Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 217 Half Past Ten

In the huge yard, more than ten cars were parked at this time, and they were all luxury cars worth millions. Tang Feng's Envision, which cost two or three hundred thousand, looked a bit shabby here.

After entering the warehouse with heavy anti-theft doors, the scenery inside was very different. Looking around, there were dozens of tables scattered throughout the casino, and there were no less than a hundred people coming to gamble.

It is obvious that the people behind this casino who can open such a large casino in Pingyang City and are not afraid of being investigated must have a terrifying background.

In this casino, there are many ways to play, including slot machines, roulette, baccarat, Pai Gow, betting on size, Texas Hold'em, pushing pancakes, poker, and 10:30. However, most of the gamblers here are gathered around Pai Gow, poker, and 10:30, which are the favorite gambling tables of locals.

As a more formal casino, cash gambling is not allowed here. Before entering, gamblers need to exchange chips at the front desk. Six hundred thousand cash was exchanged for a large pile of chips, among which the largest was ten thousand and the smallest was one hundred.

"Tell me, how to play? What to play?" Looking at Duan Lei who was also holding a pile of chips, Tang Feng asked.

Duan Lei obviously had an idea. He raised his chin to the left and said, "Let's not play Zhajinhua. This afternoon, we will only play ten-thirty. You should know ten-thirty, right?"

Ten-thirty is not a local gambling method in Pingyang, but a method brought from the south in recent years. Because it is about courage and mind, it is very popular in Pingyang and there are many people playing it.

In this casino, there are three or four tables of people playing ten-thirty. In front of one of the gambling tables, there are many people fighting fiercely. The chips on the table are piled up into small mountains.

Because people were eliminated one after another, now, there were only three people sitting at the gambling table, and the others were just watching.

Under the guidance of the casino staff, Tang Feng and Duan Lei came to the gambling table and chose their seats to sit down.

"Duan Lei, you didn't lose enough the day before yesterday, so you brought your friends here to give money today." The middle-aged man sitting in the north glanced at Tang Feng, and then said to Duan Lei with a wild smile.

Duan Lei sat there, glared at the middle-aged man, and snorted unhappily: "Today, it's not certain who will win or lose."

Well, it seems that Duan Lei's luck doesn't seem to be very good. I'm afraid that in this casino, he will lose more than he wins. Tang Feng glanced at the middle-aged man, smiled and shook his head, and placed the chips neatly in front of him.

"By the way, everyone, are there any rules on this gambling table? How much is the minimum bet each time, and how much is the maximum bet?" After sorting out the chips, he asked.

"Brother, this is your first time here, right? There are not many rules here. You can bet as you like as long as you don't cheat." The man in a suit sitting next to Tang Feng spoke standard Mandarin and said to Tang Feng with a smile.

"That's great, can we start?" After nodding, Tang Feng asked the dealer with the dealer standing behind him. While speaking, he pushed a chip representing 10,000 to the front.

After all the players bet their chips, the dealer cut the cards in front of everyone. After the cards were cut, the dealer's previous player raised the cards, a red heart old ace, and dealt the dealer first, and then counterclockwise, one card per person.

When the dealer was looking at the cards, the floating mechanical beast quietly appeared in front of the dealer. Through the eyes of the floating mechanical beast, Tang Feng saw the dealer's bottom card clearly, a spade six.

The bottom card is six, which is definitely a headache for everyone, because it can only be played at half past six, and you have to ask for more. However, because the card is big, as long as it exceeds four points, it will be full. At this time, it is time to test the dealer's luck.

After the dealer signaled, the dealer continued to deal the cards, a three of hearts, plus the bottom card nine points. Obviously, the dealer's luck is very good.

"I'm ready, you continue." The dealer said to the man who was suspected to be from Hebei sitting below with a smile on his face.

Because the first person to ask for a card is the dealer, at this time, there is no need to look at other people's cards. After looking at his bottom card, the Hebei man hesitated and asked for a card, a spade J, and then he continued to ask for a card, another diamond A, and then asked again. The dealer issued a club ten.

"Fuck" the Hebei man cursed angrily, and leaned back on the chair. The waiter standing next to him put the chips in front of him in front of the dealer.

Next, it was Tang Feng's turn. His bottom card was an old A. The floating mechanical beast landed in the dealer's hand. The terrifying eyes that could observe 720 degrees, through the tiny gaps between the cards, presented the top card in Tang Feng's field of vision.

This top card was the Eight of Hearts.

"Ask for a card." He snapped his fingers at the dealer, and the dealer dealt the cards. It was indeed an Eight of Hearts, but his points were also nine, equal to the banker's. If he didn't want to lose, he had to.

However, through the floating mechanical beast, the next card he saw was a Five of Spades, which meant that if he didn't want it, he would die, and if he did, he would die more thoroughly.

After a bitter smile, he didn't choose to ask for a card again.

His next player's luck didn't seem to be very good either. His bottom card was a Nine. With a nine-point bottom card, this person naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to ask for a card again. It was Duan Lei's turn. Duan Lei's bottom card was a Three of Spades. The dealer dealt the cards and actually gave this guy an Eight of Spades, ten points.

The people who didn't die of fullness turned over the cards. As expected, Tang Feng and the suit man in the next house had the same points as the dealer, and were defeated by the dealer. Duan Lei surpassed the dealer and earned 10,000.

In the following games, Tang Feng took advantage of the floating mechanical beast to see the dealer's bottom cards and the bottom cards in the dealer's hand, and won two games against the dealer. As for the others, they were all defeated by the dealer.

"Fifty thousand" Tang Feng pushed out five chips of 10,000 and increased the chips.

After losing several games in a row, Duan Lei was already a little impatient. Seeing Tang Feng increase the chips, he also increased the chips and directly threw out six chips of 10,000.

This time, the first person to take the card was Duan Lei.

After seeing his bottom cards, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing. This guy's luck seemed to be really bad. He got a seven of spades in the first card. This number, except for six points, was the most painful. It was more painful to take it than not to have it.

"I want a card." Duan Lei gritted his teeth and chose to ask for a card. Then, the dealer put a seven of diamonds in front of him.

Looking at Duan Lei's bitter face, Tang Feng almost couldn't help laughing out loud. This guy's luck is really bad.

When the man in the suit asked for a card, he took a look at his bottom card, which was a club jack.

The man in the suit asked for a card and then stopped playing.

"I want a card." He snapped his fingers at the dealer.

As expected, the second card was a club k. He asked for a card, and the third card was a red heart ace. He continued to ask for a card, and the third card was a spade q. At this time, he paused for a moment.

"What's there to hesitate about? Keep asking. This last card is guaranteed to be a small card." Seeing that he paused, the Hebei man thought he hesitated and shouted at the top of his voice.

Looking at this middle-aged man with a rich expression, Tang Feng smiled and looked at the dealer's hand.

"I want a card"

When the dealer put the card in front of him, the Hebei man opened his mouth and then shut it up obediently. It was the Eight of Hearts.

"Haha, little Hebei, I told you to talk too much. Now pay it back. You've fed me to death." The man in the suit grinned and laughed wildly.

Duan Lei, who was full of regret, looked much better after seeing the Eight of Hearts. There was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

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