Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1689 Killing the Big Bird

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After hearing Tang Feng's words, Mark also knew that he was wrong, and then he stopped taking action. In this way, the pressure on Tang Feng and Yaizhen was greatly reduced, and they were less stretched to deal with Big Bird's attack. The two cooperated with each other, Coupled with the interference of the three prisoners, Tang Feng can still be a big bird.

Get some damage on your body.

Although everyone can cause some damage to the big bird, it is only a painless itch. If you want to kill this big bird, you have to think of other ways.

The big bird was being harassed by everyone, and was also a little angry. Seeing Tang Feng's uninjured finger and Yaizhen's giant fist, the big bird rose directly into the sky, dodged the two attacks, and circled. It rose into the sky and flew so high that no one except Alpha could touch it. The big bird rose into the sky, and balls of fire spurted out from its mouth. Coupled with the wind elements on its wings, each one flew down from the sky like meteorites. Everyone wanted to avoid it, but at this time, The ground beneath their feet suddenly shook violently, and everyone almost fell to the ground.

At this time, a big hand suddenly appeared in the sky, a huge black hand. With one slap, the fire ball in the sky turned into little sparks. Everyone stabilized their bodies, and then they saw the big black hand extending from Mark's shoulder. The big bird was also startled. Looking at Mark on the ground, the big bird flapped its wings, and each wind blade struck out. Shooting towards Mark, Prisoner Niu moved his hands, and walls of sound waves came out.

Now in front of Mark, the wind blade must pass. When Mark saw the sound wave wall in front of him, he was determined, and then he grabbed the big bird with his big hand in the air. The big bird did not dodge, and looked at the big hand grabbing towards him, showing a trace of ridicule. At this moment At that moment, the wind blade hit the sonic wall of Prisoner Niu, but in the confusion

In the chaos, a wind blade took advantage of the opportunity and flew towards Mark's neck from the side. Mark also noticed the elemental fluctuations around him, but at this time it was too late to block it. Mark closed his eyes helplessly, but at this moment, Tang Feng stretched out his hand and pointed out a harmless move. Arriving first, it hit the wind blade directly, blocking this for Mark.

For the fatal move, Mark heard a "bang" and saw Tang Feng nodding towards him. Mark knew that Tang Feng had blocked the move for him, and then he waved his big hand vigorously and flew toward the big bird. And go. The big bird originally thought that its wind blade could kill Mark directly, but unexpectedly it was blocked. And it did not avoid Mark's big hand at all. Now Mark's big hand has reached it. In a hurry, the big bird just Can shrink into a ball, Mark's big fist hit Big Bird's

On the body, the big bird flew out like a shooting star chasing the moon, and even lost some feathers. Everyone seized this opportunity. Alpha picked up the God of War and aimed at the big bird in the air. Tang Feng also lowered his waist and braced his horse, and launched a move called Huanglong out to sea. A golden dragon soared in the air, and Yasu also punched out a giant punch. , Prisoner Niu also used sound waves to form a sound beam, and the target was the same.

Such is this big bird.

The big bird was hit by Mark's stone punch. He couldn't stabilize his body in the air. Everyone's attacks fell directly on the big bird. After a powerful wave of energy, the wind and sand slowly dispersed, and the big bird lay on his back. On the ground, he was twitching from time to time, and it looked like he might not survive. The four people in Yaizhen are all cultivators of the Yue Tian Realm. Although Tang Feng is not, his strength is similar to that of a Yue Tian Realm super master. And this big bird is not good at defense. Five Yue Tian Realm super masters are at the same time. Attacking this big bird, of course the big bird can't bear it, but now it can still breathe

, which is already pretty good. When everyone walked over, the big bird's eyes were already distracted, its mouth was moving back and forth, and its claws and wings were kicking back and forth, but standing up was just a luxury. Tang Feng took out the sharp horn and stabbed it hard into the big bird's chest. Blood spurted out and the big bird cried out.

There was a sound, and the body slowly softened. As soon as the big bird died, the wind and sand in this place slowly stopped. The wind and sand stopped, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all sat down, especially Mark. He just walked back from the hell gate. If it weren't for Tang Feng, he would have been dead by now. He still has lingering fears. . And although he was the hero of killing this big bird,

But instead of getting better, everyone became more wary of him. Mark said that he had lost his memory. Not only could he not use his gravity field, but his fighting consciousness was far less than before. However, his attack just now was similar to before. Everyone thought that he had recovered now, so he was even more worried. Be vigilant and didn't get too close to him, no

Everywhere he sat was vaguely surrounded by him, and he could be taken care of at any time.

"Mark, thank you just now, otherwise we would have to put in a lot of effort." Mark smiled, and then said: "It's nothing, this trick was something I just thought of. I originally wanted to catch this big bird, but It flew too fast, I couldn't catch it, and then I hit it directly, but my gravity field still didn't think about it." Mark said this.

He shook his head helplessly. Tang Feng squinted at him and then looked at the big bird. The best thing about this big bird was the feathers on its wings. Only after the big bird was killed did everyone see this. The feathers on the wings of a big bird, all the feathers have some special patterns, the prisoner cow is from the bird

He pulled one out of his body, looked at it carefully, and then let go of his hand in the air. Surprisingly, the feathers did not fall down, but slowly flew up in the air. Prisoner Niu saw the flying feathers and said in surprise: "This big bird really hasn't fully mastered its powers. The feathers on its body are full of wind elements. For those with wind powers,

, this feather is a treasure. Even if I don't give it to them for use, I will take it back and study it, and there will definitely be great progress in the field of superpowers. "Prison Niu said, he took out a knife and disemboweled the big bird, pulled out all the feathers, put it directly into his seven-star gourd, then chopped off the claws and the head of the big bird, and They all were put away. What surprised him the most was that he took out a fire from the big bird's belly.

The red round beads are constantly releasing heat. "This bead is the crystallization of Big Bird's fire power. You should have no use for it. I'll take it back and study it!"

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