Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1642 Strange Things

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Tang Feng nodded, and then looked at the small car-sized turtle, which was also in trouble. This turtle was simply too insignificant. As soon as Tang Feng walked up to its head with a weapon, the turtle retracted its head and didn't touch it at all. Before it could reach it, when Tang Feng stepped aside, the turtle stretched out its head again, slowly

Tang Feng crawled towards another space. For a moment, Tang Feng really had no choice. Yawen The crab didn't know what to do when it saw this. It didn't dare to come to this space. It could only watch the turtle slowly crawling over. When the turtle crawled back, the first thing it did was definitely look like a shark. Just leave this place, because now the crab is the only overlord here, wait until the turtle

When he comes back, it will be difficult for the crab to catch him. Although the crab is stronger than the turtle and the shark now, it is not as fast as the turtle, so he can only watch him leave. Tang Feng watched the turtle crawling "slowly", and saw that the distance between the turtle and the space was less than ten meters, and it was about to pass. Tang Feng gritted his teeth, and he must kill this turtle today. , otherwise after it goes back, if it blocks the three of them over there, it will really suffer.


At this time, Prisoner Niu woke up and looked at the big turtle crawling on the ground. Tang Feng was helpless on the side. Although he was a little confused, he still understood something and shouted directly to Tang Feng: "War Dragon! Fight! Stuff the thing I gave you into the turtle shell!" Tang Feng heard Prison Niu's words. Although he didn't know what the use was, he still rushed forward with a bright silver gun and hit the turtle on the head. He was unprepared and was hit straight away. Wugui raised his head and roared at Tang Feng. Tang Feng was shocked, and then he retreated.

In the turtle shell, Tang Feng had a black line. It seemed that the turtle knew that he couldn't defeat him here, so he just retreated in. .org Yawen Bar Tang Feng took the small ball, pressed it and threw it in along the hole in the turtle shell. Then at this time, Prison Niu threw many more balls. Tang Feng took it and threw it directly. Throw it in. After throwing it in, Tang Feng ran to the side, but the turtle did not stick his head out this time.

, instead the entire turtle shell began to shake, and finally turned over directly.

"Prison Niu, what's going on?" Tang Feng frowned and asked in confusion. "The one I gave you is a solid gel. It has strong toughness and strength, but it is also a filler. If the turtle shrinks into the shell, there will definitely be gaps inside. You just threw in so much solid gel. , must have filled all the gaps inside, and the turtle should not have any either

The solution was taken, so it rolled like this. "After Tang Feng listened to Qiu Niu's explanation, he couldn't help but give Qiu Niu a thumbs up. This brain really deserves to be engaged in scientific research. Although Tang Feng is strong, he can't stand up to this old turtle with invincible defense. There was no way, but the prisoner cow blocked the turtle in the shell without any hesitation.

Tang Feng couldn't help but sigh, technology combined with brains is simply invincible. The crab saw the turtle trapped in its shell, and its little eyes showed a trace of happiness. Then it ran to the edge between the two spaces and waved its two big claws. Tang Feng saw the crab action, and then walked over. He was not afraid that the crab would come over.

Taking the turtle's lesson from the past, Tang Feng also understood that if the creatures over there came over, their strength would definitely drop significantly. Just like this turtle, it was originally a giant on the other side, but when it came here, he couldn't even Climbing is a bit strenuous. The crab saw Tang Feng coming, then pointed at the turtle with its big pincers, and then patted its belly. Tang Feng frowned. Their strength is definitely above the Heavenly Realm, and their intelligence is no less than that of humans. This action is obviously to let Tang Feng stew my turtle, and then

Give it food, but why should it eat the turtle? Seeing Tang Feng leave, the crab was also a little anxious, and kept swinging its two large claws in the space on the other side. However, Tang Feng ignored the crab and went directly to sit next to the prisoner cow. The turtle was not in a hurry either. No matter how hard it is, it can’t come out anyway. Tang Feng frowned and opened

Hajime thought about what happened. At the beginning, the crab ate the pill he threw out. Although the three creatures fought for it, there was no fight. But later when Tang Feng threw it in to grill the fish, the three creatures actually fought. So the problem must lie with the grilled fish. All the grilled fish that Tang Feng threw in were eaten by the crabs. The crabs' bodies also underwent some changes. Not only did the color of the shells and claws on their backs change, but their strength seemed to have also changed. It went up a bit, and originally I could only be bullied by sharks and turtles, but later I was able to scratch the shark with one claw and beat the turtle to this side.

, so the problem must be with the grilled fish. Thinking of this, Tang Feng thought of Yaizhen and Qiu Niu again. The two of them also ate grilled fish, and a huge energy suddenly appeared in their bodies. If Tang Feng hadn't helped them sort it out, they would have definitely will explode and die, so the answer is obvious, that is their

Every creature in this space has huge energy in its body. Thinking of this, Tang Feng took out another elixir and walked to the other side, attracting two fish and then caught them directly. In order to verify his conjecture this time, Tang Feng took out his knife and started to process the fish. , and finally cut a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, but after a long time there was no response. Tang Feng frowned, then made the two fish into sashimi and ate them both, and then He closed his eyes and began to feel if there were any changes in his body. However, after waiting for half an hour, Tang Feng did not feel any energy appearing in his body, but this time

At this moment, Yaizhen woke up and was extremely happy.

"I feel like my bottleneck is loose!"

When Yaizhen shouted, Tang Feng also opened his eyes, and Prisoner Niu also looked at Yaizhen. Yaizhen stood up, clenched his fists, and said excitedly: "I feel that the bottleneck that has trapped me for nearly twenty years has been loosened. Now, I may be able to break through to the Heaven-Transcendent Realm!" Although Tang Feng was also very happy, he still walked to Yaizhen's side, grabbed his wrist and started to feel his pulse, and then he felt the powerful force in his body. The energy disappeared. When he thought of what Yaizhen had just said, Tang Feng seemed to understand a little bit, but he still came to Qiu Niu's side and grabbed Qi Niu's wrist. Then, Tang Feng understood what was going on.

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