Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1696: Recovering Memory

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Mark said, his eyes turned red, and seeing that the people around him were not afraid at all, a clay armor instantly covered his body, and he also released his gravity field. As soon as the gravity field came out, it immediately enveloped everyone, and the gravity field has been opened to its highest level.

Everyone felt their bodies sinking under the fifty times gravity. Tang Feng was okay, after all, he was used to this gravity when he fought Mark last time, but Alpha, who was the weakest, almost knelt on the ground.

It was only after they had gone through the training of that staircase that they could persevere and not fall down. If they had not experienced the experience of that staircase, they might have been pushed to the ground just like Tang Feng in the last Five Nations Competition.

"Quickly retreat!" Needless to say, Tang Feng also opened a field to assist him and slowly retreated. Tang Feng also used his uninjured finger to restrain Mark at this time, but Mark did not do what Zhang did last time. Resisting Tang Feng's attack on the spot, a big gun condensed in his hand, and he directly

Tang Feng rushed towards Kawami Reiko who was closest to him. Tang Feng was shocked. Kawami Reiko was opposite him and he had no time to save her now. But at this time, a ray of white light flew directly towards Mark, and the speed was even faster than Tang Feng's uninjured finger. Mark did not dodge quickly and was hit directly on the head. Mark instantly turned pale and his orifices were bleeding. Tang Feng raised his head I glanced over and found Alpha kneeling on the ground holding the God of War.

, this bullet was condensed by Alpha using his mental power, that’s why it’s so fast. In the gravity field, all energy attacks will be affected, such as Prison Niu's sonic attack, and Tang Feng's water arrows and harmless fingers. If they are released, they will be affected by the gravity field. Not only will the speed and accuracy decrease, And the power will be reduced, but the mental strength will be

It's different. Mental power is not energy, but a special thing in a person. It can be said to be intangible or tangible, and it can be said to be tangible or intangible. Therefore, it will not be affected by the field of gravity at all. Just now, Alpha saw that Reiko Kawami was about to be attacked by Mark, and there was no time to reload the God of War, so he could only use mental power bullets to attack Mark. This was also the first time Alpha used mental power to condense bullets, but he was also surprised. , he didn’t expect this effect, but he originally

He was attacked by the jellyfish with mental power, and he didn't have much mental power just after he sat down to recover. The mental bullet just now had consumed all his mental power, but Mark also This moment made me dizzy. Tang Feng and Yaizhen seized this opportunity. Tang Feng bowed his waist slightly, and then his legs were like springs, and he jumped directly into the air. His spiritual power was transferred to his legs, and they were smashed from the air like battle axes. Come down, if you don't take action, it will be a killer move! And the eyes are also condensed in the sky

A big fist was gathered, and the target was also Mark. Because the mental power bullet was very small, it only made Mark pause, so he recovered in an instant. Mark also saw the attacks of Tang Feng and Yazhen. It was the lesser of the two, so Mark immediately decided to use the strongest bullet. The defense blocked Tang Feng's attack. As for Yaizhen's attack, he could only force it.


A big claw instantly appeared in front of Mark, tightly protecting the direction in which Tang Feng was attacking. As for the direction of Yaizhen, there was only a wall of earth in a hurry, which could not block Yaizhen's giant fist. Tang Feng jumped into the air, and coupled with Mark's own gravity field, this move can be said to be his strongest move now. Seeing Mark's giant claw, Tang Feng directly smashed it down, but Tang Feng still He underestimated Mark's defense, and when he hit it with this move, his giant claw just shattered.

Mark was just thrown away by the shock wave. At this time, Yaizhen's giant fist also hit Mark's body, shattering Mark's armor at once, and Mark was directly knocked away.

Mark was attacked by two people, and the domain could not be maintained, so it was immediately lifted. Kawami Reiko hurriedly ran to Mark's side, checked Alpha's breath, and then ran directly to Tang Feng and Qi Niu with Alpha in her arms. behind.

Although Mark was hit by Yaizhen's giant fist, he still stood up tenaciously. Looking at Tang Feng and the other five, Mark took out a small blue bottle, smiled coldly at everyone, and then opened the bottle directly. , poured the liquid inside into his mouth.

"Tang Feng, I can't get out of here, so don't even think about leaving. Just bury me here!" After Mark said this, his neck became covered with veins, his face became more and more ferocious, and his back also became more and more ferocious. Arched high, the surrounding earth also shook. Although everyone did not have earth-type superpowers, they could still feel that the surrounding earth elements were rioting, and Mark's vitality was constantly increasing.

of loss. Stones poured directly into Mark's body. In an instant, Mark's body was covered with stones and turned into a five or six meter tall giant. The giant's eyes were glowing with red light. Tang Feng protected everyone and retreated step by step. Among all the people, he was the only one who had not lost his fighting power. The mental power of the others was too seriously depleted, especially Alpha and Yazhen. Alpha had just done that One mental bullet immediately consumed all the energy.

Some of his mental powers have now passed out, but Yaizhen's mental powers are the weakest. After being attacked by the jellyfish, it is good to be able to stand up now. It is basically impossible to fight again.

"You hide, his target is me, I will lure him away, and then come back to find you."

Although everyone is worried, they can only do this at this time, otherwise they will all die here.

"Be careful, run if you can, don't fight." Tang Feng nodded, and then cut off the uninjured finger on the stone man's head. Although the uninjured finger was hit, it was only knocked down. Some debris, the stone man is nothing at all. The stone man roared angrily, punched the ground with his fist, and then took out a huge stone.

When Feng saw it, he hurriedly ran towards the way he had just come. The stone man raised the stone and swung it towards Tang Feng. Tang Feng was startled when he saw the huge stone flying towards him, and hurriedly lowered his head. The stone flew past Tang Feng's hair and broke all the surrounding trees. Tang Feng turned around and hit two more harmless fingers. The stone man was transformed by Mark. He had an obsession in his heart to kill Tang Feng, so he kept chasing Tang Feng. Tang Feng saw the stone man. Chasing after myself, I felt relieved.

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