Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 245: Prepare for a rainy day

Although Heiya is a big gangster in Dongcheng District, with nearly a hundred subordinates, he is not as good as Liu Siyuan.

Maybe Liu Siyuan has retired, but he has made a lot of money in business over the years, and he still has a group of brave and hardworking friends under him. With these ruthless characters, Heiya can be eaten to the bone.

"Calling you, at most, I will beat Heiya, which is a temporary solution, but not a fundamental solution. It is better to make a big fuss about this matter and make him and those scums in the police station completely finished, which can be regarded as a permanent solution." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Liu Siyuan was speechless for a while. This guy looks easy-going on weekdays, but the kind of ruthlessness in his bones is incomparable to those people who have been in the underworld like himself.

"Since you are back, the matter should be completely resolved, right?" Liu Siyuan looked at Tang Feng and asked casually.

"The Criminal Police Brigade of the Municipal Police Bureau has taken control of the Dongcheng District Police Station. From Li Dapeng to the police officers below, they have arrested everyone. Heiya and his confidants have also been arrested. Now, they are being interrogated. I think there will be results soon." Tang Feng nodded and said with a smile.

Hiss, Liu Siyuan took a breath of cold air and looked at Tang Feng, completely speechless. This guy actually arrested the entire Dongcheng District Police Station. This move is too cruel.

"Li Dapeng abused his power for personal gain and colluded with Heiya to do illegal activities. He also wanted to kill people in the police station to silence them. With these two charges, he can spend the rest of his life in prison. As for Heiya, I don't plan to let him out of prison again." When Tang Feng said the last sentence, his voice suddenly became cold.

Liu Siyuan stood there, watching him silently, with a lot of emotion in his heart. Once, the young man who rode a broken electric bike to sell his own fish had grown to where he is today in just a short time. He could easily decide the life and death of two famous figures in Dongcheng District.

"Brother Liu, these little hooligans should be educated and released." Tang Feng said casually after sweeping the little hooligans kneeling on the ground.

Arriving at Qiao Jiaojiao's dormitory, Qiao Jiaojiao went to make tea. She naturally didn't drink tea. Logically, she wouldn't buy bad tea, but Zhao Lei was a smart man. He knew that Tang Feng would come to her after he came to the winery. When buying home appliances, he also prepared all the tea sets.

"You are so good, hiding a beautiful woman in the winery." Looking at Qiao Jiaojiao's back, Liu Siyuan came over and said to Tang Feng with a sly smile.

Tang Feng lazily leaned on the sofa, his eyes also looked at the graceful and moving back, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a smug smile.

"Why, are you envious? Hehe."

"Yes, I do envy you a little bit. You are free and can do whatever you want. I can't do that. I am married and have children. I have to consider my wife and children first when doing anything." Liu Siyuan said with a faint smile.

Although he said that he envied, Tang Feng could read a touch of tranquility and happiness from his words and demeanor. Obviously, this man loved his wife and son very much. Tang Feng was very curious about what kind of woman could tame this wild horse.

"I said, that Chen Yan left, don't you plan to find a girlfriend? You are not young anymore, it's time to start a family." Liu Siyuan then changed the topic to Tang Feng's marriage.

Speaking of finding a girlfriend to get married, Yang Chan's figure suddenly appeared in Tang Feng's heart. That figure was particularly clear, just like a real Yang Chan, existing in his heart, quietly watching him there.

It seems that when Yang Chan used the power of marriage to project the projection of the earthly immortal onto the earth, he and Yang Chan had an inseparable connection in the dark, and most of his heart was occupied by Yang Chan's shadow.

"I think my life is pretty good now, and I don't plan to get married in such a hurry." Putting aside all those thoughts, he smiled indifferently and said.

Not to mention that Yang Chan's shadow occupied his heart, just talking about his current life, he enjoys it very much. He is alone and has no ties of marriage. He can be with whoever he wants, and no one can control him if he has a beautiful woman outside.

"That's right, if you have a girlfriend or a wife, you can't be wild anymore. You are still young and rich now. Take advantage of this great time. It would be a pity if you don't have a good time." Liu Siyuan thought for a while and said with a smile.

"I'm here to talk to you about another matter today, the purchase of food materials from Qingyuan Villa."

Tang Feng didn't speak immediately when he mentioned the purchase of food materials from Qingyuan Villa, because he was also thinking about this issue now.

In his plan, after Liu Siyuan transferred Qingyuan Villa to Zhu Wenxiao, he would stop supplying food materials to Qingyuan Villa, but the next question was, where should the food materials produced by the farm go?

The fish and lotus roots in the pond are easy to say, they can be left there first, but the vegetables in the vegetable garden are harvested every five days, even if they are placed in a cold storage, they can't be kept for too long, and we can't just watch these top-quality vegetables rot.

"If we want to build a resort, we must stop supplying food materials to Qingyuan Villa. This is what we must do, no matter how big the loss is. I will stop cooperating with Qingyuan Villa in the next few days." After thinking for a while, he said.

"But the question is, after the cooperation with Qingyuan Villa is terminated, what should I do with the vegetables produced on your farm? Do you want to watch them all rot? That is simply committing evil." Thinking of the top quality All the vegetables were rotten in the ground, and Liu Siyuan's heart was bleeding.

Yes, we can't let all those delicious foods rot in the ground, but it will take a lot of time to build the resort. During this time, where should these vegetables be sent!

Tang Feng pondered in his mind, otherwise, I might as well open a vegetable shop in the city!

"Brother Liu, tell me, if I open a vegetable shop in the city to sell ingredients produced on my farm, will anyone buy the ingredients at a high price?" After this idea appeared, he raised his head and looked at Liu Siyuan, meaningfully. asked.

Liu Siyuan was stunned for a moment, and soon his eyes lit up, and then an exaggerated smile appeared on his face.

"What a great idea, what a great idea. I can guarantee that once your vegetable store is opened, it will definitely become the most profitable store in the entire Pingyang City."

The vegetables Tang Feng grew and the fish and lotus roots he raised have already conquered the powerful people in Pingyang circles. Liu Siyuan could imagine how popular the business would be when Tang Feng's vegetable shop opened.

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