Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 210 The Magic of Medicinal Wine

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Zeshou, who was sitting next to him, nodded in agreement. He had investigated Tang Feng's background. He knew how much Qingyuan Villa bought from Tang Feng every day and how much each ingredient cost. After calculating these, Tang Feng could get more than 100,000 yuan in payment for goods every day.

100,000 yuan a day, 365 days a year, that's more than 30 million yuan. This annual income is definitely better than most farms in the country.

Although he had a prejudice against Tang Feng because of his daughter's job-hopping, he also admitted that Tang Feng was still very capable. Not only was he capable, but he also had good character. After becoming rich, he did not lose himself and invested 20 million to establish the Datang Fund. This was something that other young people could not compare to.

Lin Mengyao, who was sitting opposite, was surprised. She could never have imagined that Tang Feng's shabby farm could make so much money. She knew that Tang Feng's first-class fairy fish and first-class fresh lotus roots must have made a lot of money, but she didn't expect that his annual income would exceed 10 million.

At this time, the door opened from the outside, and Lin Mengjia, who was dressed in a uniform, walked in from the outside. After seeing Tang Feng sitting next to his grandfather, she smiled with her lips curled.

"Grandpa Li, you are in good health recently, right?" She first greeted Li Lao honestly.

"Okay, okay, okay, come, come and sit next to grandpa." Li Lao nodded with a smile and waved at her repeatedly.

"Mengjia, why did I hear from your grandfather that you resigned from your father's company? What's going on? Why don't you stay in your own company and go to work in someone else's company?" After Lin Mengjia sat down, Grandpa Li asked.

Hearing Mr. Li's question, Lin Mengjia tilted her head and glanced at Tang Feng, her red lips moving slightly.

Mr. Li, who was sitting between the two people, noticed her little movement and followed her gaze. When he saw Tang Feng, he finally thought of something and couldn't help laughing.

"Tang Feng invested 20 million to set up a foundation a few days ago. He didn't understand these things, so Mengjia ran over to help him." Mr. Lin explained at the right time.

Mr. Li sat there, looking at Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia, smiling and nodding. Obviously, he really misunderstood the relationship between the two.

And Lin Mengyao sat there, looking at Tang Feng in surprise. She knew that her elder sister had left her company and that she went to a foundation, but she didn't expect that the foundation was actually invested and established by the rural upstart in front of her, whom she looked down on.

"In this era, it is really rare for young people to have money and still maintain their original intentions." Mr. Li looked at Tang Feng and said with approval.

Hearing Mr. Li's praise, Tang Feng just smiled slightly, neither humble nor arrogant. He himself is not the kind of person who is unrestrained. Even though he is rich now, he rarely does anything in a high-profile manner. He has not told anyone about the foundation except Lin Mengjia, including the people at home.

After chatting with the two old men for a while, the two chefs who helped in the kitchen brought the cooked dishes to the big dining table.

Mr. Li and Mr. Lin sat next to each other, while Tang Feng was arranged next to Lin Zeshou. As for Lin Mengjia and her daughter, they sat on both sides. After everyone was seated, Mr. Lin looked at Tang Feng.

Seeing Mr. Lin looking at him, Tang Feng understood, smiled and stood up, went into the kitchen, took the wine pot he brought over, and also brought the washed grapes and dates over.

On Lin Mengjia's side, they found the wine glasses tacitly and put one in front of each person.

"Hurry up, pour it quickly. I've been thinking about this for several days. If I didn't know that you were coming over in a few days, I would have run to you to ask for it." Old Master Lin swallowed his saliva and urged Tang Feng impatiently.

Seeing his greedy look, Old Master Li couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, saying, "Old Lin, when did you become a drunkard? I remember that you didn't drink much before."

Lin Zeshou sat next to him, silent. His eyes would occasionally glance at the wine pot in Tang Feng's hand. There was obviously a desire in his eyes. Since the last time the old man came back, he secretly drank the wine that the old man brought back, and he couldn't forget this wine.

He even thought about how much he should drink today. Should he drink it all up or drink less and stay for a while and drink it secretly when he wants to. Although the wine pot in Tang Feng's hand is not small, it is five or six catties of wine, but the wine is so delicious that he couldn't help but drink half a catty of wine. Not to mention five catties, even ten catties would not be enough.

"Mr. Li, you don't know that Tang Feng's wine is not an ordinary wine. This wine not only tastes great, but also has the effect of improving eyesight and nourishing the mind. Old people will feel energetic after drinking it." Mr. Lin said with a smile, holding the wine glass in his hand.

After hearing what he said, Mr. Li became interested and said to Tang Feng with a smile: "After hearing what your grandfather Lin said, I am curious about your wine. Come on, let me have a taste."

Tang Feng nodded with a smile and opened the lid of the pot. As the lid was opened, the rich aroma of wine spread throughout the restaurant. All of a sudden, the wine bugs in the stomachs of several drunkards were completely seduced.

"From the aroma of the wine, we can tell that this is good wine, and it is top-quality wine." Mr. Li closed his eyes, savored the aroma of the wine, and couldn't help but sigh.

After Tang Feng filled the wine glasses in front of the two old men in turn, and then filled the two large wine dispensers next to him, he returned to his seat with the wine pot. When he poured wine for Lin Zeshou, he found that this man kept staring at his wine pot, as if he was afraid that he would pour him too little.

After pouring wine for Lin Zeshou and himself, and filling the wine dispenser, he handed the wine pot to Lin Mengjia. After Lin Mengjia took the wine pot with a smile, she was ready to pour wine into the wine glass in front of her mother.

"Jia Jia, you know I never drink." Seeing her daughter pouring wine for herself, Liu Hui shook her hand and said.

"Mom, this wine is made by Tang Feng using medicinal herbs. It tastes very soft and not spicy at all. Moreover, it has the effect of beautifying the skin. Drink less, it's okay." Lin Mengjia persuaded.

"Didn't you say that you didn't sleep well these two days? Drink less of this wine. As long as you don't get drunk, you can sleep well at night." Before Liu Hui could say anything else, the somewhat old-fashioned Lin Zeshou spoke first.

Liu Hui looked at her husband in surprise. She didn't expect that her husband, who was a little stubborn and stubborn on weekdays, would persuade her to drink in such an occasion.

She looked at her husband and then at her eldest daughter, thinking in her heart, could it be that the real wine brought by Tang Feng has magical effects?

Thinking of this, she didn't insist anymore.

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