Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 197 High School Classmates

The best hotel in Pingyang, the Presidential Suite of Ruya Hotel.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a young man in a suit, holding red wine in his hand, looked at this historic city. This was the young master of the Zhu family, Zhu Wenxiao.

"Zhu Wen, what did Liu Siyuan say?" Zhu Wenxiao asked calmly, still looking outside.

Zhu Wen, who was sitting on the sofa, took a sip of red wine and said with a smile: "He is definitely not willing to sell his hotel at a low price. However, now he is for fish and meat and I am for Daozu. All he can do now is to bargain. Don’t let yourself suffer too much.”

Zhu Wenxiao smiled and nodded. He still trusted his dog-headed military advisor Zhu Wen. Although this guy looked unattractive, he was full of conspiracies. Over the years, many people have fallen victim to his schemes. Big loss.

"Then how much money do you think we have to pay to take over Qingyuan Villa and the hotel under construction?"

Zhu Wen crossed his legs and said thoughtfully: "The valuation of Qingyuan Villa is 300 million, and the development potential is still great. If others want to win Qingyuan Villa, it will definitely not work without 400 million. Now, I Taking advantage of the situation, Liu Siyuan has no way out. We only need to spend more than 100 million to take down Qingyuan Villa. "

"However, Liu Siyuan comes from a gangster background. We cannot rule out the possibility that he will go all the way to gangsterdom. To nip problems in the bud, we must also prepare in advance. If he refuses to give in, then we will have to rely on the local forces in Pingyang. , making it impossible for him to open the Qingyuan Villa.”

Zhu Wenxiao sneered, drank the red wine in the goblet, turned around, and said with a sneer: "I believe he is a smart man and will not make unwise choices."

These two people were chatting here about how Liu Siyuan was doing, but they never thought about one question: why the business of Qingyuan Villa was so booming.

They had planned Liu Siyuan's reaction and how to deal with Liu Siyuan. They were indeed very shrewd and calculated well. Unfortunately, they ignored one of the most important people, Tang Feng.

Without the first-grade fairy fish, first-grade fresh lotus root, and other top-quality vegetables, Qingyuan Villa will be directly restored to its original shape. By then, how many dollars will Qingyuan Villa be worth?

After leaving Qingyuan Villa, Tang Feng made a special trip to the flower market. This time, he bought more than a hundred flower seedlings of various types at once.

He also thought about planting all these flower seedlings in the valley and cultivating them with the help of the spiritual energy in the valley. He believed that the flowers cultivated with the spiritual energy would be of better quality.

Just as he was about to return to the farm, a phone call came from the company where he had previously ordered the underwater robot. The robot had been shipped to Pingyang, and a business manager from the company came with the robot.

At the highway intersection, Tang Feng found the minivan with the words Beishen Machinery Company on it. When he saw the business manager, Tang Feng was stunned for the first time.

"Wang Xin?" Looking at the familiar face, Tang Feng searched for information about this woman in his somewhat vague memory.

"Tang Feng?" The woman opposite also looked at him with surprise on her face.

Wang Xin, Tang Feng's high school classmate, was also the star of the class at that time. Of course, at that ignorant age, Tang Feng also had a crush on Wang Xin.

However, at that time, Tang Feng was not good-looking and his family situation was very ordinary. He only dared to secretly love Wang Xin in his heart and never dared to confess it.

It is said that Wang Xin did very well in the college entrance examination and was admitted to Jilin University. Since then, he has never seen Wang Xin again. After so many years, he has forgotten this girl, but he never thought that she would be like this. way to meet.

After so many years, Wang Xin has changed a lot. The long hair in the past has become short hair, a long skirt, and a beautiful shawl on her shoulders. The whole person looks like she has lost her original look. Youthful, with an added mature beauty.

"Old classmate, I haven't seen you for many years." With a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

At this time, Wang Xin was also observing Tang Feng. Those beautiful eyes moved over Tang Feng's body, and her heart was full of surprise. After living in a big city for these years, she could naturally tell that Tang Feng's famous brand.

Especially when he saw the Ashdanton watch on Tang Feng's hand, he couldn't help but pursed his lips. This watch cost a hundred thousand yuan less, and their boss was wearing the same watch. , show off or don’t need it.

Look at the car behind Tang Feng. Although it is not a luxury car, it costs more than 300,000 yuan. It seems that his high school classmate has made a lot of money in these years.

In her impression, Tang Feng in high school had average grades, average performance, and average family situation. He was the kind of ordinary person you would never find again if you were thrown into the crowd.

Looking at Tang Feng's stretched out hand, she smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and held Tang Feng's hand together.

"I really didn't expect that the customer who purchased our company's underwater robot would be you."

Gently holding the silky jade hand, the fingers touched the skin, which was indescribably smooth. Then looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar delicate face, in a daze, it seemed that I was back to that youthful age. .

"I didn't expect that the business manager that Mr. Zheng mentioned would be you. You have been a manager for less than two or three years since you graduated. It's amazing." After a brief handshake, Tang Feng was the first to withdraw his hand and said with a smile.

Wang Xin is indeed a great beauty, but the women Tang Feng has been in contact with these days are either Lin Mengjia, Su Ying, or Shangguan Jiaqian. These women are all top-notch beauties. Over time, Tang Feng has become immune to beauties.

Especially with the existence of Yang Chan, Tang Feng no longer had any fantasies because of a beauty standing in front of him. So, when he saw Wang Xin again, his heart was very calm, and there was not even any ripples.

Looking at Tang Feng's calm face, Wang Xin was somewhat disappointed. She remembered that when Tang Feng talked to her, he would blush and stutter because of excitement. Time flies, and not only herself has changed, but also the man in front of her.

"You haven't had a proper meal on the way, why don't we find a place to eat first?" Tang Feng suggested after glancing at the time, which was already past six in the afternoon.

"Hehe, I'll listen to your arrangement, rich man." Wang Xin said with a playful smile.

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