Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 205: Treasures Under the Reservoir

When night fell, Tang Feng drove the speedboat alone and quietly left the bay.

On the dead water, except for one or two chirpings of birds in the distance, there was no other sound. In the cemetery on the other side of the reservoir, a few ghost lights could be seen floating in the distance.

He lifted the underwater robot weighing more than 100 kilograms with one hand and put it into the water.

Since opening the triple gate of the earth realm, his strength has doubled. With just this one hand, he can lift something weighing 200 kilograms without blushing or panting. Therefore, he is more and more looking forward to opening the quadruple gate.

When the robot slowly sank into the water, the searchlight in front lit up, and the quiet and dark underwater environment was transmitted to the display screen on the deck through the monitoring probe on the robot.

The Tianjing Village Reservoir covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 acres. It is not a simple and easy task to find a possible ruins in such a large water area.

The underwater robot moved slowly, and Tang Feng's eyes were fixed on the display screen. Under the light, one or two fish weighing dozens of kilograms would swim past the robot from time to time, but there was no sign of anything related to the ruins.

With the speedboat docked as the center, he searched the waters within a radius of 100 meters, but unfortunately, except for a broken fishing boat upside down underwater, he found nothing.

When the speedboat moved to the west dam, a group of metallic reflective spots appeared on the display screen. Tang Feng controlled the underwater robot to approach the metallic reflective spot, and then saw a golden brick.

The brick was about 20 centimeters in diameter and lay quietly on the riverbed under the water. Not far away, there was another similar metal brick standing upright in the mud, with only half of its body exposed.

Gold brick!

After seeing these two golden bricks, these two words flashed through Tang Feng's mind.

In doubt, he decided to go into the water to have a look. After taking off his clothes, he took out the water-repellent bead from the Xianyun bracelet, held it in his mouth, and quietly jumped into the water.

After sinking into the water, he carefully took a breath with his nose. Just like on the surface of the water, he breathed smoothly and freely, without choking at all. The water-repellent bead is indeed a treasure of the fairy world. Even if it is broken, it still retains a powerful water-repellent function.

Slowly approaching the place where the golden brick is, under the light of the underwater robot, he picked up the brick and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes. This brick is indeed metal. As for whether it is pure gold, it still needs professional identification.

Putting the two large bricks suspected to be gold bricks into the Xianyun bracelet, he searched under the water nearby. Somewhat unexpectedly, the same three large gold bricks appeared not far away.

After expanding the search range, he still didn't find any star jars, but he picked up six large gold bricks one after another, which was a pleasant surprise.

After staying underwater for more than half an hour, seeing that he could not find anything valuable, Tang Feng had to return to the surface.

Tang Feng sat on the deck and took out the eleven large gold bricks he picked up from underwater from the Xianyun bracelet and placed them neatly on the deck. Under the light, these gold bricks were golden and looked particularly tempting.

He picked up one of them and took a bite on it with his mouth, and two tooth marks appeared on it.

It was indeed a gold brick!

Looking at these large gold bricks, each weighing more than ten pounds, and then looking at the rippling reservoir, Tang Feng fell into deep thought. How could there be so many large gold bricks in their reservoir?

There was no mark of the fairy world on these gold bricks, that is, they should be things from the mortal world, but how did these expensive gold bricks appear in the reservoir?

Eleven gold bricks weighed more than 100 jin, 1 jin 500 grams, which is nearly 60,000 grams of gold. The current price of gold is 300 yuan per gram, which is more than 18 million.

Touching these gold bricks, Tang Feng smiled bitterly. If he was abroad, he would be overjoyed to get gold bricks worth tens of millions by accident, but in China, everything belongs to the country. If he found out about the gold bricks, it is possible that some government departments will come to his door tomorrow morning.

If he handed over these gold bricks obediently, he might get a certificate and 500 yuan. If he didn't cooperate, I'm afraid those vicious wolves would rob him.

"Let's put it away first. When we find a way later, we can sell these gold." Tang Feng thought so in his heart, and put all the gold bricks into the Xianyun bracelet.

Seeing that it was getting late, Tang Feng put the underwater robot back on the speedboat, returned to the bay, docked the speedboat, and returned to the shack.

Inside the RV, the two small lights on the roof were still on. Su Ying had fallen asleep on her bed. This girl was really brave. She lived with a man like him without any precautions.

Su Changhe was really something. Wasn't he afraid that I would sleep with his daughter? His daughter drove the RV here, but he didn't care. Looking at Su Ying who was sleeping soundly, Tang Feng couldn't help but mutter.

Take off the short-sleeved shirt, Tang Feng lay down on the bed that belonged to him, took out his mobile phone, and habitually logged into WeChat to take a look. He did not receive any messages from anyone, so he clicked on the Moments of several immortal friends again.

Jiaohua Tianzun seemed to be in a very good mood these two days, very good. After listening to his advice, the old man still charged at the entrance of the amusement park. Although the ticket price of ten points of public morality was not cheap, it could not stop the immortal children from being obsessed with the amusement park.

Just by collecting the ticket fee, the public morality income of an amusement park in this day exceeded thousands. This unexpected wealth was enough to equal the public morality income of many righteous gods in a year.

Not only the public morality of the ticket income, but also because the construction of the amusement park successfully solved the problem of immortal children, Jiaohua Tianzun also received a reward from the Jade Emperor, five thousand points of public morality.

"This old man is really mean. After all, I helped him build this amusement park. He got the reward from the Jade Emperor, but he didn't give me any." Seeing the 5,000 points of public virtue rewarded by the Jade Emperor, Tang Feng couldn't help but complain.

Complaining is complaining, but when he thought of the diesel consumed by the amusement park every day, a bright smile appeared on his face again. These diesels are not free. Jiaohua Tianzun needs to pay 100 public virtues for each barrel of oil from him.

Now the amusement park is just being built, and there are relatively few amusement facilities. When the amusement park grows in scale in the future, the diesel consumed in a day will be a large number. Just by selling oil, he can make a lot of money.

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