Rural Friends Circle

_Chapter 1714: Ambition is not a matter of age

Mrs. Fu lowered her head in deep thought. No one knew what she was thinking, and no one disturbed her. Apart from the sound of falling leaves, the only sound in the backyard was breathing. After half an hour, Mrs. Fu raised her head, glanced at Tang Feng, and then at Xiaoxue standing aside, with a trace of

She couldn't bear it, but she quickly covered it up. Xiaoxue and Tang Feng both had an ominous premonition in their eyes when they saw her.

"No! The ancestral rules cannot be abolished!"

When Tang Feng heard what Mrs. Fu said, he said directly: "Mrs. Fu, just now you two said that you would agree to a condition for me, why don't you agree to it now?" "First, the rules handed down from our ancestors cannot be abolished. , we diviners have been in the same line since ancestor Fuxi, and this has always been the rule. I can't let this rule be broken here. If this is the case, I will not have the face to meet my previous ancestors even if I go to hell. Just now

It's not me who promised you a condition, it was him. If I don't agree to what you told me, do I still need your consent? "

"Hmph! Then what's the deal between you and Mr. Mu! Don't forget, you are still a diviner before you die! As a diviner, you are entangled with a man. Do you think this is within the rules?" Tang Feng looked at it Seeing Mrs. Fu's pedantic look, she no longer looked humble as before. She stood up straight and looked at Mrs. Fu with neither humility nor arrogance. Sure enough, when Old Mrs. Fu heard Tang Feng's words, she was shocked, and then her face turned pale. When Mr. Mu saw Old Mrs. Fu's expression,

With this look, he glared at Tang Feng, then hurriedly put his hand on Old Mrs. Fu's back, passing through a stream of spiritual power to help her straighten out the breath in her body. "Haha... Tianyang, please go away. Just pretend that we have never met again and what happened today never happened." Mrs. Fu stood up, pushed away Mr. Mu's hand, and walked directly into the room. She walked away, but her back seemed to be bent down, even though Tang Feng helped him get across.

She lost her life force, but she seemed not as energetic as before.


"Mr. Tang, you'd better go!" Xiaoxue ran over at this time, her little face wrinkled up with worry, she stamped her feet helplessly, and ran into the room immediately after. Mr. Mu seemed to have suddenly aged dozens of years due to treatment. All his efforts just now were in vain. How could he not be disappointed, but he didn't blame Tang.

Feng, Tang Feng also had good intentions, but what he said later was too extreme, and he was already very satisfied to see Mrs. Fu today, let alone hate Tang Feng.

"You also say that you are Fuxi's guardian. You don't even dare to face your own heart. You still protect Fuxi. It's a shame that Fuxi has guardians like you! Fuxi is also a confused person! He has set this rule and still wants to Being admired by thousands of people is just a dream!”

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Mr. Mu looked at him in surprise. He really didn't expect Tang Fengfeng to say these words, but he just smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then walked outside. Tang Feng looked at the confinement He opened the door and followed Mr. Mu out with a cold snort.

Everyone was still waiting outside the ancestral hall, looking at Mr. Mu and Tang Feng, one with disappointed expressions and the other with angry expressions. They all didn't understand what was going on. When Mr. Mu came out just now, the smile on his face was quite bright. Well, why did the two of them suddenly become like this?

"Tang Feng, what's going on?"

Seeing Mr. Mu walking out as if he didn't see them, Yaizhen looked at Tang Feng with some confusion. Others didn't understand either and looked at Tang Feng. Tang Feng turned back and glanced inside the ancestral hall. He did not answer Yazhen's words, but looked at Reiko Kawami and Alpha.

"Alpha, Reiko, if I want to separate you now, and send one back to Sakura Road, Japan, and the other to the Russian Giant of Justice, I can also help you solve all your problems, are you willing?"

Kawami Reiko and Alpha looked at each other, and then both shook their heads. Kawami Reiko said, "Even if you can solve Miyamoto Huang's matter, I won't go back. As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. I am with Alpha now, and I will follow him for the rest of my life.”

When Alpha heard what Reiko Kawami said, he immediately grabbed her hand and said with a smile: "I will not go back, even if it is for Reiko, I must give her happiness."

Tang Feng smiled and nodded when he heard what the two said, and then said loudly: "If you have ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain! If you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain!" After Tang Feng finished speaking, he laughed and walked out the door. Everyone else They were confused, but they followed Tang Feng and walked out.

Mrs. Fu couldn't help but trembled when she heard Tang Feng's words in the room, and then she kept repeating these words.

"If you have ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain... Okay! Okay! Okay!" Mrs. Fu's eyes flashed at the end, and then she said directly to Xiaoxue next to her: "Go and get Mr. Tang and your Grandpa Mu. Please come back! Come on!”

Xiaoxue was a little confused, but she turned around and ran out. When Tang Feng heard the footsteps, he couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth. Not only him, but also Mr. Mu in front of him turned his head in disbelief. Seeing the smile on the corner of Tang Feng's mouth, he couldn't help but Laughed out loud.

"Grandpa Mu, Mr. Tang, grandma, please go back!" Xiaoxue ran to Tang Feng and the others, panting. Tang Feng glanced at her, and then turned around and returned to the small courtyard with Mr. Mu. This time, Old Mrs. Fu was already waiting for the two of them in the pavilion. When he saw the two coming back, he walked directly in front of them and looked at Tang Feng with a smile. Feng, and then bowed deeply to Tang Feng. Tang Feng did not avoid it and accepted the gift directly. As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage. Mr. Mu and Old Mrs. Fu were in a marriage. Tang Feng was betting on whether Old Mrs. Fu could understand that sentence when he said that. However, Old Mrs. Fu lived up to her expectations and understood this sentence. this

In this way, Tang Feng can be regarded as the elder of the two of them, so Tang Feng accepted this gift.

"Mr. Tang, thank you. I am the one who made the appearance. I promise you that from today on, this rule will be abolished. Xiaoxue can also find her own in-laws that she is satisfied with. I will not impose any restrictions."

Xiaoxue was a little embarrassed when she heard what Mrs. Fu said, but she still said excitedly: "Thank you, grandma!" Mrs. Fu shook her head, then walked to Mr. Mu's side, and took the initiative to hold Mr. Mu's hand. He smiled and said: "No need to thank me, we should all thank Mr. Tang."

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