Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1685 Meeting

"Alpha, bring everyone together, back to back. This will reduce the bamboo rat's attacks!"

When Alpha heard Tang Feng's words, he immediately gathered the clouds under everyone's feet, and everyone formed a circle back to back. Sure enough, after doing so, although the bamboo rat was still the same as before, everyone was not in a hurry, and they were able to cope with it. It’s also handy. After flying for nearly half a day, everyone finally flew out of the bamboo forest. At this time, Alpha's mental strength could no longer hold on. After flying with so many people for so long, he was almost reaching his limit, and since they Once you’re out of the desert, you won’t feel that tiredness anymore.

Feeling sick, Alpha's spirit was almost exhausted, and everyone began to rest in place. After all, although those bamboo rats were easy to deal with, there were too many of them, and their hearts were tense. Once here, they all relaxed without the harassment of bamboo rats.

"Is this a fucking bamboo rat? Such a big one! Bigger than any cat I raise!" Prisoner Niu sat down. He was the busiest among the people. He kept using the sound wave wall to protect everyone, and also To guard against bamboo rats harassing him, the consumption is estimated to be similar to that of Alpha. "There is much more spiritual energy in this place than outside, so it's not surprising that the bamboo rats have grown so big. The most important thing is that I don't understand how the people in that village live. Firstly, they don't know how to practice, and secondly, they are not superpowers. It’s really a miracle that you can survive in a place like this.”

Looking in the direction of the village, he couldn't help but speak. "Although they are all ordinary people, haven't you noticed that there is some powerful aura in this village? There are two that even scare me, and the statue of Fuxi is also not simple." Tang Feng thought of everyone When I first entered the village, I was directly targeted by several auras at the same time.

, two of them had particularly powerful auras, and even he didn't dare to touch them. And she hasn't mentioned the person who made the prediction yet. If Mrs. Fu were told, everyone would definitely be even more surprised. Tang Feng thought about it and took out the map. He looked at the points marked on the map and the winding roads. Tang Feng frowned. There were three red dots marked on the map. He didn't know what they were. There were also three red dots on the map. No explanation was given. This made Tang Feng a little curious, what exactly is it?

It was specially marked. Could it be some kind of treasure? Or some kind of monster? Thinking of this, Tang Feng called all the people over. Everyone was very interested when they saw the red dot on the map, so they all decided to go to the red dot first and take a look. If it was a treasure, they would take it away directly. If it's a monster, kill it if you can, and run away if you can't kill it. Of course, it's best to kill it, and

Think of it as doing something good for the people in this village.

After everyone had a rest, they set off again toward the red dot on the map.

Pingyang, Kaoshan Village... "Sister Jiaojiao, this is the preferential policy that the person assigned to us just sent over. You were not here just now, so I took a look first. All the policies here are very good. , and that person also revealed that he can give us some other... green lights." Zhang Liying held a folder.

Said to Qiao Jiaojiao with a smile.

When Qiao Jiaojiao heard the words "that person," she took the folder and didn't open it. Instead, she asked Zhang Liying, "Do you have that person's phone number?" Zhang Liying was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Give it to me."

Zhang Liying subconsciously took out her mobile phone, then suddenly reacted and said in a low tone: "Sister Jiaojiao, you...want to ask about Tang Feng, right?" Qiao Jiaojiao sighed, then covered her head He said with a face: "Tang Feng is neither alive nor dead. As your eldest sister, I have to ask about Tang Feng. Now when I see our mother, I don't dare to look at her. , if she knew that Tang Feng was dead and couldn't even find his body, then


"Sister Jiaojiao, don't be sad, Tang Feng..."

Zhang Liying wanted to comfort Qiao Jiaojiao, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help crying. The two women cried for a while, then Zhang Liying took out her mobile phone, dialed a number, and handed the mobile phone to Qiao Jiaojiao. At this time in Yanjing, in that person's office, that person was conducting a video conference, and 224 people appeared on a virtual screen. Seeing so many people, that person let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "This time The World Conference was proposed by China. Thank you very much for voting.

Passed. The last world conference was because of nuclear weapons. Everyone knows the power of nuclear weapons, so we formulated the terms of nuclear weapons last time. What I want to say this time will definitely not be less harmful than nuclear weapons. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard what that person said. They couldn't believe it when someone from a country as big as China said such things. The leader of the United States, Wall, had no expression on his face when he heard what that person said. The last time Black used missiles to attack the Mad Dragon Squad without authorization, he had no idea. When he finally heard that something happened to the Mad Dragon Squad, he was originally very happy, but after a while He couldn't laugh anymore when he heard that the missile was launched by his own country. Moreover, not only the Mad Dragon Team, but what made him most uncomfortable was that the Justice Giant in the northern country was also attacked at the same time, and Kai, the pillar of the Justice Giant, was also attacked. Destroyed by missiles, China and the northern countries were originally allies, but now they were attacked at the same time, and everyone

However, he suddenly thought of the United States. After all, the United States was not particularly friendly to China and the northern countries in the past, but Wall also had nowhere to pour his bitter water. They obviously only fired missiles at the Mad Dragon Team, but who knows what happened to the Justice Giant's missiles! And the most important thing is that they themselves were attacked by missiles! And only four people came back, one was disabled and two were seriously injured, leaving only one good person, but no

No matter what he said, the northern countries relied on him. The northern countries and China launched an attack together, and the United States couldn't bear it. In desperation, Wall gave China and the northern countries huge benefits to calm the anger of the two countries, but they also I can't express the pain.

Who would be stupid enough to attack themselves with missiles, and hit them so hard! Who the hell acts so realistically! Therefore, Wall always believed that there must be another country that was doing evil inside, but he just didn't catch it. In fact, Larry, the leader of the northern country, also knew that the attack on them was not caused by America, but who put them at gunpoint? How could they not take the opportunity to kill him? Besides, someone had to be responsible for Kai's serious injury, and America was the best candidate.

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