Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 213: Drinking Contest

Sure enough, when Lin Mengjia finished the introduction, he clearly felt that there were several hostile eyes in the room, especially the man with glasses and a suit with split hair. The naked hostility was the same as when Zheng Guagua looked at him.

It is obvious that this guy must have some idea about Lin Mengjia, thinking that he had robbed his treasure, so he was so hostile to him.

He chose to ignore the hostility of this guy whose identity and origin he did not know. This kind of guy who was jealous without knowing the truth was not a good guy. There was nothing worth caring about.

"Girls sit over there, boys sit over here, Tang... Tang Feng, right? You sit here." The man with split hair pulled a chair over from the side, put it next to him, and said to Tang Feng.

From the guy's beating eyes, Tang Feng could feel that this guy was probably not well-intentioned. However, no one was afraid of him in this field. He looked at Lin Mengjia, and Lin Mengjia leaned close to his ear, and the action was very intimate.

"This guy is called Duan Lei. His father is a big coal boss, a typical nouveau riche. He has been pursuing me, but I have rejected him. You should be careful and don't let him get drunk. That would be embarrassing."

Lin Mengjia's voice was very low, and only Tang Feng could hear it. Hearing her words, Tang Feng smiled playfully. Just based on these guys here, he also wanted to get him drunk!

"Don't worry, if they don't know how to live or die, I don't mind knocking them all down." He also leaned close to Lin Mengjia's ear and said in a low voice. When he finished speaking, he was in a playful mood and blew a breath into Lin Mengjia's ear.

Lin Mengjia, who was completely unprepared, froze there, her body trembled slightly, and a blush appeared on her beautiful face.

Seeing Lin Mengjia's shy look, there was an uproar in the private room. At this time, everyone, including Yao Na, believed that this man named Tang Feng was really Lin Mengjia's boyfriend.

They all knew who Lin Mengjia was. This woman was arrogant. If this man had not had a close relationship with her, she would never let this man get close to her, let alone such an intimate move.

At this moment, everyone became curious about Tang Feng, wondering what the origin of this unprepossessing young man was, and how he could capture the heart of Pingyang's beautiful and talented woman Lin Mengjia.

Amid everyone's suspicion, Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia took their seats, and soon, the waiter brought up the ordered meals.

"Tang Feng, right? Where are you working now?" Duan Lei asked, with his arm on the table, tilting his head and looking at Tang Feng next to him.

Tang Feng took the chopsticks, picked up a piece of food, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it several times, and swallowed it.

"I am a farmer. I contracted a few acres of land in my own village, raised some fish and planted some lotus roots."

His few casual words made the people present look at him sideways.

Contracted a few acres of land to raise fish and plant lotus roots, what a shit farmer, it is clearly a poor farmer, Lin Mengjia, the eldest lady of Pingyang Lin's Real Estate, actually fell in love with a poor farmer!

Duan Lei was also stunned for a moment, and soon reacted. The look in his eyes when he looked at Tang Feng was a little more disdainful.

This guy is really full of bad water, very bad, but I like it. Lin Mengjia, who was sitting on the ground, glanced at Tang Feng, then lowered her head, laughed quietly, and continued to eat.

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