but squat down and cry. Pi Xiu frowned and glared at Bi An, and then began to comfort a few people. Bi An also knew that he had said the wrong thing and hurriedly explained : "I didn't mean that, I meant that Zhan Long and the others must still be alive." However, when he said this, the three sisters and Jiao Tu cried even harder. Bi An knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he just said Shut up. No. 1 looked at the dark sea and sighed. He was also reluctant to believe Biuan's words, but after searching for so long, he still couldn't find it. The three of them were definitely in danger.

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