Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1647: Mental Power Breakthrough

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After hearing what Yazhen asked, Tang Feng closed his eyes and felt it, and then he didn't know whether to say yes or no, because his body has not changed much now, and it is not much more different than eating grilled fish. It's just his mind. It's a little clearer than before, but the energy is real

It was absorbed by him, but if such a huge energy was not used to strengthen and temper the body, where did it go? Seeing that Tang Feng lowered his head and didn't speak for a long time, Yaizhen wanted to try Tang Feng, so he simply took action and hit Tang Feng on the chest. Before Yaizhen could stretch out his arm, Tang Feng felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and he just hit Tang Feng on the chest. After jumping away, Tang Feng landed, and Yaizhen's fist had just reached Tang Feng's previous

Location, the three of them were a little confused as to what was going on. Yawen Prison Niu didn't understand it at all. He didn't understand why Tang Feng jumped away suddenly, and he didn't understand why Tang Feng had already left. Yaizhen also stretched out his fist, and Yauzui also had a curious look on his face. He suddenly took action just now. Tang Feng shouldn't be like this, but he was able to dodge the attack first. Tang

Feng also had a confused look on his face. His heart was beating like an engine suddenly started, "dong dong dong", and then without knowing what was going on, he directly avoided Yaizhen's attack. The attack just now hadn't even started yet.

"Did you just want to hit me?" Tang Feng raised his eyebrows and asked Yaizhen.

"I wanted to test your strength, but you dodged before I made a move. Yawen" After Yazhen finished speaking, Qiu Niu understood what was going on, and then looked at Tang Feng in surprise and said: " Zhan Long, you...hey...wait a minute, let me test your mental strength." Qiu Niu said, taking out a helmet. Tang Feng didn't understand why Qiu Niu suddenly wanted to test him.

mental strength, but still put on the helmet.

After Tang Feng put on the helmet, Qiu Niu took out a small, square box, like a tablet. Then Qi Niu said, "Okay, release your mental power." Tang Feng nodded. , and then released his spiritual power. Tang Feng closed his eyes, and then he felt that all the plants and trees around him appeared in his mind. Even the hairs on Yaizhen's arms could be seen clearly. Tang Feng suddenly liked this feeling. Everything around you is in your mind, even what you can’t see with your own eyes

You could see clearly from behind, but at this moment, the small box in Prison Niu's hand suddenly exploded, and wisps of black smoke came out. Tang Feng opened his eyes and saw Qiu Niu and Yaizhen with dull faces. Then Yaizhen said: "Zhan Long, your mental power...has surpassed that of an X-level superpower." Tang Feng looked at Qi Niu, Qi Niu also swallowed a sip of saliva, and then nodded with difficulty. He really couldn't think of it.

, a body trainer can actually cultivate his mental power to such an extent, which is stronger than him, a superpower who cultivates his mental power, which simply makes him feel ashamed. "How could my mental power..." Before Tang Feng finished speaking, he thought of the piece of turtle meat, and then Tang Feng cut off a small piece, a little bigger than his finger, and threw it into his mouth. Here, I closed my eyes. This time, a burst of energy quickly appeared in my body. However, compared with just now, this time

This energy can be completely controlled. Tang Feng did not control them this time and let them run around in the body, because this power was so overbearing that he could not control it at all. He simply protected his meridians and let them run around on their own. play.

Half an hour later, Tang Feng opened his eyes and found that his mental power had not changed much, but his physical body was stronger. However, there was no difference between this and nothing. Even if he ate all the remaining turtle meat, his physical body would probably be stronger. Can't break through.

"The energy of this turtle meat is more domineering than that of grilled fish. You don't need to try to control it when you eat it. Just protect your body and let it move around in your body. The first time you eat it it should increase your mental power, and then you should eat it again." It’s about improving the body.”

Hearing Tang Feng's words, both of them knew what they were talking about. They both cut off a small piece and threw it into their mouths. Tang Feng did not eat it, but protected them around him because it was the first time for both of them to eat it. He didn't know what the reaction would be, so he had to watch from the side. Soon the two people's faces turned red, as if they were placed on the oven. Tang Feng's spirit suddenly became tense. If this time passed safely, then there should be no problem, but Both of them were relatively strong, and soon their breaths stabilized.

About half an hour later, the two of them opened their eyes.

"My mental power seems to have broken through, but I don't know to what extent."

"I have only broken through a little bit, not level X yet." Both of them made some progress. The three of them looked at such a large piece of turtle meat, and then started to eat it again. This time, after Tang Feng ate it, all his energy was absorbed. After entering the right arm, he received no benefit at all. Tang Feng ate three pieces in succession, but there was still no energy feedback at all.

Coming back, they were all sucked into the right arm. "Forget it, it's useless to eat anymore, but there is so much energy stored in the right arm, I don't know if it's good or bad." Tang Feng looked at his arm in a daze. This arm was still in the Yanhuang Wonderland. After getting Chi You’s arm, I don’t know what will happen in the future, but this arm

But he saved his life when he was in the most danger. At least for now, there is no harm in it. Tang Feng stopped and took a look at Yaizhen and Qiu Niu. They were both still digesting the energy, and their breathing was very stable. There was no danger. Tang Feng walked directly to the edge of the barrier and saw the sleeping crab. , Tang Feng took another look at the pushed out turtle shell. It was clean inside.

There was nothing left, and the crab's body was glowing with golden light from time to time. It seemed that it was digesting the energy of the turtle meat just like Yaizhen and Qiu Niu. Tang Feng was a little surprised. All the turtle meat and soup were eaten by the crab, and there was nothing left. Tang Feng was really worried that its body would explode, but it seemed that the crab should be fine, and its aura was getting worse. Getting stronger and stronger, Tang Feng was a little frightened, especially

After his mental power broke through, he could feel these breaths more, and it seemed that he could also feel their emotions. Tang Feng took out a elixir and put it over, and then the group of small fish swam over. Looking at the elixir in Tang Feng's hand, they were a little expectant and a little afraid, because they also wanted to eat the elixir, but they also I have seen Tang Feng using elixir to seduce them.

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