Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1682 Entering the Village

Everyone ignored his words, looked at each other, all stood up, and then led two people to walk into the passage. Seeing this group of people leading themselves and Quan Fen towards the village, Zhao Dabao was almost scared to death. . Quan Fen's husband is the most capable person in the village, much stronger than him. If he knew that he was having an affair with his wife, he would definitely be beaten to death. Thinking of this, Zhao Dabao said hurriedly: " Heroes, can you let us two go? I've said everything that needs to be said.

Even in our village, you should be able to see it, so just think of us two as farts and let it go. Tang Feng also knew what he was thinking. He glanced at Zhao Dabao and then said, "She can leave, but you have to lead the way for us." "Zhao Dabao glanced at Quan Fen, and then nodded. As long as the two of them don't go back together, no one else will find out about them, so he can accept this.


After Quan Fen left, Zhao Dabao led the way, and everyone followed him. Zhao Dabao walked and came to Tang Feng's side, and whispered: "My hero, can you not tell others what you just saw?" Yes, if you tell me, my life will be in danger!"

"I don't know anything."

Tang Feng just wanted to understand what was going on here and didn't care about these things at all. It had nothing to do with him anyway, so there was no use talking about those things.

Zhao Dabao was very happy when he heard Tang Feng's words, at least he saved his life.

Everyone followed Zhao Dabao through a bamboo forest, and then walked into a village. Because it was already evening, every household had turned off the lights and went to bed. Only some people did not turn off the lights. Following the path Zhao Dabao led, everyone headed directly towards the village. Go to the elder's house.

Everyone arrived at the door of the village chief's house. The lights in the village chief's house had not been turned off. The lights were reflected on the windows. It was obvious that there were two people inside. One was the village chief, and the other should be Quan Fen's husband, Zhao Dabao's cuckold. That person. As soon as everyone walked to the door, the dog in the village chief's yard started barking. When the people in the house heard the dog barking, they walked out directly. Everyone originally thought that the village chief would be a man with white beard and hair and high moral character. Old man, but no one expected that the village chief turned out to be a young man

, and he is still about the same age as them, only in his twenties.

Zhao Dabao was a little embarrassed when he saw this man, but he quickly covered it up, and then said to the village chief: "Village chief, these people came from the forbidden area. I found them at the entrance of the village, and then I gave them to you." Bring it over." The village chief frowned, looked at Tang Feng and the others, and said, "Go into the house and talk. Erzhu, remember what I told you, go back and come back to me tomorrow." After saying that, the tall and strong man beside him left directly. Zhao Dabao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him leaving.

Then everyone followed the village chief into the house.

After entering the house, the village chief found a stool for everyone to sit on, and then looked at Zhao Dabao. Tang Feng saw the look in his eyes and said directly: "Village chief, you don't have to look at him, we are from your Coming out of the forbidden area, we want to know the situation in your village and the way out. "

When the village chief heard Tang Feng's words, he frowned and said, "Our forbidden area has only one entrance. You said you came out of the forbidden area? Do you think I will believe it?"

"We really came from your forbidden area. There is still a cave entrance with a tunnel inside. On the other side of the tunnel there is... and a house." Alpha was about to say that there was a treasure. Look. The village chief frowned. They had been guarding the forbidden area for many years, but they never knew that there was a hole in the forbidden area, let alone a tunnel. And according to what this person said, the other side of the tunnel seemed to be what else


"Well, I don't know if what you said is true or false, so I can only let you stay here for one night. When I confirm what you said tomorrow, I will talk to you in detail. Dabao, take everyone with you. Let’s go to your house and stay one night. We’ll talk about it tomorrow morning.”

Zhao Dabao agreed, and then left with Tang Feng and his party. Tang Feng didn't pay attention. They suddenly came out of the forbidden area. Everyone would be suspicious of them. Tang Feng could understand if they were given a definite time. . When everyone arrived at Zhao Dabao's house, he was the only one at home. Both his parents were dead. Although everyone was lying on the bed at Zhao Dabao's house, they couldn't sleep. They thought there was no one here, but they didn't expect that there were not only people here, but also people there. It is still a large village with more than 300 people. It is simply

It's so surprising.

Early the next morning, Tang Feng and his party arrived at the village chief's home again, but the village chief took them out and came to the door of a courtyard. Instead of going in directly, he bowed outside. After bowing, everyone didn't understand what was going on.

Before the village chief could speak, the door to the courtyard was opened, and then a girl with two braids came out and said to Tang Feng: "Sir, my grandma invites you in." Tang Feng Raising his eyebrows, the village chief also glanced at Tang Feng in surprise. The most powerful fortune teller in the whole village lived in this courtyard, which was the girl's grandmother. It was said that it was inherited from ancestor Fuxi, and he had the most powerful fortune in the world. Earth can calculate anything, but every time you make a hexagram, you will consume some life span. The person who made the hexagram has not made a hexagram in these years, and in the past two years, the person who made the hexagram must have known that his time was coming, so he started to teach her. Granddaughter's divination skills. This divination expert has never seen an outsider in the past two years. Today the village chief brought Tang Feng and the others here just to ask the divination expert to give a divination.

, Calculate who Tang Feng and the others are, after all, since they established this village, no outsiders have come here, and the most important thing is that they all came out of the forbidden area, so they have to pay attention to it.

Tang Feng glanced at everyone and told them not to worry, and then walked into the courtyard openly. The girl glanced at them and then closed the door.

"Sir, come with me." The girl said and led the way. When he opened the door of the room, Tang Feng saw an old man sitting on a futon with his back to him. There was also a table in the room with a statue. It was exactly the same as the Fuxi statue that Tang Feng and the others saw, except that Tang Feng's body didn't react much when he saw the statue, so Tang Feng walked in indifferently.

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