Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 189: Online Dating

"Wait for me, I'll give you some small gifts."

After sending this message, Tang Feng hurriedly got up, went into the room, rummaged through the boxes, and finally found the set of cosmetics he bought for Yang Chan from the city.

In it, there is a full set of cosmetics, including facial masks, eyebrow pencils, eyeliners, lipsticks, etc. He bought everything that women can use for makeup.

Because he was afraid that Yang Chan would not know how to use them, he downloaded several cosmetics videos and sent them to Yang Chan.

Shoes, clothes, bags, and cosmetics, these are fatal temptations for any woman. Even Yang Chan was attracted after watching those videos.

"Tang Yun, why are you so good to me?" Looking at these strange things that have never appeared in the fairy world in front of him, thinking of the many gifts that Tang Feng has given him for a long time, Yang Chan felt that something indescribable appeared in his heart, and couldn't help asking.

Why? You ask me, who should I ask? Looking at the question sent by Yang Chan, Tang Feng was silent. To be honest, he didn't know why he cared about Yang Chan so much, and always couldn't help wanting to chat with her and give her gifts.

Even though he knew that immortals and mortals were separated, and they might never have the chance to meet in this life, he still couldn't help doing it.

If there was an Internet expert here, he would definitely tell him that you are in an online relationship, but unfortunately, there is no such person here.

"I don't know why, anyway, I just want to chat with you, and every time I chat with you, I feel very happy, I can't help wanting to give you gifts and want to see you happy."

In the fairy palace, Yang Chan sat on the swing formed by the fairy clouds. After listening to the extremely gentle words, her eyes were red. Since she was a child, there has never been such a person of the opposite sex who said such intimate words to her.

The fairy world is a closed world. Free love is almost a legend here. Even those immortal couples who come together rarely say such intimate words to each other.

Therefore, after hearing Tang Feng's gentle words, Yang Chan's daughter's heart, which had been closed for ten thousand years, was finally pried open. Although it was just a crack, it could never be closed again.

This person and the immortal, through super WeChat and divine consciousness, separated the seal of immortals and mortals, told some unknown whispers, and unconsciously, the distance between them was shortened little by little.

When the two people finished chatting, the sky outside had darkened. Unconsciously, he had chatted with Yang Chan for four or five hours.

When it was almost nine o'clock, a black business car appeared at the gate of the farm.

"Mr. Tang, our chairman asked me to pick you up." The person who got off the car was a middle-aged man in a suit. It seemed that he should be Su Changhe's confidant.

"Sting, Hu Zi, you look after the house. I have something to do outside." After saying hello to Hu Zi and the others, he got in the car.

Su Changhe's home is actually on the same road as Lin Mengjia's. There is only one street between the two houses. From the Su family villa, you can see the Lin family yard.

When I walked into the villa, the atmosphere in the living room was a bit heavy. There were two elderly people sitting on the sofa. As for Su Changhe, he sat next to him with a heavy face.

Seeing Tang Feng coming in, Su Changhe hurriedly stood up.

"Mr. Tang, you are here." Su Changhe shook hands with each other and said very politely.

Upstairs, there was a ping-pong sound, and there was also a heart-wrenching cry. The cry was a bit sharp, but it could be heard that it was a woman's voice.

Tang Feng nodded to Su Changhe. He didn't say anything and walked directly to the stairs. When he reached the stairs, he turned his head and said to Su Changhe who was following behind him: "I won't come down, and no one is allowed to go upstairs."

His words were decisive and there was no intention of negotiation. Su Changhe hesitated for a while, but still nodded.

Watching Tang Feng disappear on the stairs, Su Changhe sighed deeply and turned back to the sofa.

"Changhe, is that young man just now the one you mentioned who might be able to cure Lan Lan?" The old man sitting on the left side of the sofa looked at Su Changhe and asked.

"Yes, Dad, the person recommended to me by Director Zhou is also him." Su Changhe nodded in response.

"Can he do it? He looks so young?" Mr. Su looked upstairs and asked with some distrust.

Su Changhe sighed again. He actually had no idea whether Tang Feng could cure his daughter, but now, he could only try his best.

Upstairs, Tang Feng walked through the corridor and arrived at the door of the innermost room. The door was locked from the outside. Through the door, he could clearly hear the woman's scream.

He reached out and opened the door. When the door opened, he clearly felt a cold breath coming towards him. In this breath, there was not only a sense of coldness, but also a smell of decay.

He did not hesitate and directly summoned Xiaoqian and the starving ghost. At the same time, he took out the bottle of wronged souls from the fairy cloud bracelet and released the evil ghost Hu Feng.

The best choice to deal with evil ghosts is naturally to fight ghosts with ghosts.

After experiencing the incident with the evil ghost Hu Feng, he also realized that although Xiao Qian's intelligence was sealed, as a female ghost trained by King Yama, she was obviously not comparable to the ordinary evil ghosts in the mortal world in terms of level. Therefore, when Hu Feng saw Xiao Qian, he was like a mouse seeing a cat.

Now, Xiao Qian was by his side, and there was also a powerful evil ghost Hu Feng and a starving ghost, so he was not afraid of any evil ghost and stepped into the bedroom.

When he walked into the bedroom, he was a little dumbfounded. Under the bright light, a naked young woman was screaming there.

In terms of appearance, this woman might be a little worse than Lin Mengjia, but in terms of figure, she was definitely better than Lin Mengjia, almost perfect figure.

The long black hair was now messy, and the fair and beautiful face was filled with a chilling hostility, especially the eyes, which flashed a faint blue light.

Behind this woman, there stood a female ghost wearing a red cheongsam with her head drooping. Because of her drooping head, her face could not be seen.

Hu Feng, who had been expressionless, showed fear on his ghost face after seeing the cheongsam female ghost. After a scream, he slipped behind Tang Feng.

On the other hand, Xiao Qian flew in front of Tang Feng, and a hint of agility appeared on her equally dull face. Her ghost eyes stared at the female ghost opposite.

The starving ghost also performed well. He followed Xiao Qian motionlessly and stared at the female ghost opposite.

It seems that he encountered a fierce ghost today. Looking at the different reactions of his three ghosts, Tang Feng muttered in his heart.

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