Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 239: Slap in the face

For the local police in Pingyang, especially the police in the police stations below, everyone is used to seeing the nature of these people who say human words but do not do human things. Tang Feng has no illusions about them at all.

It's better for these police to leave. Otherwise, if they stay here, they will not only not help them, but will become accomplices of the hooligans on the opposite side. If he really fights with these hooligans, in the end, the person who will be arrested will not be these hooligans who are making trouble, but him.

"If you want 50% of the shares of my winery, then let him come over. Otherwise, forget it." He still squinted his eyes and said indifferently.

He naturally would not take out the shares of the winery. The reason why he said that was nothing more than wanting to meet this black tooth and see what this guy looks like and dare to pay attention to him.

Scarface thought that Tang Feng had given up. He smiled sinisterly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

Zhao Lei stood at the side, his face full of disappointment. He had thought that his young boss could solve this trouble, but who would have thought that he would actually give in.

He couldn't imagine what a bad situation this originally well-organized winery would become after giving 50% of the shares of the winery to a gangster. At that time, gangsters would run all over the winery. Even if this winery could make good wine, it would not be able to grow bigger and stronger.

At the gate, Qiao Jiaojiao, who was watching there, came up and stood beside Tang Feng.

"Are you used to sleeping here at night? Did you have insomnia last night?" Looking at the delicate little woman beside him, Tang Feng asked softly.

Qiao Jiaojiao smiled and shook her head, but when she saw the gangsters in front of her, her smile disappeared instantly, and she became worried again.

"By the way, my parents have moved to the city. If you have free time, don't forget to go over and sit more often. Wait, I'll tell you the address." Tang Feng remembered something, lowered his voice, and whispered to Qiao Jiaojiao.

It's already this time, and you're still talking about this. Looking at the little man in front of her, Qiao Jiaojiao was anxious.

"The girl is pretty, isn't she? Sister, go drink with your brother tonight, I guarantee you'll have fun." After the scarred man made a phone call, his eyes shifted over and saw Qiao Jiaojiao. He swallowed his saliva and said to Qiao Jiaojiao with a lewd smile.

As soon as he said this, he saw Tang Feng's cold eyes looking at him, but he didn't take it to heart. He still smiled lewdly and looked at Qiao Jiaojiao provocatively.

If this scarred man provoked him, Tang Feng might have endured it, but this guy provoked Qiao Jiaojiao without knowing the consequences, how could Tang Feng endure it?

At that time, those people injured Qiao Jiaojiao and caused her miscarriage. That night, he used the most cruel means to deprive those people of their lives, because in his heart, Qiao Jiaojiao was his forbidden fruit, and no one could touch her except him.

At this time, Scarface was still whistling at Qiao Jiaojiao.

Unfortunately, his lewd smile did not last long, a strong hand came out and pinched his neck, and then he was lifted up from the ground.

The hand was like an iron clamp, tightly pinching his neck. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free. In his wide eyes, he saw that cold face.

His legs fluttered, and his two hands desperately tried to pry the hand pinching his neck, but he found that he was like a child, and that little effort was particularly pale and powerless. A strong sense of suffocation came, and he finally panicked.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, and they opened their eyes wide, watching the strange scene in front of them.

The scarred man, who weighed more than 180 kilograms, was lifted up by Tang Feng with one hand, and struggled desperately in the air, but to no avail.

Standing behind Tang Feng, Zhao Lei, who was full of disappointment, couldn't help but gasp, looking at his boss's arm that didn't tremble at all, he was shocked.

His boss weighed only 130 or 140 kilograms, while the scarred man weighed at least 160 or 170 kilograms. The boss only pinched the scarred man's neck with one hand and lifted him up. During the whole process, his arm didn't tremble at all. How much strength does it take.

"You want to take the shares of my winery unscrupulously, I can tolerate it, you talk nonsense to me, I can tolerate it, but you should never, ever, be frivolous to her." Tang Feng's voice was so cold that it was scary, and every word made people feel cold.

As everyone was watching, he swung out with the back of his right hand, hitting Scarface's face several times in a row.

These seemingly light slaps made Scarface's mouth spurt blood, and even knocked out all his teeth.

When Tang Feng threw Scarface to the ground, Scarface was lying there like a dead pig, with his bloody mouth open, gasping for air, and no teeth could be seen in his big mouth.

Those dumbfounded thugs finally reacted and rushed over with a howl.

Tang Feng, with a cold face, pulled Scarface up from the ground, then lifted him above his head and smashed him hard at the thugs.

The thugs who rushed to the front had no time to dodge, and were hit by Scarface's 170-80 kg body, and they lay down with their heads tilted back. At this moment, the scene was completely chaotic.

These hooligans, although they usually do evil, are bullies who only bully the weak and fear the strong. Now that they see Tang Feng, who is strong and afraid of people, they are completely guilty. They stop one by one and look at Tang Feng from a distance. No one dares to rush forward.

Tang Feng stood there alone, glanced at these hooligans who looked fierce but were actually weak, and snorted coldly.

"Go back and tell Heiya that I'm waiting for him at the winery. If he has the guts, come here to find me. If not, just hide and be my grandson."

The hooligans looked at each other, and finally, a few of them went up to lift Scarface up, stuffed him into the car, and left in disgrace.

After the cars at the door left, Zhao Lei came up.

"Boss, what should we do next? That Black Tooth obviously knows someone from the police station. If they come to make trouble again, I'm afraid it will be useless for us to call the police."

"Hmph, they are just some hooligans. If they still want to make trouble, I will help them." Tang Feng snorted disdainfully, then turned and walked into the winery.

Watching his leaving back, Zhao Lei smiled bitterly, and finally, he could only greet the employees in the factory and return to the winery. Soon, the noisy winery gate became quiet again.

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