Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1673: Cultivation

Tang Feng frowned when he saw Mark's appearance, and then he was ready to try it himself. After all, they said it would be better to try it himself, and he would know how it feels. Tang Feng walked up to the steps. He didn't use any strength. He just stepped up the steps like a normal step. However, a repulsive force came from in front of him in an instant. Because Tang Feng didn't use any strength, he He was immediately ejected and hit the door.

However, Tang Feng also understood something. There should be a restriction on this step. If you want to get the things on it, you can only go up with this restriction.

"How is it? Can it be cracked?" Prison Niu helped Tang Feng up and asked.

Tang Feng shook his head and said: "There is no way, this step has been banned, and the strength of the person who banned it is far greater than us. Even if we know how to break the ban, there is no way to break it. If we want to get to the top The only thing you can do is resist."

Alpha lost interest as soon as he heard this. The only three brothers who could possibly go up here were Tang Feng and his three brothers. He, Reiko Kawami, and Mark had never been exposed to body training at all, so it would be difficult to go up. "I'll give it another try." Tang Feng said, and walked towards the steps again. This time Tang Feng came prepared, using his spiritual power, his clothes automatically moved without wind, and stepped on the steps. I thought I could go up, at least I should be able to step on the first step, but I didn’t expect this

The repulsive force was even greater this time. Before Tang Feng could react, he bumped into the door again, making a "dong" sound, which sounded a little painful. Everyone was shocked, but they all knew how strong Tang Feng was, so it shouldn't be a big deal if he hit him. Tang Feng got up and rubbed his back. It hurt too much. He didn't know what the door was made of. If it were an ordinary stone door and iron door, it wouldn't break if he hit it.

There should be a trace, but nothing happened to this gate.

"You can't go up this step forcefully. This repulsive force is more like a kind of coercion. The stronger the force you use, the stronger the rebound force will be, so you can only use tricks."

When Tang Feng said this, Alpha's eyes also lit up. If he said this, he would have a chance to go up, and this treasure was right in front of him. Even if he couldn't get it, he had to give it a try, otherwise it wouldn't be a waste of time. After hearing Tang Feng's words, others also tentatively stepped towards the steps, but due to poor control of their power, they were ejected again and again. The same was true for Tang Feng, but after a few times, Tang Feng found some ways. On the first step, he went up with his waist bent, so the repulsive force

It was relatively smaller, and Tang Feng only relied on his physical strength to resist this repulsive force, without using the spiritual power in his body. I saw Tang Feng stepping onto the first step. Others also had confidence in their hearts and stepped up the steps again. Tang Feng had already launched an attack on the second floor at this time, but the second floor was the same as the first floor. He was bounced away just as he stepped on it. Everyone saw Go to Tang Feng and show your teeth

The look on his mouth made him laugh out loud. Tang Feng rubbed his back, and then went up the steps again. After gaining experience, Tang Feng climbed up the first step with ease. This time, Tang Feng did not go directly to the second step, but lifted it up first. His feet stabilized his balance, and then he tentatively moved towards the second floor. This time Tang Feng had

After gaining experience, they went directly to the second level. When everyone saw Tang Feng going up another level, they felt a little anxious. However, the more anxious they were, the harder they would be hit. Alpha was an example. Tang Feng grasped the essence and went up to the tenth floor in one breath. When he stepped on the eleventh floor, a huge force came from him. It was a completely different world from the first ten floors, but this did not change the situation. Tang Feng popped out and saw Tang Feng's body swaying slightly from side to side. Although the amplitude was not large, he was firmly on the eleventh floor. Tang Feng felt happy and continued to move forward, using the same method. Tang Feng reached the 19th floor, but was bounced off when he reached the 20th floor. He had already stepped firmly to the 20th floor, but Tang Feng's body was

He couldn't hold on any longer, his whole body was aching, and all his strength was almost exhausted. This time he was hit even worse by the ballistic door, and his whole back was red. Tang Feng turned over and sat up. Although his body was a little sore, the bump just now made Tang Feng feel extremely comfortable. It wasn't that Tang Feng had any masochism, but the bump just now caused a lot of pain in his body. The force that resisted this pressure was shattered, and this force was in the body

Being knocked apart inside is of great benefit to cultivation. This force can be said to be a special force. Because it resists pressure, this force becomes extraordinarily tough. Although it has benefits in the body, it is only this force. After it is broken up, This power will be distributed in every corner of the body, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

beneficial. Tang Feng closed his eyes and began to mobilize the energy in his right arm to restore his body. Although the right arm can store energy, it is likely to go crazy when used, so Tang Feng prepared to use this energy, leaving The energy is within the controllable range, so as not to use it next time

Then he ran away again. Tang Feng recovered quickly, but what he didn't expect was that after recovering his body this time, his body actually became stronger. Eating the old turtle's meat didn't make him stronger at first, but now he can only resist it. After climbing twenty steps, the pressure actually became stronger, although it was not particularly obvious.

It's obvious, but you can feel it clearly.

Tang Feng stood up with some surprise. Seeing the people on the steps, Tang Feng was a little surprised. The one at the top was Yasu. With his strong body and his own experience, he had already reached the tenth floor. He was about to reach the tenth floor. It's the eleventh floor, Tang Feng hurriedly shouted.

"Brother, be careful. The pressure on the eleventh level is much greater than that on the tenth level." Although Yaizhen didn't do anything, Tang Feng knew that he had listened. Yaizhen heard Tang Feng's reminder, although he was already more careful. , but was still ejected by the coercion, and hit the door with a "dong" sound. Tang Feng smiled and helped Yaizhen up, and Yaizhen stood up.

After arriving, his eyes widened in the same way, apparently realizing that the trace of energy in his body had been thrown away. Tang Feng said with a smile: "Quickly practice and recover, there are more surprises." Upon hearing this, Yaizhen hurriedly sat down and started practicing.

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