Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1652: Take the Crab with You

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Tang Feng felt this sense of oppression, and began to slowly walk towards Black Shark's body. Black Shark had died of excessive bleeding, and there was only one big wound on his body. The body was still intact. Tang Feng took Black Shark's body and The shark put it into the seven-star gourd, and then put the octopus's touch

He put his hands away. These tentacles are definitely good things. The strength of the octopus is not inferior to that of the shark, and the things falling from its body are definitely good things. .orgAfter Tang Feng took all the seven-star gourds, the crab spit out a bubble again and entered the bubble. Only then did Tang Feng feel a little more comfortable, and the feeling of oppression just now disappeared. After taking the shark just now, Tang Feng knew that this crab had no ill intentions towards them.

The three of them also put their hearts in their stomachs. Crab walked with the three of them for another two days. What the three of them saw along the way made them speechless in shock. The three of them also understood that it turned out that in this land, there were people with strong physiques. It does not mean that it is powerful. The body of the crab has become smaller since it ate the meat of the turtle. It used to be

It is as big as a millstone, and now it is only as big as a box. Although the body is small, the various behemoths encountered along the way, let alone provoking them, do not dare to block the way, and must be obedient. Hide aside. The three of them were sitting in the bubble, which was extremely comfortable. Moreover, the defensive power of this bubble was simply abnormal. Tang Feng could not puncture it with a bright silver spear. However, this bubble should be able to be broken with a non-injured finger, but Tang Feng I didn't dare to take action, just in case I offended the crabs and threw them here.

Then it would be impossible to even cry. .org Yawen Bar Two days later, the three of them finally walked out of the bubble and arrived in a new space. As soon as their feet landed on the ground, a wave of heat hit their faces, as if there was an oven suddenly in front of them. People couldn't help but frown. The gap was too big. The place where we were just now was still a little cold.

And it's more like the sea. Although there is no water, the creatures in it are all marine creatures. When you get here, it's like Tang Monk and his disciples arrived at the Flame Mountain.

"What the hell is this place! It was a little cold just now, but now it's so hot!" Yaizi came out of the bubble and couldn't help but unbutton his clothes. Tang Feng looked at the crab standing aside and said with a smile: "Thank you for this journey, thank you, we are leaving, see you by chance?" Tang Feng bravely patted the crab's shell, but the crab waved Tang Feng was startled by its big claws, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and forced himself to calm down.

Come on, Yaizhen and Qiuniu were instantly ready to fight.

They had to be careful. This crab was too strong. If there was a fight, the three of them might not survive. But fortunately, the crab didn't mean to attack Tang Feng, but gestured with a meaning.

Tang Feng and the three of them watched for a long time before they understood what the crab meant. The crab actually wanted Tang Feng to take it with him. The three of them couldn't believe it. After Tang Feng repeatedly confirmed it, they realized that the crab really wanted to be with him. leave. "I may understand, it may want to leave because of you!" Qiu Niu seemed to have thought of something, and then said to Tang Feng: "Second brother, didn't you mean that after eating the raw fish in there? Isn’t it effective? Crab may have been practicing for many years now, but

In less than a week, it has broken through several times, and it can only hope to break through by following you. Maybe it can turn into a human form like Sister Jiaotu in the future! "Hearing what Prisoner Niu said, Tang Feng looked at the crab. The crab also understood Prisoner Niu's words. It blinked its small eyes and then waved its big claws to express its agreement with what Prisoner Niu said. Tang Feng considered After a moment, he took out his spirit beast bag. This spirit beast bag was the one he had stored underground in Kaoshan Village.

When I was young, I also used this to bring out Xiaobai from Taishang Laojun's house. When the crab saw the spirit beast bag in Tang Feng's hand, he took two steps back and waved his big claws again. Then under the surprised eyes of Tang Feng and the other three, the crab swayed for a few times, then slowly became smaller, and finally Tang Feng, who had no palms yet, squatted down, and the crab ran directly to his shoulders and used six

The claws tightly grasped Tang Feng's clothes. "I didn't expect to be able to get such a strong helper. Okay, we should move on." Yaizhen looked at the little crab on Tang Feng's shoulder, and lost the worry at the beginning, and walked away with a smile. In front, Tang Feng and Qiu Niu hurriedly followed. In a place like this, the three of them must

They hug each other so tightly that if they get lost here, it will be difficult to even find them. Because they didn't know the way out, the three of them could only continue walking forward. However, it seemed that it was too hot here, and ordinary creatures did not move on the ground. Tang Feng and the other two walked for a whole day, but they didn't see anything. thing, the three of them didn’t feel tired at all on the other side, but when they arrived

On this side, after walking for a while, he became out of breath. Even Tang Feng, who was physically the strongest, couldn't hold on. The three of them could only stop and walk, walking and resting for a while.

As the day passed, the three of them took countless breaks, and the more they walked, the hotter they got. In the end, the three of them simply took off their clothes and walked shirtless. There was no one underground anyway, only the three of them. Just the next day, when the three of them were walking, they heard the sound of a fight, and it was the sound of human beings fighting. When the three of them heard the sound, they were all very happy. If they met human beings in a place like this, even if they were... Mark and the others could also laugh. They quickened their pace and soon saw two

Humans are fighting a giant bug. It is said to be a big bug, but it is really a big bug. Its body is more than ten meters long, with countless claws on its body, and a carapace on its back. It looks like an enlarged version of a woodlouse. Although its body is large, it is But it doesn't affect its speed at all, and the defensive power of the carapace on its back is also quite high.

Surprisingly, when the dagger was struck on it, only some sparks burst out, but the insect was fine at all. They also knew the person fighting the bug, and it turned out to be Alpha's girlfriend Kawami Reiko, and Alpha was actually here, but Alpha was in a very bad condition, sitting pale and watching Kawami Reiko fighting the bug, and Kawami Reiko is also at the end of her power now, and she simply can’t

We can't hold on much longer. If Tang Feng and the others don't come, Kawami Reiko will be torn in half by the bugs in less than five minutes. "Hurry up and save people! Prisoner Niu, the bug has a carapace on its body, so we can't attack it. Just come and hold it back!"

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